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Business Essays

Industrial Policies and Economic Development in South Korea and Singapore

Abstract Industrial policies have a significant role in both South Korea and Singapore; however, they differ in various ways as they have varying levels of success. Every country has been utilizing industrial policies with the aim of driving growth and development through different strategies and approaches. The study has, therefore, analyzed the significance of industrial ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1096

reMarkable: E-writing the Future Case Study

Introduction This case study is about reMarkable and how it reimagines the future of writing. The manager is aware that reMarkable could transform the daily lives of individuals. However, the challenge remains in identifying the group that would readily adapt and depart from the traditional paper model and the best ways to cater for them. ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1346
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Pharmaceutical Industries and What They Are Doing About High Drug Prices

Abstract The pharmaceutical industry in the United States has started using different dynamics to enhance the accessibility and affordability of the ever-increasing prescription drugs. This paper discusses the effectiveness and effects of the industry reactions, such as generic drugs as cheaper substitutes for brand-name drugs and the Inflation Reduction Act, which is oriented on capping ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 1995

The Role of Leadership in Effective Public Administration Teams

The value of teams holds a significant role in public administration leadership. It serves to facilitate cooperation in making decisions and solving problems. In the arena of public administration, where the difficulties are diverse and intricate, the collective intelligence of teams is a critical factor. Teams are collaborative by their very nature; thus, they enable ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 938

Strategic Distribution Approaches for Consumer Brands

Direct-to-consumer (DTC) distribution has emerged as an innovative approach for consumer brands to interact more directly with their customers. In a traditional retail model, brands rely on third-party intermediaries like wholesale distributors and retailers to get their products into consumers’ hands. However, with DTC distribution, brands are able to sell goods straight to customers by ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1547

Apple Inc.: Analysis of External Change Drivers and Optimization Strategies

Apple Inc. is one of the renowned technology companies in the world known for its innovative products and services. Established in 1976 by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, the technology company initially dealt with the selling of personal computers. Over decades, the Company has evolved into offering hardware, software, and digital services. Headquartered in Cupertino, ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2612

A Rational Approach to Managerial Decision

In the realm of management decision-making, three abstracts and three key articles are explored to show a rational approach. Luan, Reb, and Gemigenser’s (2019) work provides result-oriented insights about the use of fast-and-frugal heuristics, especially the D-inference heuristic, in unfavourable environments. Specific and adaptive strategies are stressed, which draws attention to various tactics for different ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2150

The Issue/Trend the Organization Is Facing

Modernization and refurbishing are the main issues affecting the possibility of business at the Royal Pacific Hotel and Towers. The facilities and amenities will likely look ancient and not in line with the latest ones, so the tourists looking for modern accommodations may feel put off. The absence of modernization in interior design, lack of ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1259

Navigating Market Evolution: Analyzing the Impact of Product Lifecycle Stages on Dynamic Marketing Strategies

Abstract This paper examines the advantages of dynamic marketing tactics and how they are impacted by stages in the product lifecycle. It looks at a PLC from launch to breakpoint. It also identifies opportunities and challenges along the way and monitors the effectiveness of marketing tactics. Some crucial subjects are discussing how to integrate marketing ... Read More
Pages: 20       Words: 5400

Exploring the Burj Khalifa Hotel, the Marina Bay Sands, and the Sandals Resorts

Abstract This analysis focuses on three popular resorts: the Burj Khalifa, Marina Bay Hotels, and the Sandals Resort, all symbolizing luxury and hospitality trends. The Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in Dubai, exhibits the best attractions and eminent accommodations that define luxury. Similarly, Marina Bay Sands in Singapore is known for its remarkable architectural design, ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1596

Economic Issue: Rising Health Cost

Purpose This memo will highlight a significant economic issue affecting healthcare delivery in the United States and demonstrate how it requires immediate and effective mitigation action. I have assessed the trends in healthcare spending and singled out one key economic problem: rising healthcare delivery costs. I drafted measures to address the problem of lower spending, ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1105

Economic Impacts on the Rate of Return on Investments

Macroeconomic forecast is a crucial aspect in making investment decisions. For a practical macroeconomic analysis, it is essential to analyze the crucial factors contributing to the economy. For instance, economic factors must be considered to ensure an effective analysis of the economy’s performance. Some of the economic factors that can be used for the analysis ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2310

Crafting a Technology-Enabled Training Program for Telus: Fostering Growth, Balance, and Engagement

To do well in the digital entertainment business, which changes quickly, Netflix needs intelligent ways to sell itself. Netflix’s marketing and programming make it the leader in streaming. Thanks to clever ads, personalized suggestions, and going global, Netflix is the leader in streaming. This essay looks at Netflix’s strategic marketing and business strategy and how ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2931

Collaborative Practice in Health and Social Care

Introduction Collaboration is essential in healthcare and social service delivery to meet patients’ complex and diverse needs. Collaboration among many stakeholders is crucial in modern healthcare and social services to meet patients’ complex needs (Vertovec, 2019). Diversity among stakeholders in health and social care promotes innovation, inclusion, and better collaboration by introducing a variety of ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3054

Assessing and Improving an Emergency Department Policy: A Policy Process Assessment

Introduction The emergency department (ED) of every healthcare system deals with critical cases. Patient triage and trial scheduling are critical in time-sensitive and dynamic situations. These standards provide high-quality care, patient safety, and emergency department efficiency. The triage policy framework for emergency-potential patients must be extensively examined in order to meet clinical performance, resource allocation, ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 676
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