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Evidence-Based Practice (EBP)


Evidence-based practice (EBP) is essential to nursing. This is mainly because it enables nurses to provide patient-centered, high-quality care based on the best available evidence. EBP involves integrating the latest research findings, clinical expertise, and patient values and preferences to guide nursing practice. Nurses must be able to look for and critically assess relevant evidence from reputable sources, like databases, journals, and policy databases, to successfully engage in Evidence-based practice (EBP) (Skela et al.,2020). Furthermore, nurses must effectively communicate and work with their healthcare teams to ensure that the best available evidence is included in patient care choices. As a baccalaureate-prepared nurse, one must comprehend Evidence-based practice (EBP) ideas and techniques. Besides that, one should also be able to coach and lead nursing personnel to engage in Evidence-based practice (EBP). This resource will provide an overview of crucial Evidence-based practice (EBP) databases for a particular disease and information for a new nurse interested.

Communicating with the New Nurse

It is essential to communicate clearly to ensure that the newly hired nurse has access to all of the information she needs to offer the diabetic patient the highest possible level of care. As a nurse with a more remarkable experience, I will be responsible for cultivating a setting that encourages transparent communication and continual education. This may involve asking the new nurse open-ended questions. It also involves actively listening to their responses to assess their comprehension level and resolve any knowledge deficits.

I will adopt a patient-centered approach to promote the new nurse’s engagement in the patient’s care plan to communicate with her successfully. This includes informing them clearly and concisely about the patient’s diagnosis, treatment strategy, and projected outcomes. Additionally, involving the new nurse in decision-making increases the likelihood that they will take responsibility for the patient’s care and ensure their requirements are satisfied.

As part of the communication process, I will also assess the new nurse’s preferred learning style to develop a customized plan tailored to their needs. Some nurses may prefer visual aids, while others may prefer hands-on learning experiences. By accommodating their preferred learning style, they will be more engaged in learning and more likely to retain the information.

Furthermore, I will encourage the new nurse to research the diagnosis of type 2 diabetes mellitus to improve their knowledge and skills. This may entail recommending trustworthy informational sources, such as scholarly publications or professional groups. Other than that, it is essential to encourage new nurses to be proactive and confident in their learning abilities. This will thus help them to be more likely to deliver high-quality care to the patient.

This means that clear and concise communication between the doctor and the new nurse is essential for ensuring the diabetic patient receives optimal treatment. A patient-centric approach allows us to tailor our teaching methods to each individual’s needs. This thus creates an atmosphere perfect for growth and development. In the long run, this will lead to better patient health outcomes and a more competent nursing workforce.

Resources for Finding Evidence

Access to high-quality, evidence-based information on diabetes management is a vital tool for healthcare practitioners. Thus, below are some helpful resources concerning that.

Cochrane Library

This database offers several systematic reviews and meta-analyses on various diabetes care methods. Most of the information on this website is highly reputed because they thoroughly assess the available evidence before posting it (Richter et al., 2018). This thus makes it a reliable source for dispensing information about diabetes.


PubMed is a massive database that gives medical and nursing research publications access. It is a fantastic resource for locating diabetes management publications since it includes articles from respected journals that have gone through rigorous peer-review procedures (Justesen et al., 2021). PubMed can help healthcare practitioners identify the most recent research on diabetes management, such as innovative therapies, diagnostic tools, and treatment techniques.


CINAHL is a nursing database that contains articles from nursing publications, such as research papers, systematic reviews, and clinical practice recommendations. It is an excellent resource for locating evidence-based diabetes care practice guidelines (CINAHL Database, 2023). CINAHL can help healthcare practitioners discover diabetes management practice recommendations tailored to nursing practice.

The American Diabetes Association (ADA)

The American Diabetes Association (ADA) website offers reviewed information on various diabetes treatment and management methods. This database is a pillar in modern medicine since it helps healthcare providers access the latest evidence-based information on diabetes management (American Diabetes Association. (2023). It has been a reliable source of information for years; therefore, it can be trusted.

National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK)

This database is one of the most reputable websites that offer information on various diabetes treatment methods and research. This website provides patients and health providers with the latest and most accurate information on the treatment of diabetes (NIDDK conducts and supports research on many of the most common, costly, and chronic conditions to improve health, 2023). Some of the information may include research updates, clinical trials, and educational material on diabetes.

In case I was conducting workplace research, the hospital library and the research department are the two locations I would use. This is because these places typically have access to various research databases and other online sources that can provide relevant information for the diagnosis or healthcare issue being studied.

PubMed, CINAHL and Cochrane Library are reputable databases for accessing relevant research. These databases provide access to peer-reviewed articles, systematic reviews, and other forms of research that can provide valuable information about the being investigated diagnosis or healthcare issue. In addition, Google Scholar can be utilized since it allows access to articles that may not be accessible through conventional research databases.

Additionally, it encourages nurses to research the diagnosis or practice issue. There is a need for communication strategies such as email announcements, flyers, and presentations can be used. These can promote the research project and highlight the importance of the topic. Creating a supportive and collaborative environment for nurses can also encourage participation in the research project. This, however, can get done by involving nurses in the research process, such as through focus groups or feedback sessions. Other than that, providing them with the necessary resources and support to conduct their research can be essential.

The best places to complete research will depend on the specific healthcare setting. The library or research department may be the best place to access relevant resources in a hospital. In a minor clinic or outpatient facility, online databases may be the most accessible resource. Types of resources to look for will also vary based on the diagnosis or healthcare issue being studied but may include peer-reviewed articles, clinical guidelines, and patient education materials.


In summary, it is necessary to locate and implement evidence-based practice guidelines to provide high-quality treatment to patients. Newly hired nurses who want to better their grasp of diabetes management and offer the best care possible for their patients might benefit significantly from the databases that have been provided above. As a mentor, I will continue to promote and support new nurses to participate in evidence-based practice. I will also assist them in developing their abilities to locate, evaluate, and apply evidence to the treatment of patients.


Justesen, T., Freyberg, J., & Schultz, A. N. (2021). Database selection and data gathering methods in systematic reviews of qualitative research regarding diabetes mellitus-an explorative study. BMC Medical Research Methodology21, 1-12.

CINAHL Database. (2023). EBSCO.

American Diabetes Association. (2023). American Diabetes Association.

NIDDK conducts and supports research on many of the most common, costly, and chronic conditions to improve health. (2023). National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) .

Richter, B., Hemmingsen, B., Metzendorf, M. I., & Takwoingi, Y. (2018). Development of type 2 diabetes mellitus in people with intermediate hyperglycemia. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (10).

Skela-Savič, B., Gotlib, J., Panczyk, M., Patelarou, A. E., Bole, U., Ramos-Morcillo, A. J., … & Ruzafa-Martínez, M. (2020). Teaching evidence-based practice (EBP) in nursing curricula in six European countries—A descriptive study. Nurse Education Today94, 104561.


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