Summary of the Issue
According to Ariel Edwards-Leve’s analysis, CNN, entitled As Polarization Gets More Complicated in the United States, implies that the increasing partisanship in the United States is making it complicated to poll Americans. This article explicitly emphasizes the hugely differing views on a wide range of themes, from the beautiful details of the economic system down to someone’s individual political views, providing arduous challenges to pollsters looking for accurate results. Edwards-Levy expounds that this group behavior appears most often in the legislative chamber annually, where legislators’ party affiliation determines their position on a matter(Edwards-Levy, 2022). The spread of polarization that became the distinctive feature of American political debate caused immense barriers to connecting with others. The resulting chain of thought led to a lull in developing bipartisan ways for resolving pertinent societal issues.
Personal Opinion
In my view, however, that comes as a result of careful deliberation; I feel that partisan politics in the United States Congress instead has resulted in the moment when common sense is completely buried under partisan politics. The traditionally rooted polarization in the modern political plane brings about the situation where ideological differences are regularly prioritized instead of the country’s practicality and general health. This long-term commitment to party principles is the most formidable wall that prevents them from holding constructive dialogues and engaging in collaborative efforts. Efforts to resolve the problems at the nation’s doorstep need to be improved. Acute problems such as economic policy are getting involved in the morass of partisan strife, leading to a growing breach of inter-societal rifts and a breakdown of public confidence in the political system. The imbalance in partisanship leads to a vicious cycle in which opponents on opposite ends of the ideological spectrum become increasingly entrenched in respective dogmas, with the outcome – mutual perception of compromise and consensus as impossible missions. Their unquestioning loyalty to party lines will not only curtain innovation and progress but also keep a legislative situation in perpetual gridlock. Therefore, the public bodies cannot carry out meaningful reforms of all obligations or tackle emerging problems. The fundamental functions of government become fatigued, making the issues of critical importance unresolved and the constituents disenfranchised.
I have realized that the caustic manifestations of partisan polarization do not only stop within the political arena; they further seep into various domains of society and obstruct societal harmony. While the political declarations become more and more violently sharp and fragmented, this creates a culture of aversion and distrust among the citizens, ultimately leading to social fragmentation and eroding the principles of democracy. Low mutual respect and civility during public discourse not only undermines the trust of democratic institutions but also poses a significant threat to civil society. My view on the above observations warrants that effortless work in partisan polarization mitigation is imperative. The standard front can be restored within the Congress(Edwards-Levy, 2022). There has to be a change in the old ideological narrow-mindedness of the government officials and a new approach to the entangled dialogue among the elected representatives. Beyond the bitterness of partisanship, the only way a lawmaker can respond to the multidimensional problems is to truly get outside the partisan divide and contribute to democratic governance. We, as citizens, must challenge our representatives and expect a higher level of skill in the politics of compromise, collaboration, and the public good. With this, we can cross the pathways of partisanship and put trust in bipartisan cooperation, for we can point the arrows toward an inclusive, equitable, and bright future for years to come.
In conclusion, Ariel Edwards-Levy’s extensive and deep analysis is an excellent example of how politics is a crucial feature that needs to be improved in the current atmosphere of growing partisanship in American politics. This is when the partisan boundaries, rather than closing unabatedly, appear to be expanding ever so further. The once-propitious bipartisan spirit that once was the key to Congress’s work now seems to be further away rather than closer. The Congress’ capacity to govern the nation properly, legislate responsibly, and act on the unremitting concern and anxiety of the people is, in no uncertain terms, unacceptably endangered.
Edwards-Levy, A. (2022, June 25). How partisanship is making polling Americans more complicated. CNN; CNN.