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How Is Digital Technology Shaping the World?


The entire world is changing as a result of digital transformation. It is causing new market entrants to gain influence, scientific and organizational creativity to accelerate, and fresh sorts of products and services to emerge—all changing how we operate, entertain, and live. The prospect of higher cost savings and responsiveness drives changes made possible by a suite of potent new digital technologies, including cloud computing, the Internet of Things, robots, artificial intelligence, and predictive analytics. As this article will discuss, nearly every industry has changed, including the legal, manufacturing, urbanization, consumerism, music industry, and health sectors.

Reshaping of the world by the digital technologies

Firstly, digital technology’s influence has been changing customer preferences for years, which has led to a significant increase in eCommerce, particularly in the home furnishings industry (Rangaswamy, Nawaz & Changzhuang, 2022). Online platforms that are mobile and linked have completely changed whole sectors and redefined the interaction between brands and consumers. They have altered how we purchase textbooks, clothing, food, and even resides and automobiles; how we communicate and discover global events. Traditional marketplaces and offline retail outlets are now seriously endangered by the startling rate at which offline markets change to online ones.

Secondly, digital technology is shaping the work and organizations worldwide. Considering how much industry depends on technology to complete tasks, it is essential to consider how technology transforms employment. Since the use of technology for communication and information, in particular, is revolutionizing how companies produce and store value and how individuals work, connect, and converse, we inhabit a technologically advanced society (Cascio & Montealegre, 2016). The core of the international business is changing due to five key technologies: “detectors and intelligent production, sophisticated robots and drones, big data and machine learning, cloud and wireless communication, and clean energy technology.” Individuals in the digital age are concentrating on exploiting digitalized data, knowledge, and expertise to generate and trade goods and services.

Thirdly, it is indisputable that technology influences the legal profession, particularly in light of the ongoing worldwide pandemic. From two distinct perspectives, technological advancements have undoubtedly pushed for creating new legal professions. First, technological advancements have rendered the conventional corporate structure obsolete (Bullows, 2021). Businesses’ online presence proliferates, and technology enables new, easier-to-access, inexpensive, and high-quality approaches. The disintermediation culture is intensifying due to web-based assets, which enable customers to bypass lawyers and fulfill their requirements through sophisticated methods (Bullows, 2021).

Moreover, the last century has seen significant changes in the field of music, many of which can be attributed to technological advancements. The gramophone allowed for large-scale documenting and distribution of recording sessions, vinyl discs allowed for excellent sound development, and digital sound technological advances allowed for the affordable purchase of high-end, professional-grade studio devices, per Lerch (2018). These innovations allowed production facilities and hobbyist creators to create sounds at a technical excellence unimaginable only a few decades earlier.

Furthermore, the instruments that healthcare systems use to adjust to the requirements of the people they serve will depend on today’s decisions. Digital technologies are becoming more prevalent in daily care delivery (Maguire et al., 2021). Certain digital technologies, like email or computer-keeping records, have a well-established use case and are widely used in the healthcare industry. These innovations, notably mobile computing, wearable technology for individuals, artificial intelligence, and the web of things, will keep on to support the industry’s operations.

Finally, thanks to digitalization, cities are becoming more successful and efficient in growth, administration, and planning. The current wave of widespread digitalization has transformed many sectors’ value chains and completely disrupted the economic environment (Berawi, Miraj & Sari, 2020). It offers a range of captivating options resulting from intelligent systems and technology applications that give clever remedies for urban difficulties—byConsidering physical-digital cooperation among those involved inside the urban setting and the influence of digitalization-fostered creativity.


The above essay has concentrated on how digital technology has shaped the world in various industries, including music, urbanization, manufacturing, consumerism, working in organizations, development of cities, and the legal sector.


Rangaswamy, E., Nawaz, N., & Changzhuang, Z. (2022). The impact of digital technology on changing consumer behaviors with particular reference to the home furnishing sector in Singapore. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications9(1), 1-10.

Cascio, W. F., & Montealegre, R. (2016). How technology is changing work and organizations. Annual review of organizational psychology and behavior3, 349-375.

Bellows, A. (2021). How technology is changing the legal sector. The Law Teacher55(2), 258-264.

Lerch, A. (2018). The relation between music technology and the music industry. Springer Handbook of Systematic Musicology, 899-909.

Berawi, M. A., Miraj, P., & Sari, M. (2020). The Role of Digital Technologies In Shaping Sustainable and Smarter Cities. CSID Journal of Infrastructure Development3(1), 1-3.

Maguire, D., Honeyman, M., Fenney, D., & Jabbal, J. (2021). Shaping the future of digital technology in health and social care. The King’s Fund.


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