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History Essays

That Cloud of Smoke Is Not a Mirage

The document in question is a 2022 New York Times article by John Ortved titled “That Cloud of Smoke Is Not a Mirage,” which serves as a valuable primary source for understanding the competitive and aggressive advertising tactics utilized by significant cigarette companies in 1980s America. It also provides insight into the larger social context ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1026

Ripples of Ingenuity: Unveiling the Radio Wave Revolution

Radio waves are among the few elements in the enormous tapestry of scientific history that have significantly impacted our communication and technology environment. “Ripples of Ingenuity: Unveiling the Radio Wave Revolution” is a documentary that aims to uncover the history of radio waves and explain how they have significantly influenced the fields of communication and ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1437
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Becoming American in Creole New Orleans, 1896–1949

Part 1: Author “Becoming American in Creole New Orleans, 1896–1949” is an extensive book by Darryl Barthé published in 2021 that analyzes the historical assimilation of race and ethnicity in the United States using the Creole community of New Orleans, Louisiana. Darryl Barthé is a professor of history who studied for his undergraduate bachelor’s and ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2446

Voices in the American Yawp

Introduction It is clеar from reading Thе Amеrіcan Yawp’s sеction on Indіgеnous America that thе selected authors actіvеly opposed thе dominant Eurocentric narratіves of thеir еra in addіtіon to actіng as hіstorіcal wіtnesses. Through an іntіmate еngagement wіth the primary source, rеadеrs are еncouragеd to go beyond traditіonal historical framеworks to explorе thе complexitіes of ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1497

U.S. History to Reconstruction

The United States has come a long way as a country, and the needs and worldviews of Americans have changed or advanced all through the distinctive verifiable periods depending on the winning circumstances. The Revolutionary/Early Republic period (1763-1815) and the antebellum period (1815-1860) are two essential periods in America’s history, and students of history accept ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1450

The Role of Nationalism in Fostering Global Conflict in History

Nationalism fueled tensions between nations, leading to a chain reaction of events that eventually resulted in the global conflict that ended peace (Kotkin,2022). The rise of nationalist movements, the impact of imperialist ambitions, and the role of nationalistic propaganda triggered the First World. The outbreak of the First World War was the rise of nationalist ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 678

A Rhetorical Analysis of George W. Bush’s 9/11 Address to the Nation

The ones behind the September 11 attack changed America’s psyche and history. It happened one of those days in September when Bush spoke of terrorists’ attack against the W.T.C. and Pentagon. He strove to write a phrase of immortality that would unite people and soothe the frightened one. This resulted in the stunning power of ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1139

The Westernization of Meiji Japan: Effects on Men’s Clothing

Japan had existed for centuries, closed from the world, all credited to its military leadership, Tokugawa Shogunate, which had been in charge of the country since the early 1600s. The military leadership left the Japanese Emperor without control over its affairs. Western ships continually interacted with China as the country maintained isolation, frequently asking for ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1232

Historical Events in Public Health

Overview of the Historical Event One key historical event in public health that altered the course of a given discipline was 1946 when the Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) was established. This organization was initially known as the Communicable Disease Center; it realized its formation after World War II due to an ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 687

Era of Fashion: Social and Economic Factors Influencing Fashion During 1950–1959

A closer look at the historical development of fashion industry between the period of 1950-1959 reveals economic and social factors that had a profound influence on industry. This period was marked by the world’s recovery from World War II. As the nations tried to rebuild itself, the social and economic landscape undergone significant transformation that ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1707

The Guns of Gotham.

The historical book” The Guns of Gotham “ by Timothy Gilfoyle discusses violence and crime in New York City (Gilfoyle). To the book, the second half of the 19th century was an era of “gun” whereby it was the time when strangers had deeply invaded New York City. As such, the author uncovers firearms domination during ... Read More
Pages: 2       Words: 525

The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade

One of the darkest periods in human history, the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade was a massive endeavour that permanently changed the paths of societies and impacted the fates of entire continents. Africa was both the core of exploitation and the testing ground for resiliency between 1500 and 1850, when millions of Africans were forcefully removed from ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1532

A Comparative Analysis of Unveiling Gender in Etruscan Burial Evidence

Introduction One of archaeology’s most interesting areas of study is the social construction of gender in ancient Etruria. This central Italian civilization initially appeared in the 8th century BC and survived through the 3rd century BC (Gianni, 2014). This age, which falls between the Archaic and the Iron Age, is an excellent glimpse into the ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2734

How Successful Was Alexander the Great?

Introduction Inheriting an already powerful empire of Macedonia in 336, Alexander the Great ruled to become one of the most famous conquerors, and his reign became a turning point in Europe and Asia.[1] The Macedonian empire was strong and had a kinship system that was already powerful, where the King was the final judge and had ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1017
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