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Evaluation in Healthcare Education

Definition and Distinction

Evaluation is an essential key aspect in health professions education to know empowerment and applications of educational programs. It refers to the process by which learning opportunities, educational approaches, and materials are observed in an unbiased manner, with the aim of modifying the general state of the knowledge for the practices. This essay presents several issues of the healthcare education evaluation and seeks answers to the related issues presented in the assignments.

First of all, evaluation can be related to the phenomenon outlined as the process whereby a set of data is collected and analyzed to ascertain the extent of achievement of education objectives. Evaluation is different from assessment in that assessment is about measuring an individual performance or obtain, but evaluation is at the quality and effectiveness of educational programs at large.

Relationship with Evidence-Based Practice

Evaluation in nurse and doctors’ education is nearly a synonym for evidence-based practice. It’s a complex process that incorporates up-to-date evidence as well as the doctors’ experience together with the patient’s personal preferences for patient care. Evaluation will ensure that evaluation data is compiled to clearly document emergency education programs’ impact and effectiveness, thus feeding into the evidence-based practice.

Internal vs. External Evidence

Internal evidence deals with data and facts that are created from a setting or organization, while in contrast, external evidence is the data from outside and could be from national or professional sources like studies or guidelines. Analyzing both internal and external data is a crucial element in the evaluation process because it gives alternative points of view and many pieces of information.

Crucial Planning Step

At first, and the main goal at the beginning of the evaluation process, is to spell out the objectives and aims of the evaluation precisely. With this step, the evaluation progress is built on, which creates a firm blueprint for the rest of the process in that the evaluation is precise and aligned with the needed objectives.

Formative vs. Summative Evaluation

Both formative and summative evaluation are two methods of evaluation that are widely used in healthcare education (Arrogante, 2021). The formative evaluation, carried out in two phases during the development and implementation of educational strategies, includes feedback from participating individuals and revisions of the Intervention. The review formative evaluation is performed during the process, whereas summative assessment is done at the last stage to measure the project’s performance as a whole. Moreover, formative evaluation can be called process evaluation, and summative evaluation is also known as outcome evaluation.

Data Collection Methods

Different research strategies can be applied in examining the quality of educational assistance. This list represents techniques such as surveys, interviews, observations, focus groups, and document analysis. Each method is designed to have certain features, which are its strengths and failures. The selection criteria should be on the basis of the aims and goals of the evaluation.

Barriers to Evaluation

There are three primary bottlenecks for evaluation in healthcare education, encompassing zero funds, time barriers, and resistance from the constituents. These obstacles may limit the evaluation process, and therefore it is necessary to deal with them through some solutions to have a proper monitoring of the initiatives.

Reporting Guidelines

When a write-up is done for a result of the evaluation, follow three rules: First, the results need to be presented to the stakeholders briefly and with accurate graphics techniques. Thirdly, relationships between the conclusions and the project’s starting points, objectives, and goals should be tackled. Next, dissemination of results to the target groups must be done on a timely basis and in a more comprehensive format.


As for the dispute about the timing of appraisal, I do support the approach which states that an appraisal only serves as a demonstration of the ignorance of the project needs to be revised. There should be planning carried out and placement of evaluation throughout the educational program to ensure that it is designed well, and designed in a manner that is aligned with the outcomes to be achieved. Performance at the end of the program may lead to missed chances to improve it, and the inferences of the questions may need to be more to cater to the future program.

Personal Experience and Future Considerations

Until now, for the most part, I have not interacted during the formal evaluation of teaching methods at my job. On the other side, there is a solution to evaluate our orientation program at work place. The evaluation will enable us to measure whether the program is adequate in terms of getting new employees into schedules and also identify points where we can do it better. This will not only mean improvement in the quality of education and training but will lead to the growth of knowledge in our organization.

Summarizing, the assessment makes healthcare education effective through the evaluation of the Intervention’s impact. For a better understanding of the meaning of the evaluation and assessment in terms of evidence-based practice detached from internal and external evidence we share the main stages of planning and conducting of the evaluation. By using protocols for gathering data, researching obstacles and adhere reporting principles, the result of the evaluation can be used for improving educational programs and increasing the quality of healthcare educational programs.


Arrogante, O., González-Romero, G. M., López-Torre, E. M., Carrión-García, L., & Polo, A. (2021). You are comparing formative and summative simulation-based assessment in undergraduate nursing students: nursing competency acquisition and clinical simulation satisfaction. BMC Nursing, 20(1), 1-11.


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