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Position on the Efficiency of BLM

The Black Lives Matter movement began as a response to racism and police violence, aiming to address the disparities faced by Black people in the United States. Despite facing challenges and criticism, the Black Lives Matter Movement has significantly advanced racial and social justice through increased awareness, policy reforms, and societal discourse. This essay explores whether the BLM Movement has made a tremendous difference in achieving more racial and social justice, substantiating its claims through concrete evidence and specific examples.

The Black Lives Matter Movement has undeniably influenced racial and social justice pursuits. A prime illustration of this impact lies in the realm of policy changes. For example, last year, after widespread protests over the brutal killing of George Floyd in 2020, there was a shoot of legislative initiatives across the United States on policing and systemic racism (Beckett& Hankins, 2021, p.36). The most noticeable reaction came in the state of Minnesota, where the tragic death of Floyd had happened, and a series of reforms were instituted with immediate effect: chokeholds were banned, and stricter regulations about law enforcers’ use of force. This legislative response exemplifies the transformative impact of the BLM Movement within the legislative framework, thus reflecting a change towards heightened accountability and transparency.

In addition, the BLM movement is crucial in gearing toward social consciousness regarding racial injustice. The critical struggles and advocacy lawsuits elevated the debate issues regarding global levels of systemic racism. Notably, using social media as mobilization gadgets has upgraded the movement’s message, with hashtags like #BlackLivesMatter revitalizing cries for equity (Faust et al.,2019, p.6). Its sufficiency in remaining focused on persisting hardships experienced by black individuals is driven to its fullness by the movement’s ability to transcend geographical limits and resonate with various networks. This has translated to increased scrutiny of racial differences in these regions and pushed for people as well as institutions to question long-standing biases and contribute to a dialogue on the issue of racial justice. This is one of the ways that the BLM movement has been setting the trends besides corporate social responsibility.

Corporate accountability is one demonstration of the groundbreaking effect of the BLM movement. Large companies have gained the entreaties to execute their commitments to essential discrimination and carry out meaningful changes (Johnson, 2021, p.2-3). Several corporations have guaranteed some economic assistance in anti-racism schemes, while others concentrate on distinctiveness within personnel. Recognition of fundamental issues within elements of corporations signals a takeoff from mere signals into a more considerable obligation to destroy prejudicial practices.

The BLM Movement has catalyzed educational initiatives to rectify historical inaccuracies and omissions. Advocates within the movement have pushed for a more inclusive curriculum that accurately reflects Black individuals’ contributions and struggles throughout history. Several educational institutions have responded by revisiting and revising their curricula to provide a more nuanced understanding of the complex issues surrounding race and inequality. This educational shift is pivotal in shaping a future generation that is informed, empathetic, and equipped to challenge systemic injustices.

In conclusion, the Black Lives Matter movement is an extraordinary power, taking giant steps in the continuous racial and civil rights battle. The movement has made a super durable imprint on the shared perspective through regulative changes, cultural awareness crusades, corporate responsibility measures, and instructive initiatives. While challenges continue, the persevering responsibility of the Black Lives Movement to destroy fundamental prejudice serves as a guide for those upholding a fair society.


Beckett, B. I., & Hankins, S. K. (2021). “Until We Are First Recognized as Humans”: The Killing of George Floyd and the Case for Black Life at the United Nations. International Journal of Human Rights Education, 5(1), 4.

Faust, A., Johnson, D., Guignard, Z., Adechoubou, S., Harlos, C., Fennelly, M., & Castañeda, E. (2019). Black Lives Matter and the movement for Black Lives. Social Movements, 1768–2018, 240-253.

Johnson, B. (2021). How the Black Lives Matter movement enhanced corporate governance in 2020. Emory Corporate Governance and Accountability Review, 8(1), 99.


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