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Weekend Max Mara IMC Proposal


In this project, the outlined strategy roadmap’s goals are to provide means for Weekend MaxMara – a competent player in cherishing the fashion industry- to develop ways of adjusting their production and business practices with the onset of changing consumer tastes, technological advancements and sustainability concerns. This all–inclusive strategy looks at the emergence of significant aspects in the fashion world, such as how particular products may change, brand promotion, and trying to address different marketplaces. Trying to capture the perfect harmony between timeless elegance and sustainability development, Weekend MaxMara aims to position itself as a pioneer in that it uses digital innovation while at the same time using universality to ensure a prosperous future for its product offerings within the world of fashion today.

Situational Overview

The fashion industry landscape constantly changes, manifested in dynamically shifting market conditions where consumers’ requirements and marketing trends are quickly changing (Mara, 2024). Consumers today want ethically produced clothing, so the global fashion market is witnessing a rising demand for sustainable clothes, and those where they buy choose brands that meet their standards. However, this can also be identified as a significant opportunity for Weekend MaxMara, considering that the eco-friendly message is part of its core marketing strategy for communicating to an equally socially responsible consumer segment. Simultaneously, the emergence of e-commerce and digital platforms is a massive opportunity for the brand to reach new grounds and connect with larger populations. Nevertheless, the increasingly competitive digital arena makes an IMC campaign based on strategy and powerful messaging essential( Zuhria and Ratnaningtyas, 2019, p.78-90).


To begin with, Weekend MaxMara operates in a fashion industry characterized as a branch of an all-embracing market changing due to the changes in trends and consumer taste as well as the impact of world economic factors. With the diversification of the market in terms of apparel, accessories, and lifestyle products, it includes a variety of players, from high-end luxury brands to quick fashion retailers that are present worldwide. In this space, the Weekend MaxMara brand occupies a unique niche, establishing itself as a modern luxury company providing quality classes to sophisticated contemporary women looking for a classic style. The characteristics that define this industry include design innovation, quality artisanship, product brand, and excellent ability to grasp all consumer taste changes.

The fashion industry is profoundly dictated by seasonal cycles, and designs of products from these companies are being modified according to trends while responding to the emergence of demand for eco-friendly or sustainable goods. In turn, new digital platforms are gaining an evermore prominent role in the online marketplace, making it increasingly difficult for marketers to keep up with a tech-minded consumer base (Susiang et al., 2023, 437-447). Keeping the balance between traditional luxury and current trends and ethics is essential for Weekend MaxMara and its success within this market, as finding a compromise between different focuses of consumers enables it to stand out amidst the changing fashion industry.

Competitor evaluation

The competitive landscape that Weekend MaxMara operates in is characterized by various brands covering the high-end and contemporary segment market, aiming to grab the consumer’s attention. The rivals, direct competitors for Weekend MaxMara, and threats such as Michael Kors and Tory Burch have significant challenges and opportunities ( Comparably, 2024). However, Michael Kors is a modern and fashion-driven competitor that uses celebrity endorsements, premier events, e-commerce channels, and online editorials to increase the brand’s popularity. Weekend MaxMara can challenge this by highlighting its European roots and dedication to form-based style as an alternative to fashion that surfs on trends. Another Tory Burch, which combines classic style and a bohemian touch, is a notable rival. The weekend MaxMara can be appealing as a brand with an intermediate level of luxury, basing its advantage on the price/quality proportion.

Regarding MarCom’s strategies, Max Mara Weekend has taken a new direction for everyone; the traditional advertising concept with social media sourcing campaigns and the inclusion of influencers into their objects led to brand awareness (Iriani et al., 2023, p.97-110). It is possible for weekend Max Mara to replicate this technique yet much further targeted at sustainability using various platforms like Instagram and TikTok to attract more youthful people concerned with green fashion. Michael Kors is good at associating with celebrities, delivering one-of-a-kind and ultraversive occasions. The essence will be through the weekend Max Mara brand by creating uncommon common ground due to inclusion in concentrating on diversities while still being an elite brand. This is based on consumer values and the improvement of standards. As a lifestyle brand, Tory Burch has successfully developed storytelling through the given marketing channel, resulting in a narrative reflecting the brand. The artistry of rival brands could be captured by Weekend Max Mara, mirroring the same strategy used by competing firms and featuring their heritage.

The strengths of Weekend Max Mara are represented by the European headquarters, which is responsible for and oriented toward a timeless elegance brand. One of its areas for improvement is ensuring adequate retorts in improving the futile attempt for digital marketing activities focusing on influencer interactions and social media. These strengths should be addressed to take advantage of the most illustrative opportunities and negate possible threats. At the same time, weaknesses are compensated with digital campaigns, strategic partnerships, and environmentally sound business methods. In response, though acting in a fiercely competitive environment where several brands are fighting to get the share of customers and sustain in the market with their products, IMC’s proposal intends to create an attractive niche by placing Weekend Max Mara as a brand that offers an ideal combination between luxury, sustainability and lasting style into the hierarchy.

UK fashion industry market

The UK’s fashion industry is undoubtedly an outstanding and vibrant example of a highly competitive niche that puts itself on the map with its massive heritage, thoughtful creativity, and an impressive number of luxe contemporary products. Big players ,and better-off fashion houses like Burberry or Alexander McQueen are are on the field.The types of change that drive the UK fashion market are bespoke changes, innovativeness, and trend-leading. These driving forces, popularly called high sophisticates, have a revolutionary image as they constantly change their desires. An energetic retail setting comprising brick-and-mortar shops, Internet store channels, and a blossoming market characterizes the sector. Ethics and sustainability have become the new standard, as many consumers expect these practices to continue even more ethical production and consumption standards. London Fashion Week has become highly notorious, and the world recognizes her designers as English segments, creating another center of facility in this country.

Pandemic and Sales

This situation will likely provide a challenging platform for sales of the overall effects on the fashion industry due to the worldwide pandemic, including Weekend MaxMara addressing the coronavirus experience. The impact of the pandemic was unlike any other phenomenon. This saw a decrease in sales recorded by fashion retailers due to several disturbances, such as lockdowns, supply chain interruptions, and priority shifts. Nevertheless, the brand started having several opportunities during the fiasco. The corruption became a new lifeline that urged using maximum e-commerce strength, which led Weekend MaxMar to fortify its e-commerce solution and digital marketing strategies. When the pandemic exacerbated the fact that flexibility and adaptability were crucial, the brand applied innovation to improve e-commerce. With pandemic restrictions being lifted, the focus on store sales recovery stays critical, emphasizing relying more on physical stores and digital channels in equal measures.

Competitors in UK fashion industry market and their effects

In terms of results, the UK fashion industry was so immensely disrupted as a stipulation of COVID-19 that all aspects apart from market dynamics and competitors stood immediate changes due to the pandemic. Closures of physical retail locations during lockdowns cost the trade giant as human traffic declined, and spending has been known to contract, giving sportswear brand Weekend MaxMara a hard time in their attire. Of course, supply chain disruptions only made things worse as manufacturing processes started to get stuck due to delays and shortages of production. Efforts of competitors in the UK fashion market, from galonibs to high street retailers operating under analogous constrictions. When some competitors managed to switch to online platforms and use the force of e-commerce trends boosted by COVID-19 acceleration, others had hardships behind their backs about sales drops and closures. The change also led to reconsidering marketing modes with YouTube and other social media sites, which would become highly influenced by digital platforms and virtual realms. The price sensitivity resulting from the economic uncertainties affected buying behaviors toward brands, forcing businesses to deliver value for money while ensuring that quality is not compromised.

Brands that successfully deployed quick responses to changing consumer patterns, solid online platforms, and effective sustainability measures ended up in a better place as circumstances changed. In the process of recovery from this turbulence, strategic marketing, and communication initiatives are necessary for all players in this fashion industry, especially Weekend MaxMara, by emphasizing ways that can be used to restore trust amongst customers, for example, differentiation of their offerings and aligning with new normal towards post-pandemic selection. The IMC strategy must address the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact beyond Weekend MaxMara. Such a global ‘perspective’ providing an economic background should be portrayed as establishing the framework from which some clear visionary trends can emerge.

Weekend MaxMara Role and the Overview of Weekend MaxMara

Weekend MaxMara, a world-renowned leader in the fashion world, possesses a unique niche in the family of all Max Mara Fashion Group companies. It debuted in 1984 as an after-hours, off-duty collection. Still, it was soon established as a powerhouse brand with its continued mastery of the marriage between timeless elegance and contemporary sensibility. One of the companies that form the Max Mara Fashion Group, the brand enjoys, among other things, a commitment to quality craft and attention to detail, allowing it to provide women with sophisticated yet versatile outfit options. Weekend MaxMara includes ready-to-wear dresses, accessories, and outerwear in its assortment of items, which come with a professional look but at the same simple, elegant image desired by an urban woman. Targeting high-end materials, design innovation, and European ideals in a position that holds a fine line between luxury and accessibility, Weekend MaxMara reshapes the company’s brand orientation by engaging in an extended type of primary resources oriented through reliance on premium products.

The brand’s lines feature an almost transitional approach where classic silhouettes converge on contemporary elements and range from day to eveningwear. However, notable is Weekend MaxMara keeping to the environmental consciousness evidenced by many consumers as they demand sustainability and ethical practices. Weekend MaxMara’s retail acquisition spans muscles collectively, along unequal standalone boutiques and a sturdy online enforce, tending effect blinded ownership for candle power of its wear. The customer-oriented nature of the brand does not only include transactions; it also involves establishing a relationship between customers and all activities around developing loyalty for the brand through collaborations like exclusive events or co-branding initiatives, which generally increase the experience with Max Mara.

Outline of Weekend Maxmara’s current marketing activity

The current marketing activities related to Weekend MaxMara are predominantly all-encompassing-encompassing and integrative, with a significant emphasis on Marketing Communications (MarComs) that intend to establish the brand name, which makes contact with its intended consumers. In many channels, the brand effectively uses conventional and online media platforms that reflect its philosophy toward society and promote product suites while teaching people how to be part of this community. The brand has a solid social media presence with accounts on Facebook and Instagram, which it uses to engage followers with visually arresting content such as highly considered photography of its collections, backstage imagery, and lifestyle stories. Utilizing strong influencer partnerships, MaxMara Weekend aims to achieve such broad reach by using fashion influencers and celebrities to amplify their message and, for example, working with powerful flatforms partners who share the same ethos of elegance and finery towards reinforcing the brand image as an embodiment of aspirational attributes.

The company takes on retail, wherein Weekend MaxMara aims to promote interactivity and immerse clients within the store windows using interactive screens as gathering areas showing significant collections. The brand usually holds exclusive parties through its physical locations or collaborations, which is an extra bit of relationship building and, even more so, the eternal personal touch. These activities do more than act as a source of revenue; instead, they also instill binding, through emotion, between the brand and its customers. In the marketing communications of Weekend MaxMara, an evident factor is its commitment to sustainability. The brand focuses on being environmentally responsible, setting limits where possible in sourcing the raw materials, and ensuring ethical processes. For example, social media campaigns emphasize environmental concerns, and using recycled materials in production shows clients a brand’s commitment to sustainability.

Problems the brand is facing

Max Mara, an Italian luxury brand founded in 1951 by Achille Maramotti, is among the notable iconic brands symbolizing timeless elegance and refinement. Since specializing in ready-to-wear clothing, outerwear, accessories, and more, MaxMara has risen from a local powerhouse to an international superpower at the helm of the fashion industry. At the expense of being expensive, this brand sees its commitment to high craftsmanship plus tailor and refined detail as something that will stand them in good stead since this has made their legacy manufacturing step out into a novel personality-centered but boldly for women. Marketing Communications (MarComs) of MaxMara reflects the company’s vision of delivering a significant message about being a humble form of luxury and modern altogether.

Although it shares the same problem with almost any other luxury brand, Max Mara needs help adapting to the fifth phase of the fashion revolution when everything turns into technology. First, a widely pertinent challenge arises from changing consumer behavior due to the digital culture, pronounced by increased usage and domineering e-commerce and online shopping experiences. Moreover, the luxury particular market is staying quite competitive, and there’s a never-ending demand for innovation to keep young buyers focused. To sustain its legacy, remain relevant amid this evolving situation, and maintain high standards throughout the fashion landscape, MaxMara must respond agilely and dynamically with its MarComs strategy.

Future of Weekend Maxmara

The opportunity lies in the intersection of sustainability, digital innovation, and consumer engagement, which should modernize Weekend MaxMara heading to the future. Promoting an eco-friendly orientation and adopting a niche ecologically conscious style will be necessary for just such steps. Sourcing the material to production and packaging with a robust sustainable strategy program is one way that can improve the brand’s ecological image; all hooks trigger consumer conscientious to aspects such as awareness of increased demand towards shop recyclability of goods because are willing to spend more on products paying off there value more than material. In addition, digital marketing practices can help the brand thrive online by adopting sophisticated techniques like immersive virtual experiences and augmented reality, providing the customer with a truly interactive shopping environment.

SWOT/ Ansoff Analysis tools

Using analysis tools such as SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) and Ansoff Matrix offers a systematic approach that can be used to defend the derived strategic marketing opportunity for Weekend MaxMara. Applying a SWOT analysis can easily show that the strengths of Weekend MaxMara depend significantly on its style, European heritage, and respect for sustainability. The brand’s weaknesses can be its lower digital footprint than among the leading competitors of the fast-fashion market and increased requirements in terms of online involvement. The chances come from the number of needs constantly presented because of sustainable fashion and its increasing popularity. However, threats include brutal rivalry in the market, economic volatility, and dynamic market demand.

These revelations align with the Ansoff Matrix, thus recommending a strategic growth method. To achieve depth in the market, Weekend MaxMara can deepen its environmental sustainability efforts and align it with eco-friendly practices as the only competitive point. This is consonant with the present competencies of the brand and taking advantage of an opportunity whereby demand for green fashion has increased sharply. Market development is growing into different markets. Using digital marketing tools, Weekend MaxMara can seek COUNTRY emerging locations or reinforce its position among regions where environmental responsibility is essential to clients. This would be achieved by partnering with influencers from various parts of the world, which also coincides with the brand goal of inclusivity (Aw and Agnihotri, 2023, p. 10-14)

Product development involves the products in the existing markets. For this case, the Weekend MaxMara can innovate to create more sustainable collections, adding innovation with advanced ideal sustainable materials and technologies for a consumer’s segment that is both about styling and ethical aspects. An augmented reality virtual try-on solution can be developed in the future, offering a unique and dynamic shopping opportunity. ; Diversification represents the integration into a new market with a distinct set of products(Wang et al. 2023, p.108794). Weekend MaxMara can work with tech firms that help develop eco-friendly fashion technology solutions, such as applications that measure how much each item garners on the environment or by integrating blockchain to offer transparent supply chains. This goes by its innovation promise as it may also provide the fashion industry with entirely new creations.


To drive the Weekend MaxMara into a brighter future, an overall marketing plan is in place that aims to offer signals regarding products, brand names, and target nations. To begin with, on a product line dimension, Weekend MaxMara should be advised to align each plan for sustainability sustainability with a sustainability nature. It not only means sourcing sustainable materials for their products but also disclosing openly to consumers how sustainability impacts the manufacturing of specific items(Correia et al., 2023, p.1356). Using the latest sustainable approaches like reused materials or fresh eco-friendly technologies that will be unique to choosing a brand will define a booming category one – limb of environmentally concerned consumers.

Meanwhile, an image for the brand has to be constructed, including its values and traditions and the idea of sustainable development (Rachbini et al., 2023. p.1387). Having been built on the humble core of its European origins and traditional desirability, Weekend MaxMara should use this as a marketing tool in form or storytelling. A story of the brand’s path to sustainable design, supported by genuine craftsmanship behind the products and cultural significance reflected in its work, can bring consumers closer. The partnership of influencers and thought leaders with these values will reinforce this brand’s image. This is because their reach is far broader than what a single employer can reach on their own. The sustainability policy of the brand needs to go beyond its product alone. It should generate a form of brand identity in every aspect of communication and engagement undertaken by the company.

Furthermore, Weekend Max Mare must tactically determine and prioritize its approach to markets. Knowing its core audience’s demographics, psychographics, and behavior will lead to more accurate and efficient marketing practices (Nazarudin and Handayani, 2024, pp. 23 – 29). Along with maintaining its current customer base, the brand should find a way to appeal and be attractive to other elements of potential shoppers’ populations, especially the more fashionable younger generation who value all green social responsibility. Ultimately, such in-depth market research could shed light on these target markets’ particular needs and wants, determining what products to develop, how to sell them, their corresponding marketing messages, and how best to distribute them.

When one refers to target markets, inclusivity should take the standpoint. If Weekend MaxMara is to produce a brand personality successfully, it should make attempts to represent cultures. More than that, it makes sense with contemporary society values and creates an opportunity for the brand to appeal to many people. Marketing campaigns should include models and influencers of different ages, sizes, ethnicities, diversity, and personalities, all coming together to show a united front emphasizing the inclusivity portfolio. The brand should be open for collaborations with influencers that match ‘its identity.’


In conclusion, sustainability at Weekend MaxMara is a challenge that must be addressed to further the company’s successes and in the future. It lies on chronic leadership to integrate sustainability into their daily interactions as what could work out from them are bare target market research findings whereby they come in contact with resources acquisition, logistics as well as customer service processes Through reworking its product portfolio to meet the needs of eco-conscious consumers, creating a powerful story that focuses on how heritage is tied into sustainability and integrating ingenious digital methods, this brand can retain itself as the flagship of present fashion. Ensuring inclusivity will guarantee that it is attractive to them all in a broad base. These are the strategic initiatives that will not only help Weekend MaxMara succeed in meeting the modern market demands but also set a new fashion standard for an ethical and stylish dress code.


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