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COVID-19 Essays

Critique Essay: Mental Health Should Be Part of the Curriculum, Say Experts

Introduction The article “Mental health should be part of the curriculum, say experts” by Adina Bresge came out on August 23, 2021. In this article, Bresge (2021) says that mental health education should be taught in the classroom. The author claims that psychological health literacy should prioritize three key goals: developing emotional literacy, reducing stigma, ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 727

The Organisational Behavioural Issue of Employee Retention in the Hospitality Industry During COVID-19

Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically affected the hospitality industry, leading to widespread closures, job losses, and working challenges that have significantly impacted employee behaviour, specifically, their decision to stay at their current jobs. According to Elshaer and Azazz (2021), during the pandemic, many employees in the hospitality industry also had to deal with the ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2846
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Impact of COVID-19 on the Knox County, Indiana Community

Introduction and statement of purpose Understanding a community’s demographics and structures is essential in designing and formulating effective community health measures. This work provides an in-depth analysis of the community health issue of COVID-19 in Knox County, Indiana. The work will focus on the health status of the community, including the major causes of death, ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2136

Relation Between COVID-19 and Increased Use of Computers at Home

Introduction The Covid-19 pandemic has impacted nearly every aspect of society, including technology and computing. With the widespread implementation of lockdowns and social distancing measures, there has been a rapid shift toward digital solutions for work, communication, entertainment, and commerce (Abu Talib et al., 2021). The pandemic has also exposed vulnerabilities in technology infrastructure and ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1199

Health Promotion in Nigeria

Task 1: Health Promotion Policy in Nigeria Health promotion is a broad term defined differently over the years. For this report, health promotion is any planned combination of regulatory, educational, political, organisational and community supports for conditions and actions of living which contribute to the health and well-being of individuals, groups and an entire community ... Read More
Pages: 17       Words: 4616

The Debt Crisis and Impacts of COVID 19

A debt crisis is when a country or individual has accumulated so much debt that it cannot pay it back. This can lead to economic instability, high-interest rates, and even default. In some cases, the debt crisis can be so severe that it leads to a financial collapse. Governments and individuals can find themselves in ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3777

Katharine Kolcaba′s Comfort Theory

The Background Theory Description Katherine Kalcaba is one of the most influential theorists in nursing. On December 28, 1944, she was born in Cleveland, Ohio, United States of America. Kolcaba is a retired associate professor at the University of Akron’s College of Nursing. She has provided national and international consulting services to the College of ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 1977

Nursing Shortage in the US

Purpose The nursing shortage is an important issue that many states should consider, as the rate is alarming. For example, in the United States, the nursing shortage is fueled by an increased aging population and employee burnout among many. There has been an existing gap between the supply of registered nurses and the demand, as ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1077

Ethical Implications and Sustainable Leadership in the Post-Pandemic Environment

The ethical implications and impacts of business objectives and sustainable Leadership have become increasingly important in today’s business environment. As society becomes more conscious of the impact of business on the environment and society, companies are under increasing pressure to adopt sustainable and ethical practices (Carroll, 1991). Business objectives, such as increasing profitability or expanding ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3591

The Effect of the COVID-19 Outbreak on Maternal and Neonatal Health

Abstract The Covid-19 epidemic directly affects reproductive and postnatal health through illness but also indirectly affects reproduction and perinatal healthcare via changes in healthcare delivery, socialist programs, and socioeconomic situations. COVID-19’s direct and indirect effects on maternity care are inextricably linked. To examine this critical subject, the scope of this research has been limited. Pregnant ... Read More
Pages: 17       Words: 4493

Covid-19: Lack of Healthcare Resources During and After

Introduction There has been a strain on healthcare resources during and after Covid-19. The number of hospital patients is unprecedented, and healthcare professionals are experiencing unusual stress and anxiety levels. Therefore, to provide care for COVID-19 patients, healthcare systems have been forced to reduce elective procedures and surgeries drastically. Many healthcare workers are physically and ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1106

Utilitarianism: What Value Does Technology Provide to Life?

The answer ‘yes’ and, no ‘ cannot merely ascertain the value of technology without solid backing for either answer. This acknowledgement is the basis of seeking the truth while expounding on the current technological advances and how they have influenced life in one way or the other. Thus, this analysis shall b positioned on the ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 845

The Internet of Things (IoT)

Introduction Technology has become vital in maintaining effective organizational operations in every firm. Many organizations have adopted the Internet of Things (IoT) to enhance communication between various devices and the cloud. The technology is among the essential technologies used in the twenty-first century. IoT has an interesting development history, and it has impacted how people ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1425

The Impact of COVID-19 on Human Resource Management

The emergence and spread of COVID- 19 pandemic impacted human resource management and working practices differently, for example, remote working has now become a norm, and other working methods have become flexible (Butterick & Charlwood, 2021). During the pandemic, workers could enhance and secure paid sick leave, safety measures, and work share arrangements that saved ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1262

Term Paper on COVID-19

Introduction In the past, the healthcare sector has witnessed shocking global pandemics, including cholera, bubonic plague, Spanish, and smallpox, which caused that have caused massive deaths. The centers for disease control estimates that the 1918 Spanish flu infected 500 million people, killing 50 million people globally (Aassve et al., 2021). In 2020, the healthcare sector was ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1220
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