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COVID-19 Essays

Impact of COVID-19 on the Hospitality Industry

The hospitality industry is one of the economy’s leading sectors that offers customers services. The industry depends mainly on tourism and visitation, and the sudden outbreak of COVID-19 posed a detrimental effect on the hospitality industry. This paper will highlight the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on hotels, restaurants, bars, and events and how this ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2245

How COVID-19 Affected American Families

Introduction It has been a little over a year since the Covid-19 pandemic first hit the United States, and the effects have been far-reaching. American families have been affected in various ways, from job loss to homeschooling to increased stress levels (Patrick et al., 2020). This essay provides a general look at some of the ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 748
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Work/Family Conflicts During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Abstract We conducted a literature review to analyze the sources of work and family conflicts during the COVID-19 pandemic. Then, we investigated these conflicts’ effects on children’s mental health and academic progress during their remote learning encounters. We discovered that the COVID-19 pandemic led to the closure of most schools and employment organizations. Consequently, most ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2480

Execution of HR Activities During COVID-19

Impacts of Covid-19 Unprecedented damage from the coronavirus has already been done, but the worst is still to come. Companies must take action immediately if they want to recover profitably in the post-Corona economy. Directors worldwide face huge corporate problems besides the severe health and humanitarian disaster brought on by the coronavirus pandemic: the breakdown of ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1515

Education During COVID-19

Covid-19, as a global pandemic, had several effects on different fields. Each sector felt positive or negative effects, while some got both negative and positive effects. The health, production, and education sectors were not left out. In education, many positive effects of Covid 19 were recorded and appreciated. In most instances, the adverse effects are ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1237

COVID-19 Vaccinations and Masks

The outbreak of Covid-19 has posed a significant challenge to healthcare systems all over the world. Hospitals are finding it difficult to keep up with an increase in patients, and the mortality toll is growing. Finding out what must be done in this situation to combat Covid 19 properly is crucial. There is a lot ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2394

Challenges That a Global Pandemic Such As COVID-19 Present to International Relations

International relation is a positivist inquiry of the global world, including the forces and relations shaping the international context. The leading perspective of international relations is the common behaviors among nations, including trade volumes, commercial behavior, state-to-state relations, and interaction of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and multinational corporations (MNCs). Given the critical role of the international ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3528

A Reflection on Zizek’s Pandemic! Chronicles of a Time Lost

The COVID-19 pandemic surprised the world when it started spreading as spontaneously as it did. The pandemic affected people’s mental and physical health and forced governments to create restrictions to control its spread. Therefore, philosophers such as Slavoj Zizek set out to explain the dynamics around the pandemic and the restrictions that ensued. He addresses ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1008

The Norwegian Government’s Administrative Strategies During the COVID-19 Crisis: Public Administration Case Study

Effective public administration in governance often involves a delicate balancing act between multiple critical players during the implementation of public policy and dealing with a crisis. Despite efforts to involve the citizenry as active players in governance, they often choose passivism over active participation or involvement. Emerging trends in governance gravitate towards an increasingly collaborative ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 837

ResMed’s Response to COVID-19

Executive Summary As a strategic consultant, I will develop a report on ResMed, a San Diego, California-based medical equipment company. It works to provide cloud-connectable medical devices utilized for the treatment of human respiratory conditions such as sleep apnea, chronic pulmonary disease, and Corona (Covid-19), which has recently wrecked havocked the whole world since the ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2241

Personal Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Abstract The Covid-19 pandemic has had adverse impacts on individuals and affected nearly all aspects of life. From social and economic disruptions to food insecurity, loss of livelihoods, loss of loved ones, and devastating effects on education, Covid-19 has affected the general well-being of individuals. From a personal point of view, the pandemic fundamentally changed ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3674

Hudson Bay Company

Introduction Hudson Bay is a full-line department store business that specializes in high-fashion garments, accessories, and soft furnishings in Canada. The Hudson Bay Company provides high-quality products at mid-to-high prices, as well as standard department store services. Hudson Bay shops are located in suburban and urban areas, as well as a commanding position in the ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1419

Case Study: How COVID-19 Crippled Air Travel in the U.S.

Executive Summary For two years, from 2019 to 2021, almost every State in the globe was affected by a respiratory disease known as Covid-19. Being a respiratory disease caused by a virus, it did spread at a higher rate even to the majority of the nation that had strict non-pharmaceutical interventions, such as Germany, the ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3520

H.R. 5860: Keeping Our COVID-19 Heroes Employed Act

Abstract This paper discusses the feasibility of enacting H.R. 5860 in America and explores the issues surrounding this bill. Furthermore, the paper explores the issue of individual liberty and autonomy compared to advancing the social good as purported by mandatory vaccines. It explores the significance of H.R. 5860 to the nursing profession by stating that ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2344

COVID-19 and Food Insecurity in Trinidad and Tobago

1.0 Introduction The global economy might take many years to return to pre-COVID-19 levels if the COVID-19 epidemic causes one of the world’s greatest recessions in decades. The WHO declared COVID-19 a pandemic in mid-March 2020, although the economic impact on South America may have begun even before the first cases were reported. Consequently, the ... Read More
Pages: 31       Words: 8455
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