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Medicine & Health Essays

MCOs and ACOs: Impact Analysis

Over time, healthcare delivery has experienced substantial changes, with the rise of notable models such as Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) and Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs). With their unique histories, patient populations served, and financial models, MCOs and ACOs have radically changed the healthcare landscape; they have also brought attention to the complex relationship that exists ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1325

Comprehensive Exploration of the Current Trends in Treatment and Technological Advancements in Major Depressive Disorder

Introduction Background Research on mental health is fundamental in the study, diagnosis, and treatment of different mental disorders. It fosters knowledge, informs interventions, and boosts people’s overall health. Given the growing significance of mental health on total health, social interactions, and overall living conditions, it is crucial to undertake a research inquiry into this field. ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1134
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Health Issue and Advocacy

Introduction Nurses play a critical role in ensuring the safety of the public within the healthcare setting. They can identify a health issue affecting the population and advocate measures and strategies to curb the issue. They are equipped with specific health skills to easily identify any health issue affecting the public. There are underlying health ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 864

Enhancing Type 2 Diabetes Care: Interventions & Outcomes (PICOT)

Healthcare has a lot of trouble taking care of older people with Type 2 diabetes. We need practical steps to get the best control of blood sugar and lower the risk of complications. If older people with Type 2 diabetes do a structured exercise program for six months, how does their glycemic control change over ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1219

Implementing Telehealth Services To Improve Access to Mental Health Care in Underserved Communities

Problem and Focus of the Change Proposal The problem at the forefront of this capstone project is the pervasive lack of access to mental health care services in underserved communities. The barriers include the geographical and cultural divide and span broad socioeconomic lines necessary for one to access healthcare. In these societies, the mentality of ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1628

Enhancing Professional Development Through Reflective Practice in Health and Social Care

In the ever-evolving landscape of health and social care, the pursuit of professional development is imperative for practitioners. This paper starts a hard self-assessment in health and social care situations. It looks closely at how learning ideas relate to using reflection methods by professionals. Developing our skills and teaching constantly helps us give the best ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2690

Alcohol vs Drugs: How They Are Made and Their Effects on People

Throughout history, it has always been easy to get booze and illegal drugs. People use all of these drugs for different reasons, including social, recreational, and healing ones. People have used both booze and opioids in the past, but they are made in different ways and affect different people in different ways. There will also ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1125

Restraint Use With Older Adults

One challenging and debatable area of concern in gerontological nursing is the application of restraints during care services for aged patients. While the primary aim of installation restraints may be to ensure patient safety, thorough deliberation on ethical and practical aspects surrounding their use is necessary. However, the moral dilemma is achieving a fair compromise ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1817

IOM and NAM Report on Healthcare Policy

Comparison of IOM and NAM Reports: IOM and NAM reports provide views on nursing’s future. The IOM’s report in 2010 called for an 80% requirement of baccalaureate nurses by the year, showing emphasis on education (IOM Report). The NAM report develops this narrative further, highlighting social aspects of healthcare and nurse wellness. For instance, although ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 690

Application of Statistics in Health Care

Statistics are essential in the healthcare industry because they support evidence-based decision-making, better patient outcomes, improve treatment delivery, and raise the standard of hospitals (Fowler et al., 2021). Statistical competency is necessary for healthcare practitioners to enhance their ability to understand research results and apply them to practice and more research. A growing amount of evidence forces ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 987

Week 8 Discussion: Comparing and Contrasting Pharmacologic Options for the Treatment of Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is the most prevalent anxiety disorder seen in primary care, affecting about 4%-7% of US adults (DeMartini et al., 2019). This condition is linked to a lower health-related quality of life and reduced global life satisfaction. GAD affects patients physically and psychologically, negatively impacting their relationships, work, and other commitments. It ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1180

Community-Based Diabetes Management Program: Enhancing Health Outcomes

Healthcare programs are instrumental in improving the quality of life, preventing diseases, and managing chronic complications. In the capacity of a nurse, my role is not limited to bedside nursing but encompasses active involvement in health care programming. For this interview, I will address one of the healthcare programs related to my practice that is ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1119

Eating Disorder and How Technology Contributes to It

Bulimia Nervosa This is an eating disorder that involves binge eating and immediately purging. It is defined as consuming much more food than usual in a very short period, which can be less than two hours, and experiencing a lack of control during an episode. The purge can also appear in the form of self-induced ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 728

Address a Patient Safety Issue

Patient safety continues to be a paramount issue in healthcare institutions across the globe, as it carries the risk of avoidable patient fatalities and injury. Progress has been made to enhance patient safety and the standard of care since the Institute of Medicine’s influential report, ‘To Err Is Human,’ was published in 1999 (Johnson et ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1589

Interdisciplinary Approach to Patient Care in Addiction Treatment

Addiction is a health issue that contributes to mental health challenges and the burden of care for individuals, communities and governments. According to the American Society of Addiction Medicine (2019), addiction is a treatable, chronic ailment entailing complex interactions between cognitive circuits, environment, genetics and the person’s life experiences. Addictions make the victims adopt compulsive ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1753
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