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Digital Marketing Essays

Marketing Organic Consumer Products: The Use of the Availability Heuristic and Recall Ease

1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background The market for biological consumer goods has grown significantly in recent years, indicating a growing trend toward healthier and more ecologically friendly products. The market topographies items developed without synthetic pesticides or genetically modified organisms, and it is a thriving sector of the food and commerce industry. Organic products appeal for ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2797

Future of Marketing

Marketing enables a business to attain its total capacity and delivers its proprietors a return on their investment by marketing its goods, services, and brands. This is achieved by raising client awareness of the brand, enhancing content engagement, and accelerating product and service sales. New trends in the market have emerged recently, forcing market managers ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 681
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Digital Marketing and Its Impact on Small Businesses

Executive Summary Small businesses major challenge is marketing due to the high costs involved in the process. The traditional forms of communication, such as radio and television, have a higher cost that small businesses cannot afford to reach their customers. The objective of this study is to evaluate the impact of digital marketing on small ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1778

Scaling Enoch’s Greetings – A Large-Scale Business Execution Plan

Enoch’s Greetings started modestly but is a foundation for designer cards. This business expansion and future vision respond to increased demand for something physical with a handmade feeling. The first venture’s success shows the need for a comprehensive plan to address development, stability, compliance, technology involvement, and resource allocation. This strategy aims to expand Enoch’s ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3127

Final Project: Scaling Enoch’s Greetings – A Large-Scale Business Execution Plan

Enoch’s Greetings started modestly but is a foundation for designer cards. This business expansion and future vision respond to increased demand for something physical with a handmade feeling. The first venture’s success shows the need for a comprehensive plan to address development, stability, compliance, technology involvement, and resource allocation. This strategy aims to expand Enoch’s ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3132

Blog and Article Writing Business Idea

Executive Summary A growing, well-liked company that offers blog and article writing services is dynamic and at the forefront and is worth investing in as a student. It is simpler to gain a reputation as a trustworthy source for individuals and businesses looking for well-written, captivating content and Website optimization-friendly. The sophisticated composition and shifting ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1094

Thought Leadership in Digital Marketing

A thought leader helps organizations adapt to the constantly shifting digital marketing environment. This article explores the significance of thought leadership and strives to showcase the execution of a robust digital marketing plan centered around content. It also conducts an in-depth examination of effective content strategies, the importance of customization, Customer Relationship Management (CRM) program fundamentals, ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 921

Encouraging Market and Product Innovation in the Dairy Industry (Hoeve Waterrijk): A Focus on Intrapreneurship and Post-COVID-19 Strategies.

Introduction In the current world, the business landscape is rapidly changing, and corporate entrepreneurship is gaining substantial prominence as organizations seek to foster innovation and remain competitive. Corporate entrepreneurship, also referred to as Intrapreneurship, is a methodology utilized to establish new business products, opportunities, or services with a company: and the process seeks to drive ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2979

Previous Strategy Evaluation

It is essential to assess and comprehend the company’s current and prior marketing initiatives before presenting the suggested marketing tactics for Synergy Health Group. This assessment can pinpoint areas where the marketing strategy is working well, where it needs work, and where there are chances to improve. We can create a thorough and successful marketing ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1611

Digital Marketing & Social Media Project

Introduction Understanding the market share for growing sales is crucial business in any business. The company Tesco is not an exception in this case. The renowned and world-known retail organization Tesco is not an exception in this case. That is the reason, the company is intending to enhance digital marketing planning and also reduce the ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3481

Data-Driven Marketing

Technological advancements are critical in contemporary commercial activities, and reaching out to clients is no exception (Chaffey & Ellis-Chadwick, 2019). Digital marketing influences business enterprises’ communication patterns and analogies to advertise, attract, and sell products and services in the virtual environment. According to Ryan (2016), business organisations require a digital marketing approach to gain opportunities ... Read More
Pages: 15       Words: 3957

Cultural Considerations for Glimmer in India

India has a rich cultural legacy, and Indian culture is fundamentally centered around jewelry (Banerjee, 2008). Indians have long used jewelry to represent their wealth, position, and beauty. Therefore, Glimmer must comprehend and respect the traditional significance of jewelry in Indian society if it wants to join the market there successfully. This essay will critically ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 999

Impact of Digital Marketing on Enhancing the Online Presence of International Business: An Exploratory Study of the UK It Sector.

Abstract The impact of digital marketing on the online presence of international businesses can not be gainsaid. Ideally, digital marketing helps the business focus on audiences with a global reach. Businesses use digital technologies to improve their online touchpoints that customers wanting to find more about a brand and its associated products can use to ... Read More
Pages: 43       Words: 11561

Effectiveness of Digital Marketing Strategies and Their Impact on Consumer Behavior

Introduction Digital marketing (DM) has become essential in modern business (Chaffey & Ellis-Chadwick, 2019). Currently, consumers spend more time online, and firms must find ways to reach and engage with their target audience through digital channels (Hossain et al., 2021). Organizations, managers, owners, investors, and any other individual running a business need to understand the ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2039
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