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Marketing Essays

Evolving Trends in Global Influencer Marketing

Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 introduction to the Research Digital marketing refers to the employment of digital or social media platforms to create awareness about a brand and reach out to consumers. Online, mobile marketing involves any kind of promotion that takes place on the internet using social media platforms or search engines; via a cellphone, ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1184

The Impact of Social Media on Louis Vuitton’s Growth in the British Market.

Executive summary The study is set to determine the impact of social media on Louis Vuitton’s growth in the British market. People share photos, videos, and information with friends, families, business stakeholders, or desired audiences based on the content shared through social media, proving a powerful tool used in business to convey marketing information. Businesses ... Read More
Pages: 19       Words: 5200
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Research on the Factors Influencing the Willingness To Use Digital Currency Electronic Payment in China —Case of E-CNY

Abstract The younger generation favors currency e-payment for convenience but attracts attention to digital information and privacy issues. How to gain a competitive advantage in the fierce market competition of digital currency e-payment platforms, improve customer satisfaction, and develop a marketing strategy to attract customers’ willingness to use. This study takes the digital currency E-CNY ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3614

Developing an Innovative Idea for Zoony Skincare Company

Executive Summary This report analyses the current challenges facing Zoony Skin Care and suggests innovative solutions to these problems. As a family-owned company that produces superior skin care products, Zoony Skin Care is overwhelmed with decreasing revenues and intensified competition made worse by new entrants online as well as demand for more natural treatments. It ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2964

Influences on Consumer Behavior in the Healthcare Sector

Introduction In the healthcare sector, pharmaceutical firms have to not only produce drugs with some positive effects but also have a broad knowledge of social and psychological factors that can control patients’ choice in selecting one treatment option or another Social, identified, and historical determinant effects what an individual patient perceives as a preferable treatment ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 977

Analyzing Organizational Goals and Objectives

In the world of ever-changing beauty and personal care, Everose is one brand that shows its dedication to injecting a splash of illusiveness into everyday existence. This section will try to provide a Mission, Vision, and Strategic Objectives for Everose employing the above sectoral leaders of the industry, such as L’Occitane, The Face Shop and ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 713

Netflix’s 2020 Strategy for Battling Rivals in the Global Streaming Video Market

Introduction The streaming video giant Netflix, as the industry’s first movers, changed the way people enjoy entertainment. By 2020, the company started facing stiff competition from new streaming services such as Disney+ and HBO Max. With a three-pronged strategy, Netflix aimed at safeguarding its dominant position. It first pursued aggressive international expansion to access foreign ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1781

Image and Brand Management Crossroads: A Case Study

Abstract This case study aims to create a communication plan for a fashion influencer in significant life changes. Through social listening, content analysis, and the opinion of buyers, the audience’s current brand image and values were used to get the all-around picture of it. The in-depth analysis was used to define the objectives, methods, timetable, ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1475

Brand Reputation and Purchase Decision

The decisions made by customers to purchase electronic products are highly dependent on the reputation of the particular brand within Malaysia (Rahman et al., 2020). The brand reputation often determines the product’s quality, reliability, and overall trustworthiness and significantly attracts customers. Research done by Mbete & Tanamal (2020) states that the psychological phenomenon of brand ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2836

Marketing Organic Consumer Products: The Use of the Availability Heuristic and Recall Ease

1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background The market for biological consumer goods has grown significantly in recent years, indicating a growing trend toward healthier and more ecologically friendly products. The market topographies items developed without synthetic pesticides or genetically modified organisms, and it is a thriving sector of the food and commerce industry. Organic products appeal for ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2797

Final Examination Equivalent Project

SECTION A QUESTION 1 Based on the above given EV case, please discuss five (5) major elements of each of the SWOT variables that would affect/influence the progress of the EV industry in Malaysia. Introduction Malaysia’s electric vehicle (EV) industry is experiencing rapid growth and transformation, driven by increasing environmental concerns, technological advancements, and government ... Read More
Pages: 17       Words: 4587

Topic: Strategic Marketing in a Global Context

Introduction In a global environment, strategic marketing is a rapidly evolving and complicated discipline that centers on developing and putting into practice marketing plans to break into foreign markets (Clarkson, 2023). Businesses are increasingly going outside of their own country to take advantage of new growth prospects and achieve a competitive advantage in today’s globally ... Read More
Pages: 19       Words: 4967

The Influence of Streaming Services

Introduction/Background to the Research The entertainment industry has changed a lot lately due to the massive and remarkable rise of on-demand platforms like Netflix and Amazon Prime. These digital platforms have ushered in an era of unprecedented convenience that provides customers with various content from their homes. However, this technological revolution has inevitably increased customer ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 3016

Negative Connotations of Persuasion

On the one hand, persuasion is mostly related to such issues as effective communication or negotiation and, in many cases, is very positively treated by people. However, it can bear negative connotations for some audiences. These perceptions mostly have negative connotations to issues involving manipulating someone, trying to persuade using others, and even being dishonest ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 892

The Impact of Influencer Marketing on Modern Business

Introduction Businesses rely on various marketing strategies to succeed in their ventures. The strategies encompass influencer marketing, a form of marketing strategy where a business depends on public endorsements from influencers. The influencers have a substantial online presence and can impact the audience following them (Vrontis et al., 2021). Influencer marketing is the go-to rubric ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2021
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Essays On Marketing

Maybe you’re looking for a career in it or simply are interested in the power behind marketing. Either way, it’s an excellent topic for multiple essay topics. Marketing is what business uses to gain the attention of their potential customer. They use it to entice what users are looking to get and how their products or services can fulfill those needs.

It’s a blend of subliminally speaking to a consumer and using messaging in various mediums. This includes print, images and video to get to a psychological point of view. With Digital marketing and globalization it’s only become more complex. New markets are always opening up and new ways of sending out marketing messages.

It’s quite a diverse topic that looks at everything from what advertising looks like to how to capture someone’s attention in a matter of seconds. With technology, it’s also easier to capture marketing data points, helping to shift marketing from a creative field to an innovative and data-driven area. Items such as target audience and segmentation can be easily tracked so marketers can properly drive their efforts to the right consumers who will eventually buy the product or service.

How to write an essay about marketing

There are a lot of different avenues to go with marketing. You can look at how it’s a critical component of sales in general for business or, what consumer behavior looks like and how marketing works with it. There are also different types of marketing to consider as well.

Or you can go towards the psychology of consumerism and how marketing plays a critical role, and ensure that you cite plenty of use cases and data sets related to this topic. Technology also continues to grow in this field, with numerous marketing tools to help marketers in their roles. Looking at such technology, or the future of marketing technology will make for an excellent essay topic.

Topics to consider for essays on marketing:

• The importance of marketing in the modern business world
• The different types of marketing
• The marketing mix
• The marketing research process
• Consumer behavior
• The future of marketing

So, try looking through the samples on this page. They will help you see different people’s points of view on marketing and create your own masterpiece!

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