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Healthcare Management Essays

Character Drives Leadership

Introduction: Provision Medical Services, a prestigious medical care facility, is undergoing several changes requiring effective management strategies to ensure its continued growth. This essay examines the dangers Providence Healthcare faced and is based on the article “Boldly Go: “Character Drives Leadership at Providence Healthcare” and provides plans for management to lessen these risks. By perceiving ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1630

Explore Staff Opinions About a Public University Hospital’s Profit (Business) Center. Survey Study

Abstract This study examines the views of dentistry staff at a public university hospital on profit centers. It assesses awareness, perceptions, effects, challenges, and strengths. A thorough study provides nuanced insights into healthcare profit center dynamics. Most employees are only “somewhat aware” of profit-centered goals, underlining the need for targeted communication. Interestingly, most indicated total ... Read More
Pages: 34       Words: 9283
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Methods in How Research Findings Can Be Disseminated

Introduction Nurses face daily challenges in their practice when it comes to clinical decisions. This is because there exist gaps within the nursing framework from the generation of knowledge to the practical field application in their day-to-day practice. Both outpatient and in-patient practice face this dilemma as well as in the teaching framework within the ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 616

Societal Influences of the Advanced Practice Nurse

Introduction An advanced practice nurse’s mandate goes beyond traditional healthcare delivery. The role of such healthcare providers continues to expand, and they tend to assume new administrative responsibilities. In today’s society, the new phenomenon for APNs is to develop innovative ideas through study while engaging in policy advocacy. Advanced practice role highlights the need to ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1780

An Evidence-Based Research Question Regarding Echocardiogram

Introduction Recently, millions of people have suffered from heart-related problems globally. The main risk factors for heart problems include people’s lifestyles, which directly relate to diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, high cholesterol, and limited physical exercise. Healthcare professionals and practitioners specializing in heart organs have established several approaches to diagnose the heart’s ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1374

Consideration for Extra Shifts To Address Nurse Shortage

Nurse shortage has become a perennial challenge for healthcare organizations worldwide. Organizations have adopted different initiatives and strategies to counter this challenge. One popular approach involves offering financial incentives and bonuses to entice and retain nurses. Other approaches include part-time and per diem positions, flexible working schedules, training programs, education sponsorship, and a better working ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 953

System Development Lifecycle and Nursing Process

The nursing process and Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) are vital concepts in healthcare. The models are critical in clinical care and project nursing as they provide a chronological order of how patient needs may be addressed. Although nursing is a fundamental client-centered care provision process, SDLC is a project management model. The model has ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 968

Business Finance – Accounting Assignment

Introduction The North Creek Hospital System (NCHS) is suffering a considerable rise in the cost of medical supplies, labour, and insurance premiums, which is the source of the monetary challenge depicted in the Rates Negotiation Crisis Scenario Simulation. The healthcare facility is challenging since the cost of services and treatments is increasing. However, insurance companies ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 909

Quality Improvement Process

Introduction A variety of factors influence the quality of services provided in healthcare. The management is accountable for ensuring that the standard of the services conforms to the expected standards. That is, the quality has to accomplish the stakeholders’ goals, should not have any medical error, and the patient should have their issues solved on ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1171

Examination of Organizational Structure and Its Influence on Healthcare Delivery

Being a consultant for your healthcare organization, I have thoroughly evaluated the current organizational structure at all levels, including the micro, meso, and macro levels, comprising the influence on healthcare delivery. However, in my analysis, I have chosen to focus on Mayo Clinic as a case study to illustrate how organizational mission, vision, and philosophy ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1187

Managerial Epidemiology in Healthcare: Creating a Preliminary Market Analysis for a Geriatric Psychiatric Unit

Chapter One: Introduction Background Evidence-based management (EBMGT) is a decision-making method that uses research experience to provide information for organizational practice. In health organizations, EBMGT is usually used to guide the development of services and improve and deliver relevant decisions. This article aims to create a preliminary market analysis for the proposed elderly psychiatry department ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3537

Leading and Managing in Nursing

Health facilities have meaningful, lucid, and coherent mission, vision, and philosophy statements that motivate and guide the health workers. Mission and vision form the basis of purpose in work and imbue the workers. The vision and philosophy vary from one health facility to another; thus, they form the motto, identity, or creed of each hospital ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 673

Informational Analysis: Effective Communication

Effective communication is important in any given organization, especially healthcare organizations. Information in healthcare institutions includes staff guidelines and patient information. Poor communication may result in adverse outcomes such as medication errors and breach of patient information privacy. Consequently, information officers in healthcare facilities are responsible for ensuring all internal and external communication is effectively ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 1991

Creating a Workplace Culture of Quality and Safety

Caring is nursing’s primary objective and is predicated on quality care provision and patient safety. However, healthcare organizations can only attain their nursing goals by creating a patient-centered, team-oriented culture emphasizing collaboration and workforce cohesion, helping nurses share vital population health insights that steer evidence-based practice (EBP). Nursing administrators play a critical role in establishing ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 798
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