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Technology Essays

Thoughts and Feelings About the Future of Humans and Our Success as a Species

Introduction  Undoubtedly, the evolution of industries has led to improved living standards, which is a sweeping goal for all, if not most, of humanity. However, the benefits of this occurrence have simultaneously been at the detriment of society regarding the erosion of human values. The stages of the industrial revolution (IR) characterised by mechanisation (1IR), ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1202
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Design Continuation: QWERTY Keyboard Limitations

When choosing the type of keyboard that one uses, comfort and efficiency are the key determining factors. On this account, a well-designed ergonomic keyboard should also ensure that one is able to use the PC faster in typing and other activities. The features of an excellent keyboard are the main factors in choosing the suitability ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 971

The Irruption of Generative AI in the Workplace: A Google Case Study

The contemporary landscape of workplaces is rapidly and constantly evolving, with various technological advancements marking these spaces. One such development is generative AI, whose integration into work environments has sparked the interests of policymakers, researchers, and academics alike, seeking to grasp a nuanced understanding of this futuristic concept. Its integration is multifaceted and convoluted, yielding ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2313

Using Generative AI for Malware Behavior Analysis

A Brief Overview Including Relevance and Significance:  The modern world is grappling with increasing cybersecurity attacks, with experts calling for implementing cutting-edge defense mechanisms to combat the threats. A notable case of how Malware can adversely impact an organization is the recent attack on Etisalat, Emirates Telecommunication Group Company. The Lockbit group-led attack shows the ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2256

What Are the Potential Risks and Benefits Associated With the Increasing Use of Electronic Health Records (EHRs) for Compliance?

One of the key components of financial stability in the health sector is compliance with the fiscal rules, which underpins the legality of all financial activities and keeps the whole integrity of the institution. The forthcoming EHRs (electronic health records) as a revolution is disruptive; as a consequence, it encourages a great effect on healthcare ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1351

Tesla Market Shares in Major Global Markets

Introduction  Tesla Inc. is an American multinational leading in the manufacturing and distribution of electric vehicles, energy storage devices, and solar systems in local and international markets. Markets and economists ranked Tesla Inc. as the most valuable automotive brand and one of the most valuable brands across industries in June 2023 (Carlier, 2024). Over the ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1597

SpaceX’s Information System

Executive Summary This paper will explain the different features of SpaceX’s information system. It will explain how the company adopts competitive strategies like cost leadership and differentiation to be preferred by consumers and business contracts, and uses innovations in reusable rockets as a way of enticing clients. For an upgrade, it will advise SpaceX to ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1776

Information Technology Disaster Recovery Plan

Introduction Bank of America has experienced data breaches in the past, necessitating the creation of a robust disaster recovery plan that will enable the business to minimize financial losses associated with unplanned events. The plan will also allow businesses to resume their normal operations within short durations (Wey, 2019). The bank recently suffered from a ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1923

To What Extent Does Apple’s Ethical Choice To Exclude a Power Adapter Affect Their Revenues?

Introduction  Information technology and consumer electronics are the most competitive and demanding in the United States. Despite that, one company has managed to crack the code and be the most successful out of other competitors despite selling its products and services at a higher price than theirs. That company is Apple Inc., an American consumer ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2072

Change Proposal: Implementation of RFID Technology for Enhanced Patient Safety

Introduction As a dynamic landscape, the healthcare environment has maintained patient safety par excellence. Despite all the nursing technology and protocols that have been developed, safety incidents still occur frequently, and human errors, miscommunication, or lack of appropriate monitoring systems mostly cause this. As a result of this lasting issue, the planned alteration will involve ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1399

Introduction to IBM’s Strategic Context

IBM’s reputation can be compared to that of a giant in the tech world as it has a treasure chest of decisions that have changed the way we live through cloud computing, artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain, and quantum computing. This inherited inheritance is where its current strategic initiatives take their root. However intimidating its wide ... Read More
Pages: 16       Words: 4323

Cloud Computing Security Risks

Introduction Businesses are embracing the use of technology in storing data and processing to achieve efficiency and increase the firm productivity. Organizations use cloud computing technology to store, retrieve, and process data faster to boost the entity performance (Cristea, 2020). Firms that embrace the use of technology also need to overcome numerous security challenges to ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1360

Autonomous Electric Cargo Ships

Executive Summary The advent of autonomous electric cargo vessels stands as a revolutionary achievement for the shipping industry in the shortage of traditional propulsion, meeting requirements of environmentally friendly and low-cost transportation. By applying new techs and entering into novel propulsion systems, these crafts stand a chance to mark a point of departure in perfunctory ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2403

The Impact and Benefits of Workplace Automation

Workplace automation refers to the use of technology, including hardware and/or software, to carry out repetitive or predictable tasks without the need for human involvement. Currently, modern automation setups, such as machine learning, have the capability to handle more complex tasks. Automation may be implemented by a corporation via the use of robots, equipment, software, ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 884
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