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How Has COVID-19 Affected Early Education Across the United States? Were the Changes for the Better or the Worse?


Covid-19 has significantly impacted the education system in the United States, particularly in early education. Since March 2020, schools have been closed, and classes have been moved to online platforms, impacting the learning process for children. With the increasing spread of the virus, early education has been affected in terms of its delivery and accessibility (Hoofman & Secord, 2021). This research examines the pro and con arguments on how and why Covid-19 has changed preschool teaching in the US.

Thesis Statement

Some argue that the changes brought about by the pandemic of Covid-19 are bad, while others regard these developments as helpful for early schooling throughout the United States. While both points of view have merit, the changes brought about by the pandemic have highlighted the existing inequities in the education system and have provided an opportunity to address these inequities and develop a more comprehensive and equitable approach to early education.

Point of View 1: Changes are Negative

The conventional education system has been disrupted, and the performance gap between children from low-income and high-income homes has widened, according to those who think these developments are harmful. In particular, children from low-income homes who may need access to the technology necessary for remote learning have seen a decline in educational quality due to disruptions to the conventional education system. Because of the epidemic, children from low-income families had less access to resources and assistance, contributing to a wider achievement gap.

According to a report by McKinsey & Company (2020), the pandemic has decreased the quality of education, particularly for low-income students. The report found that students from low-income households need to catch up on their learning, with some losing the equivalent of a year due to the pandemic. This learning loss is attributed to the need for more access to technology and other resources required for remote learning. Moreover, the widening of the achievement gap has been attributed to the lack of resources and support available to children from low-income households during the pandemic. Research by the Urban Institute in 2021 found that children from low-income families were disproportionately impacted by the epidemic, with many of them lacking access to the tools necessary for remote schooling. The achievement gap between children from low-income and high-income families has grown as a direct consequence of this inequality in opportunity.

Point of View 2: Changes are Positive

Those who argue that the changes brought about by the pandemic are positive point to the increased collaboration between parents and educators and the integration of technology in the learning process. The increased collaboration between parents and educators has provided an opportunity to develop a more personalized and effective approach to education. Technology integration in the learning process has allowed new and innovative educational approaches.

According to a report by the (NAEYC) (2020), the pandemic has allowed educators and parents to work together to develop a more personalized approach to education. The report found that the increased collaboration between parents and educators has resulted in a better understanding of children’s needs and has provided an opportunity to develop more effective approaches to education. Moreover, integrating technology into the learning process has provided an opportunity to develop new and innovative approaches to education. According to a report by Spiteri (2021), the pandemic has resulted in the development of new and innovative approaches to education, including the use of virtual reality and augmented reality in the learning process (Hoofman & Secord, 2021). These new approaches have provided an opportunity to engage students more meaningfully and develop new and innovative approaches to education.

My Point of View and Its Implications

Both arguments have their merits, but the changes brought about by the epidemic are mostly unfavorable since they have drawn attention to and exacerbated preexisting disparities in the educational opportunities available to children from low- and high-income families (Egan et al., 2021). The pandemic has forced educators to rethink how they deliver education and has highlighted the need for a more comprehensive approach to early education. Integrating technology in the learning process and the increased collaboration between parents and educators provide an opportunity to develop a more personalized and effective approach to education.

The achievement gap between children from low- and high-income homes has expanded as a result of these changes in the educational system (Jalongo, 2021). To address these inequities and ensure that all children have access to quality education, efforts must be made to provide equitable access to technology and other resources required for remote learning. This may involve providing technology and other resources to children from low-income households and developing new and innovative approaches to education that consider these children’s unique needs and circumstances.

Moreover, efforts must be made to address children’s social and emotional needs, particularly those from low-income households experiencing trauma or other challenges related to the pandemic. This may involve providing additional support and resources to these children and developing new and innovative approaches to education that consider their social and emotional needs. The epidemic has also brought to light the need for communication between schools and their communities parents. An attempt should be made to provide parents with the materials they need to assist their children’s education. This may involve providing parents with training and resources and developing new and innovative educational approaches considering families’ unique needs and circumstances.

Implications and Importance of the Topic

Covid-19’s impact on preschool education in the United States is important since it has highlighted existing imbalances in the education system. In addition to worsening the attainment gap between children from high- and low-income homes, the epidemic has disproportionately impacted low-income areas. It is critical to address these imbalances and guarantee that all children have access to excellent early education as the epidemic continues to disrupt the school system.

The significance of early schooling to a child’s growth has also been brought to light by the epidemic. Early education provides a foundation for a child’s future academic and social success. Developing social-emotional skills, problem-solving, and critical thinking is crucial in a child’s development and prepares them for future academic success. The pandemic has shown that early education is essential, and efforts must be made to ensure it is accessible to all children.

The Importance of the Topic for Society

The topic of how Covid-19 has affected early education across the United States is important for society as it has significant implications for the future of the education system. The pandemic has forced educators to rethink how they deliver education and has highlighted the need for a more comprehensive approach to early education. Integrating technology in the learning process and the increased collaboration between parents and educators provide an opportunity to develop a more personalized and effective approach to early education.

Education beginning at a young age is especially important because of the lasting effects it may have on children and their communities. Success in school and social situations later in life is good for the child and the community if they are given a solid foundation in their early years. Early education has been shown to reduce the likelihood of criminal behavior and increase future earning potential, which positively impacts society as a whole (Timmons et al., 2021).

The Importance of the Topic for Business and Career

The topic of how Covid-19 has affected early education across the United States is also essential for business and career. The pandemic has created opportunities for innovation in the education sector, particularly in integrating technology into the learning process. Educators who are adaptable and willing to embrace new technologies will be in high demand in the post-pandemic education system. Moreover, the importance of early education means that there will be a demand for trained individuals in this field. Early education provides a foundation for a child’s future academic and social success, and educators trained in this field are essential in ensuring that children receive quality early education. There is a need for individuals passionate about early education and willing to work towards providing equitable access to quality early education.


In conclusion, the pandemic has had a major effect on preschool programs across the United States. However, the achievement gap between children from low- and high-income homes has expanded due to the epidemic, which has both good and bad consequences. To address these inequities and ensure that all children have access to quality education, efforts must be made to provide equitable access to technology and other resources required for remote learning, as well as to address the social and emotional needs of children and to promote greater collaboration between parents and educators. By doing so, we can develop a more comprehensive and equitable approach to early education that meets the needs of all children and promotes their long-term success.


Hoofman, J., & Secord, E. (2021). The effect of COVID-19 on education. Pediatric Clinics68(5), 1071-1079.

Spiteri, J. (2021). Quality early childhood education for all and the Covid-19 crisis: A viewpoint. Prospects, 1-6.

Timmons, K., Cooper, A., Bozek, E., & Braund, H. (2021). The impacts of COVID-19 on early childhood education: Capturing the unique challenges associated with remote teaching and learning in K-2. Early Childhood Education Journal49(5), 887-901.

Jalongo, M. R. (2021). The effects of COVID-19 on early childhood education and care: Research and resources for children, families, teachers, and teacher educators. Early Childhood Education Journal49(5), 763-774.

Egan, S. M., Pope, J., Moloney, M., Hoyne, C., & Beatty, C. (2021). Missing early education and care during the pandemic: The socio-emotional impact of the COVID-19 crisis on young children. Early Childhood Education Journal49(5), 925-934.


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