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Finding Common Ground

Teaching race and racism, including Critical Race Theory (CRT), in schools is hotly debated. Advocates emphasize racial dynamics and social awareness. The rise of divisive beliefs worries critics. This study balances educational goals with social concerns when deciding whether schools should combine such classes (Gauffin & Dunlavy, 2021). It examines the debate’s many facets and pros and cons. The purpose is to illuminate the delicate balance of race in education.

Opposing Viewpoints

According to proponents, CRT raises awareness of social systems and historical injustices (Gauffin & Dunlavy, 2021). They claim that education about systemic racism broadens students’ understanding of social dynamics. According to advocates, students will gain empathy and awareness by confronting painful truths about the nation’s history (Magnan, 2023). According to advocates, covering these issues helps children navigate a varied world and promotes equality.

Race and racism classes in schools are opposed due to their potential adverse effects (Vulturius et al., 2024). Race draws attention to group identification and past grievances, which can divide. Students become resentful. According to critics, CRT may oversimplify complicated subjects and discourage critical thinking (Guzman, 2022). Opponents worry about age appropriateness. Since these notions are too complex for students, they must be clarified.

Application of Concepts

Many policies have been established to address whether schools should teach race and racism, including CRT. States have regulated CRT concept teaching. These laws often address students’ exposure to contentious beliefs. Other states and educational institutions have emphasized inclusive education by including varied perspectives in the curriculum (Gauffin & Dunlavy, 2021). Legal discussions regarding how to manage these concerns in schools change the landscape.

Social othering is when people or groups are seen as unusual or abnormal. Muzafer Sherif’s 1950s Robbers Cave experiment is an example (Pham et al., 2023). This summer camp study separated fifth-graders into two groups. They used language like “our baseball diamond.” before meeting to show awareness of the other group. This split led to disputes, showing how readily othering leads to discrimination.

Siloing refers to the tendency of individuals or groups to isolate themselves by limiting their exposure to information, perspectives, or opinions that align with their existing beliefs—for example, Nobel Laureate economist Herbert. In 1971, Nobel Laureate economist Herbert Simon proposed that abundant information creates a poverty of attention. He claims that platform-structured online silos keep people interested for long periods. Silos attract consumers and then deprive them of their attention (Vulturius et al., 2024). People make assumptions without evidence—assumptions After the Election by Laura Caspi. Young bus rider Laura Caspi felt “helpless” after voting against Trump. She labeled Trump voters “pretty awful.” Laura acknowledged her degrading thoughts and questioned her Trump supporter assumptions.

Taking Action to Overcome Barriers

Muzafer Sherif’s 1950s Robbers Cave experiment entailed forming boy groups and promoting intergroup conflict. This experiment investigated how groups develop antagonism and conflict and how to reconcile them. To overcome obstacles and create common ground, develop curiosity and understanding. Instead of making assumptions about the other group, Guzman’s boys might actively attempt to grasp their perspectives and experiences (Guzman, 2022). Discuss their views and activities in open-ended talks.

In 1971, Nobel Laureate economist Herbert A. Simon proposed that people have finite rationality and limited cognitive resources, making it difficult to understand complex situations. Each party can act to overcome these obstacles and create common ground. For instance, they embrace curiosity and question assumptions. Ask open-ended questions to actively understand the other person (Pham et al., 2023). Nobel also says that questioning preconceptions and curiosity might help people overcome stereotypes.

In “Laura Caspi’s Assumptions after the Election,” Laura Caspi’s experiences and views help both sides bridge political and social differences. Inspired by Laura’s path, each side may take steps to overcome obstacles and find common ground. Laura’s tale illustrates Challenges, Assumptions, and Prejudices. It encourages people to question their preconceptions of others. Self-reflection can help both sides challenge previous conceptions and recognize the complexity of people beyond politics (van den Beemt et al., 2023).


In conclusion, ideological divisions characterize the argument over teaching race and racism classes like critical race theory (CRT). Supporters stress comprehending structural racism, while opponents worry about division and ideological biases. Legislation complicates everything. Open discourse and addressing both sides’ concerns are necessary to improve education’s discussion of race and racism.


Gauffin, K., & Dunlavy, A. (2021). Finding common ground: how theory development in public health research can unite us. Social Theory & Health19, 127-136.

Guzmán, M. (2022). I never thought of it that way: How to have fearlessly curious conversations in dangerously divided times. BenBella Books.

Magnan, S. (2023). The Potential and Challenges for Common Ground on Abortion. American Journal of Public Health113(4), 380-381.

Pham, H. H., Nguyen, N. H., Tran, T. T., Nguyen, T. N., & Nguyen, H. Q. (2023). PediCXR: An open, large-scale chest radiograph dataset for interpreting common thoracic diseases in children. Scientific Data10(1), 240.

van den Beemt, A., van de Watering, G., & Bots, M. (2023). Conceptualizing variety in challenge-based learning in higher education: the CBL-compass. European Journal of Engineering Education48(1), 24-41.

Vulturius, G., Maltais, A., & Forsbacka, K. (2024). Sustainability-linked bonds–their potential to promote issuers’ transition to net-zero emissions and future research directions. Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment14(1), 116-127.


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