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Evidence Based Practice Essays

Smoking and the Risk of Developing Lung Cancer

This paper delves into the evidence-based practice problem encapsulated in the pivotal question: “Among adult smokers, do ongoing smoking cessation strategies and interventions reduce the prevalence of lung cancer within five years of continuous follow-up?” This is a significant problem, given its damaging influence on the nation and economy through high healthcare costs impact besides ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1331

Disseminating Effective and Widely Cited EBP

Healthcare and other fields have seen the rise of evidence-based practice (EBP). EBP practitioners frequently need to share knowledge to contribute to the knowledge base and serve as advocates for its widespread use. Among such strategies are targeted presentations and peer-reviewed publications, which hold great promise. Nonetheless, potential barriers to accessibility and audience involvement remain ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 766
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Implementing Evidence-Based Practice for Improved Patient Care: A Comprehensive Approach in a Psychiatric Hospital Setting

Introduction Improving patient outcomes and assuring top-notch treatment in the ever-changing healthcare system is made possible via evidence-based practice (EBP). This study investigates the feasibility of implementing an evidence-based change in the operations of mental healthcare institutions using a PICOT approach, which covers population, intervention, comparison, outcome, and time. On top of that, it discusses ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 1942

Thoughts on the DNP Degree

Manner In Which I Feel the DNP Degree Is Necessary and Justifications I find the DNP degree necessary for meeting the needs of the healthcare industry, addressing the existing challenges, and advancing the career growth and development of nurses. The dynamics of healthcare continue to change, and a DNP degree strengthens practice and healthcare delivery, ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 695

Nursing Journey Reflection

Introduction I am Tenzin. I am originally from Tibet and was brought up in an Indian refugee camp. From the early stages, my life was influenced by the unfortunate death of my grandfather at home because they could not afford to take him to a hospital. This ignited within me a sense of profound desire ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1316

Healthcare Crisis: Young People’s Mental Health

Executive Summary There is a surge in the number of young people experiencing mental health challenges in the UK. This calls for evidence-based interventions with urgency, as statistics indicate that the rise in mental health disorders among this group is significantly high. The COVID-19 pandemic compounded such a surge amidst the inability of the existing ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3249

Nursing: Evidence-Based Practice in Clinical Settings

Evidence-based programs and policies in care settings are not unique to specific diseases or circumstances. They are among the necessities for offering quality patient-centered care in any health institution. Among the many situations or diseases in which evidence-based practices can be leveraged is the case of diabetes. Diabetes is an ideal disease that can be ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 958

Qualitative Research and Evidence-Based Practice

Qualitative research is a method to study and comprehend human experiences, behaviors, and opinions deeply. This type of research offers a more in-depth view of the issue, providing the context and multiple perspectives that can inform policy and practice, making it more patient-centered and holistically healthcare-oriented (Presado et al., 2021). This paper discusses the issues ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 937

Exploring Nursing Practice Through a Patient-Centered Lens: A Critical Reflection

Introduction Nursing is unique in healthcare because it promotes health and healing through caring relationships. The 2010 Social Policy Statement describes nursing as understanding diverse human experiences and responses to health and illness in complex physical and social contexts. An essay on a nursing situation that led to a critical review of conventional practices and ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 767

Using a PICO(T) Framework and Evidence To Develop Care Practices

Introduction Evidence-based practice aims to apply the best research evidence to inform clinical decisions and enhance patient care and outcomes. The PICO(T) framework provides a structured approach for developing focused clinical questions to guide evidence searches. PICO(T) stands for Patient/Problem, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome, and Time frame (if relevant). Carefully formulating a PICO(T) question isolates key ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1773

Critical Factors in Evidence-Based Practice

The first and pivotal phase in the evidence-based practice approach is identifying an appropriate source of evidence that may effectively address a clinical inquiry. This entails using a systematic approach. To start the procedure, it is necessary to define the PICO(T) components, including the delineation of the patient or population, intervention, comparison (if relevant), outcomes, ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 680

Enhancing Patient Safety Through Evidence-Based Practice

Introduction In healthcare facilities, patient security and high-quality treatment are of utmost importance. Care providers can only do their best if they can pinpoint and fix the problems affecting their patients’ results. The purpose of this document is to serve as a guide for using EBP tactics to address a problem with service quality or ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1838

Exploring Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing

In providing various healthcare services to the patients in the healthcare systems, the providers must provide the most suitable healthcare services by the EBP. In mental health in nursing, integrating and implementing the EBP are essential since the approach guarantees the best outcome for individuals with mental health issues. In the past few decades, mental ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 606

Locating Credible Databases and Research

To guide clinical decision-making, evidence-based practice (EBP) in nursing entails intentionally integrating the best available data, professional competence, and patient preferences. EBP is crucial in the case of a freshly licensed nurse caring for a patient with acute pancreatitis pain. First, EBP advises the newly qualified nurse to seek accurate sources of information on the ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1199

EBP and Quadruple Aim

EBP, or evidence-based practice, is a methodical strategy for making healthcare decisions incorporating the best available evidence, clinical knowledge, and patient values and preferences (Jolley, 2020). It displays the application of scientific ideas to improve healthcare productivity and offer high-quality services. The EBP process primarily concerns healthcare techniques that enhance patient outcomes, increase healthcare provider ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 748
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