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Digital Transformation Essays

The Issue/Trend the Organization Is Facing

Modernization and refurbishing are the main issues affecting the possibility of business at the Royal Pacific Hotel and Towers. The facilities and amenities will likely look ancient and not in line with the latest ones, so the tourists looking for modern accommodations may feel put off. The absence of modernization in interior design, lack of ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1259

Information System Strategy for Digital Transformation

Introduction: In this document, we analyze the intricate methodology and philosophy behind Prototyping Methodology relativity to confronting levels of traffic congestion in London (Cenci & Cawthorne, 2020). All attention is to the clarity of answering how exactly the Prototyping Methodology helps in resolving all complexities and subtleties mentioned above, leaving out analysis/conclusion parts plus details ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 681
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The Hotel Grande Bretagne’s Current Position in the International Market

Introduction Hotel Grande Bretagne is a monument of style and luxury within the international hospitality industry. The laudable feature of the Hotel is that it renders exceptional client care, together with the characteristics of a perfectly comfortable room in its place in the Athens city center, Greece. The Hotel has obtained a unique status in ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3320

The Digital Shift: Knowledge Work and the Changing Landscape of Employment

Introduction In a rapidly digitizing world, the traditional bastions of employment have undergone a seismic shift. With pervasive technology comes pervasive impact, and work that has emerged subsequently can arguably be tagged as ‘knowledge work’, a term encompassing processing-based activity. This means that the transformation brings important consequences for the world of work, requiring new ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 831

Case Study 8.1 Walt Disney: Building Options After the Coronavirus

Introduction The global trade industry was completely dіsrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic, affecting еvery industry. Walt Disnеy, the entertaіnment іndustry icon, was one of the most hеavіly affеcted. Dіsnеy was confrontеd with a multіtude of challenges abruptly, despite having a diverse portfolio that provided them with a compеtіtіvе advantage. Amid thе gathеring clouds of uncertainty ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 991

How Can Amazon Utilize AI To Maximize Company Growth and Profit?

Amazon’s Background Amazon is a global corporation that works in the technology and e-commerce sectors. Founded in 1994, the organization has come a long way from its modest beginnings to become a global leader in e-commerce (Sangwa 42). As seen in Figs. 1 and 2 below, the corporation leads in retail media ad revenues and ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1718

Trends and Opportunities in Recall and Returns Within the Pharmaceutical Industry

Different industries have unique factors that affect how their markets behave; some are shared between multiple sectors. Recalls and returns usually shift with shifting factors in an industry. This paper will dive into the opportunities and trends in recalls and returns within the pharmaceutical industry. Challenges faced by the pharmaceutical industry concerning product recalls and ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 675

Evaluation and Recommendation of Emerging Technologies for Digital Transformation at Bharti Airtel

Bharti Airtel Limited is a major multinational telecommunications corporation with sizable activities in India and Africa. The latest figures show that Bharti Airtel operates as one of the largest telecom operators in the world. The organization’s fundamental products and services cover different types of communications, such as mobile and fixed-line telephony, broadband digital television, and ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2840

A Comprehensive Guide to Digital Transformation for BlueBretts Company

Introduction Today, the concept of business success has transformed greatly and is now characterized by digital transformation. Technology is at the helm of this change as it is a critical enabler that drives growth and secures longevity (Bican & Brem, 2020). This paper analyzes digital transformation responsive to the unique nature of BlueBrett, an SME ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3464

Title: Navigating Apple’s Digital Transformation: Legacy Systems, Cultural Resistance, and Cybersecurity Concerns

Introduction: Navigating Apple’s Digital Transformation In order to achieve innovation and market dominance, Apple Inc., which is a world leader in technology, faces a turning point—the juncture of its history meeting the need for digital transformation. As the technological landscape continues its rapid evolution, Apple grapples with a trio of formidable challenges: legacy systems, cultural ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2932

How Is Digital Technology Shaping the World?

Introduction The entire world is changing as a result of digital transformation. It is causing new market entrants to gain influence, scientific and organizational creativity to accelerate, and fresh sorts of products and services to emerge—all changing how we operate, entertain, and live. The prospect of higher cost savings and responsiveness drives changes made possible ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 897

A Study on Chinese College EFL Teachers’ Perceptions of Mall and Their Teaching Practices

Introduction Prior to Covid-19, few education systems embraced digital technologies, but lately, they have been on the rise because of the big data e a. ICT is present in numerous schools, but the education system is still behind on digitization cases, yet Van der Vlies (2020) claims that students frequently have access to innovative technologies ... Read More
Pages: 17       Words: 4529

The Role of Fintech in Sustainability

Introduction With the growth of technology, finance has developed a great deal. The amalgamation between finance and technology has led to modern business systems, which have been versatile in the growth of companies and industries. One factor that the business world has been keen on is how to conduct business sustainably with the available resources ... Read More
Pages: 15       Words: 3959

Internet of Things (IoT) Revolution in the Oil and Gas Industry

Abstract In the far-reaching domain of the oil and gas industry, the Internet of Things (IoT) is ready to have a significant effect, with a projected worldwide market worth of $39.09 billion by 2025 (Thousand View Exploration). This paper fastidiously investigates the IoT upset, disentangling applications, conventions, and suggestions in oil and gas. It states ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1506

Change Management in the World of Digital Transformation

Introduction Change management refers to the structured approach to transition individuals, teams, and entire organizations from a current state to a desired future state. It is a crucial discipline for companies undergoing digital transformation – leveraging new technologies to fundamentally evolve and improve business operations, models, offerings, and culture. This white paper has four key ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2628
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