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Systemic Racism Essays

Addressing Systemic Racism in Astronomy

From time memorial, populations have been gazing at the night sky and wondering what’s beyond the starry ceiling. Astronomy is the study of celestial bodies, space and the entire physical universe. Racism has put up invisible walls against Black and Latino individuals’ active involvement in this area. Although astronomy appeals to everyone, these communities remain ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1154

The Symbolism of Toothache and the Journey to the Dentist in “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings.”

One of the main themes in Maya Angelou’s “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings” is resilience in the face of misfortune. This theme is illustrated through the protagonist’s unbearable toothache and dentist visits. The protagonist’s toothache constitutes a microcosm of the more significant battles she has to fight as a young Black girl growing ... Read More
Pages: 2       Words: 536
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Anti-Oppressive Theory

The personal biography of a social worker from their anti-oppressive framework is essential because it helps them know how they act or tilt to justify what is wrong in the more significant societal setting, the power dynamics, and oppression. It becomes noticeable in Karen Healy’s book, especially when discussing anti-oppressive practice. Healy directs the social ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 670

Finding Common Ground

Teaching race and racism, including Critical Race Theory (CRT), in schools is hotly debated. Advocates emphasize racial dynamics and social awareness. The rise of divisive beliefs worries critics. This study balances educational goals with social concerns when deciding whether schools should combine such classes (Gauffin & Dunlavy, 2021). It examines the debate’s many facets and ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 933

Position on the Efficiency of BLM

The Black Lives Matter movement began as a response to racism and police violence, aiming to address the disparities faced by Black people in the United States. Despite facing challenges and criticism, the Black Lives Matter Movement has significantly advanced racial and social justice through increased awareness, policy reforms, and societal discourse. This essay explores ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 694

Systemic Racism Toward Indigenous Culture in Canada and How To Right the Wrongs.

Introduction: Racism is a form of social injustice that arises from incorrect preconceived notions about race. The uneven distribution of resources is sometimes justified by appealing to the concept of societal value. Racism may manifest in several forms, enabling specific groups to assert their superiority and maintain control over political, social, and economic spheres. Canada ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2040

The Evolving Landscape of Freedom: A Comprehensive Assessment of African American Freedom in the Contemporary United States

Introduction: Freedom is a complex concept that has constantly evolved and has been present in the forward march of history. My conception of freedom is based on humanity’s stories and the numerous perspectives of man’s experience. Many agree that the African American experience of oppression and struggle for survival provides an especially compelling lens through ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1468

Impact of the Foster Care System and Why It Should Be Abolished

Foster care policy provides the legal procedures, practices, and bases required for foster care services. Foster care is usually provided to children who can not live with their parents, whose parents have passed on, and do not have any legal guardians to take care of them. The foster care system was implemented to ensure children ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 918

Reviewing the Criminal Justice System

In recent years, the criminal justice system’s integrity has come into question. At one point, the country’s justice system and way of law were a beacon of light for many to see and follow. However, after decades of scandal, misuse of power, and the political polarization of society, there have been calls for changes in ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1694

The Sum of Racism Hurts Every One of Us

Introduction “Heather McGhee, the sum of how racism hurts every one of us (the United States, an imprint of Random House, Penguin Random House LLC, in 2021) analyzes and outlines the massive effects felt by racism and its effect on every one of us. The author gives a more profound and detailed enlightening exploration of the ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1152

Racism in Maternal Health and the Outcomes

Maternal health is an essential indicator of the quality of life, and it is disturbing that Black women in the US have worse maternal health outcomes. Recent studies published by Wiley Online Library show that systemic racism and prejudice in US healthcare institutions have caused significant medical and maternity disparities for Black women (Suarez 1-12). ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 1972

The Difficulties That Elderly People of Color Face in Nursing Homes

 Introduction  Background information Neglect, abuse, and unequal treatment of older adults of color in nursing homes are significant problems that result from systemic racism ingrained in the industry. Healthcare disparities exposed during the COVID-19 pandemic have further highlighted these issues, which have severe physical and mental health consequences for elderly individuals. Thesis statement: Examining multiple ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2297

Systemic Racism in the United States

Introduction. Racial discrimination involves discriminating against any person based on their skin color. In many instances, some races are seen to be superior to others. Racism is often invisible and can often be structural or systemic. Therefore, Braveman et al., in their article, describe systemic racism as a type of racism engrained in the institutions, ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1520

Healthcare Discrimination Against Black Americans

Racial discrimination has been one of the most significant challenges faced by the healthcare system in the United States for an extended period. Some causes of racism in the healthcare system include non-inclusive laws, discrimination against other individuals, and personal interests, which have hindered the proper provision of reasonable care to all individuals regardless of ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3099
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