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Policy Reforms Essays

Policy Reforms To Ensure Continuity of Mother-Child Relationship Among Justice-Involved Mothers: Victoria, Australia

Introduction Maternal involvement in the CJS impacts not only the offending mother but also the offender’s dependents since mothers are the primary caregivers. Upon incarceration, most mothers receive little support from family or spouses, and their children experience unstable care arrangements. Short-term and long-term involvement of women in the justice system interrupts the mother-child relationship, ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2504

What Must You Do To Address Bias and Discrimination Systemically (in Systems), and What Measures Can You Implement To Increase Your Success Rate?

Introduction The intricate fabric of the German education system shows many traces of bias and discrimination that present severe challenges to equal opportunities for all students. This widespread phenomenon in countries worldwide demands a multidimensional approach to systemic change. The foundations of the widely transformative approach are based on broad-based measures, which include policy reforms ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1697
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Position on the Efficiency of BLM

The Black Lives Matter movement began as a response to racism and police violence, aiming to address the disparities faced by Black people in the United States. Despite facing challenges and criticism, the Black Lives Matter Movement has significantly advanced racial and social justice through increased awareness, policy reforms, and societal discourse. This essay explores ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 694

Law Reform Project

Quality long-term care is crucial for older adults and is a top priority in Ontario. Insufficient staff in these facilities is a critical policy issue that requires quick attention and reform. The shortage of skilled nurses, personal support workers (PSWs), and other essential staff endangers the health and safety of elderly residents. It worsens neglect ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2247

Towards a Just Justice System: Proposals for Criminal Justice Reforms in Canada

Introduction: Canada relies on its criminal justice system to ensure fairness and public safety. However, the system encounters a host of hurdles that impair its potential to deliver equal and just access for all. Creating a just justice system requires proposing practical reforms at diverse levels, like policy-making bodies, courts, correctional facilities, and community-based services. ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2114
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