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Relationship Is the Greatest Factor for Happiness in Life, Especially During the Pandemic

Relationship refers to how two or more people are connected, or the state of being connected. Family ties, friendships, acquaintanceships, and romantic partnerships are the four main forms of relationships. Happiness refers to a state of well-being in an individual, which is characterized by living a decent life with a sense of deep satisfaction. Feelings and emotions are the building blocks of happiness. Moment-happiness is the intensity of emotion at a specific point in time. Total happiness is the sum of moment-to-moment happiness over a set length of time. Coronavirus has wreaked havoc on individuals all over the globe. Isolation, contact restrictions, and economic closure are all factors that have a major effect on the psychological environment of individuals that have been affected. These policies have the potential to harm the mental health of people in significant ways. A person’s social life is made up of many relationships with others, such as family, friends, community members, and strangers. It can be determined by the number and quality of in-person and online social interactions they have regularly. A person’s marital status, genetic makeup, living circumstances, relationships, social ties, and interactions with their neighbors are all significant predictors of happiness (Greco and Mirta 8). Satisfying relationships make people happy through greater sense of purpose, emotional support, and better health by reduction of stress, especially during pandemics.

Relationships contribute to a greater sense of purpose which leads to the attainment of set objectives hence life satisfaction. A strong and distinct link exists between a sense of purpose and excellent financial outcomes (Hill et al., 38-42). Many people, for example, want to feel as if they are making the world a better place by assisting others such as physicians attending to COVID-19 patients. Being in any type of relationship can give an individual a sense of direction in life. Complimenting and encouraging each other is equally as important. It’s not simply motivating to have a supportive boyfriend or girlfriend. It inspires people to follow their passions or ambitions no matter how difficult they may be. When a partner believes in them, they feel more confident in their abilities, and the drive to impress him or her fuels them to work even more. One is more encouraged to work toward their personal goals. This makes individuals constantly strive to be better versions of themselves. Furthermore, spending time with individuals who value them can make them feel better about themselves. When a partner or best friend shows that they love someone for who they are, it may be both affirming and energizing. It is fantastic to have a close friend or partner for support and to share the good times with. The everyday gratification of modest life pleasures, such as maintaining social ties and developing and accomplishing goals, leads to life satisfaction.

Having a relationship means having someone to lean on for emotional support. When someone is depressed or emotionally low, their spouse provides them with all of the emotional comfort and support they require at the time. It happens because when one is in a relationship with someone, it’s natural for them to become emotionally attached to that person. Communication of emotional support appears to be a necessary component of any successful partnership (Weber et al., 316). This emotional comfort and rapport is a healing balm when someone is battling emotional wars. For example, feeling loved and supported by someone when one is having a hard time, such as losing a job during the pandemic, is a terrific mental health enhancer, even if the individual is not physically there. Sharing a problem with a friend always reduces and relieves the pressure on someone. A problem shared is a problem half solved. Additionally, a follow-up conversation shows care and concern. It’s a powerful tool for cultivating happy emotions and strengthening bonds (Niederkrotenthaler et al. 694). This method of communicating can assist people in feeling more understood. It also promotes a perception that discussion partners are more socially appealing, increasing satisfaction with social interactions (Seligman and Weller 2). People in relationships help comfort each other through difficulties. One of the best things about being in a healthy relationship is having someone supportive. People are sociable creatures by nature. So, whether someone wants to share good news or vent their frustrations, people feel supported when they believe someone is there to listen or offer wise counsel. Active constructive responding, or paying attention and responding positively, is a very powerful technique to ethically assist others. Trying to comprehend the other person’s point of view and getting to a mutual understanding demonstrates support, care, and respect. Happiness is a state of well-being that taps into the majority of people’s genuine desires, including relationships and all the behaviors that assist people in good and bad times. This, however, is contingent on cooperation. Long-term happiness is thought to be increasing as people recognize that their well-being is linked to their surroundings. This is an instance where people can rely on one another in unpleasant situations, leading them to believe that there is a place for everyone. Having someone to talk to often lessens the burden and may cheer someone up as they feel loved and supported.

Challenges are less likely to stress those who have solid and healthy relationships (Karney et al., 33-39). The mental and emotional well-being of humans is dependent on the interactions we make with others. For instance, someone who has a sick or lost a relative to the Coronavirus may be better equipped to deal with the agony that comes with due to emotional support from a partner. The expression of personal feelings aids in the alleviation of stress and sadness. In terms of physiology, the lack of a social support system is a source of chronic stress. It is intrinsically more gratifying to connect with others. People who are regularly socially isolated are more likely to experience significant levels of stress and inflammation. As a result, the health of almost every physical system, including the brain, is at risk. When people are lonely, their stress hormone cortisol levels rise, and this form of chronic stress increases the risk of heart disease and other health problems. A weak relationship causes despair, which may sound cynical, as well as rage, which is the polar opposite of happiness, causing people to develop sadness. Sadness in people’s surroundings and activities catalyzes disputes in encounters, robbing them of their delight. Happiness is derived from a person’s surrounds as well as the niche in which they live. That is, it is sustainable if it has characteristics that allow for a positive mental shift as well as the development of a positive attitude and interest in life. It develops as a result of people’s habits and how they interact with their surroundings. Many people chat amongst themselves as part of their regular routines. Being in a devoted affair is associated with the production of cortisol, a stress hormone. This demonstrates that individuals in relationships are less susceptible to psychological tension and that the emotional and social support that comes with having a companion can be a huge stress reducer.


Humans are ultra-social species. According to psychology, being social is part of human nature’s default state. People have a natural desire to develop and sustain strong, secure interpersonal bonds. People must learn to be cheerful despite the problems they face daily. Other individuals, in the end, play a critical part in happiness, especially during difficult times like the pandemic period. Happiness is a necessary tangible possession for a secure life. Satisfying relationships make people happy through greater sense of purpose, emotional support, and better health by reduction of stress, especially during pandemics.

Works Cited

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