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Technology Essays

The Legacy of Bill Gates

Background of Bill Gates Bill Gates is an American author, philanthropist, and business magnate and is the current chairman of Microsoft, which is a software international company he co-founded with Paul Allen. Bill Gates has always been ranked among the richest people in the world, and he was ranked the richest person from 1995 up ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2134

Exploring Collaborative Knowledge Sharing Through Social Bookmarking

Diigo collection Social Bookmarking for Business is a collection of five annotated resources that talk about social bookmarking applications in business settings the benefits being promoted by the website strikingly are more in particular How Social Bookmarking Can Help Grow Your Business? “Building Your Website: Content duration and authority in the niche are covered by ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 660
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The Power of Social Media and Public Relations

Introduction The technological era has changed the whole perspective of the world and transformed the previously considered dynamic world into a single common village, thanks to the development of social media. The availability of social media has changed different elements from businesses in organizations to social life. Social media has even opened the world creating ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1326

Optimizing Internet Content Delivery

In the dynamic environment of the internet, Akamai Technologies features considerably in optimizing content delivery and dealing with internet traffic and user expectations that keep increasing. Founded in 1998 by MIT professor Tom Leighton and his graduate student Daniel Lewin, Akamai perfected the idea of edge computing to speed up internet traffic. Akamai Intelligent Edge ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 869

Information Systems in the Clinical Environment

Nosocomial infections represent a significant area of concern within the clinical healthcare environment. These infections are acquired by patients while receiving treatment in a healthcare facility, and they pose considerable challenges to patient safety, quality of care, and the efficient delivery of care (Kollef et al., 2021). Addressing nosocomial infections requires a comprehensive understanding of ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1177

Secom: Managing Information Security in a Risky World

Executive Summary Secom is an international company struggling to avert the evolving cybersecurity threats it is facing. Despite having a comprehensive cybersecurity program and aligning with international standards, it grapples with generic risk management. The entity can capitalize on several opportunities to address some challenges, including strategic partnerships and business expansion. For example, Secom enhanced ... Read More
Pages: 15       Words: 3941

Deployment of Linear Programming

Introduction Linear programming is a valuable tool for businesses seeking to optimize resources and maximize profits within constraints. This paper delves into a prominent software development company’s strategic deployment of linear programming to enhance decision-making processes and achieve operational efficiency. TechSolutions Inc. Overview: TechSolutions Inc. is a reputable software development firm known for its expertise ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 795

Patient Education and Empowerment Through Telehealth

Patient empowerment and education through telehealth are crucial elements in nursing service delivery for the elderly. The nursing field continues to grow with the expansion of telehealth, and nurses have an essential role in ensuring that older individuals know how to use it and be informed of the benefits it may bring to their well-being. Jensen ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1264

Information and Communication Technology

Introduction The healthcare domain has taken a massive turn with the introduction of Information and Communication Technology (ICTs). ICTs entail the changes technology makes in how nurses plan, deliver, document, and review healthcare services. Through the case study of Joanna, whose health condition continues to deteriorate, this paper takes a look into how ICTs can ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 741

Google Company’s External Environment

Significant Environmental Threats One of the significant threats that Google Company faces is the careful examination of regulatory and legal challenges in diversity and inclusion. There are government regulations and laws concerning unequal employment since the government is against any form of discrimination in the hiring process. Google Company has already been criticized for gender ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1061

Unveiling Racial Biases in Artificial Intelligence

Introduction There are unquestionably many advantages that have been brought about by incorporating artificial intelligence (AI) into many facets of our existence. However, there is a rising worry over the negative aspects of artificial intelligence, particularly concerning the perpetuation and amplification of racial prejudices (Ferrara, 2024). In my next article, I will investigate the complex ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 648

Schell’s Lenses for Game Design

Introduction Games have become an inextricable part of our lives since the early Pong days to increasingly complex worlds of modern masterpieces, where they provide entertainment, challenges, and immersive experiences. For a gamer who has been playing video games all their life, becoming a game developer is one hell of an adventure. This analytical essay ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1246

Information Warfare & Cyberterrorism

Globally, there is an escalating rate of cyber-attacks in the modern world, leading to concern for the safety of information systems. The cyber threats are becoming more severe with the advancement in the modern Internet Technology (IT). The primary cause of cyber terrorism in most nations is the urge to cause disruptions due to political ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1141

Information and Communication Technology To Support Documentation

Regarding Joanna’s case, it is essential to evaluate her care requirements to see how ICT helps meet such needs. Joanna is a nursing student currently on her clinical placement in a busy hospital. She is responsible for caring for the patients and reporting to the hospital management about their needs. Thus, Joanna needs to find ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 571

Implications of Real-Time Data Synchronization and Automated Alert Systems on Electronic Handover in Healthcare Settings

Patient safety is affected by several issues, especially in the realm of proper handling of sensitive patient data. Mostly, insufficient or ineffectively executed patient handoffs during shift changes. The reality is that poor handling of patient data during this time is attributable to detrimental patient safety and satisfaction outcomes and exacerbates the existing healthcare gaps. ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1053
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