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Crafting a Technology-Enabled Training Program for Telus: Fostering Growth, Balance, and Engagement

To do well in the digital entertainment business, which changes quickly, Netflix needs intelligent ways to sell itself. Netflix’s marketing and programming make it the leader in streaming. Thanks to clever ads, personalized suggestions, and going global, Netflix is the leader in streaming. This essay looks at Netflix’s strategic marketing and business strategy and how people outside of Netflix are reacting to it. Netflix stays competitive by using data analytics, involving users, and adding new material. Netflix’s marketing is affected by law, technology, and competition. This study examines how Netflix markets its original material within the company. The essay looks at Netflix’s strengths and flaws and how it plans to adapt to the changing digital entertainment market. The study uses strategic marketing, market analysis, and suggested tactics to examine Netflix’s digital streaming and marketing strategy.

Training Program Overview

Telus’s training plan focuses on personal growth, work-life balance, skill development, and employee engagement and happiness. In line with Telus’s goals, the project uses technology to be dynamic, engaging, and easy to get to.

Skills and Resiliency Microlearning

With skill and drive, Microlearning in training makes workers healthier and helps them advance in their careers. The adversity platform teaches staff about mental health, stress control, and resilience. Essential traits and benefits of this part:

Digital Learning Platform: Headversity has an easy-to-use interface and training materials that are easy to find. This platform improves workers’ skills and resilience by giving them access to on-demand, remote micro-learning programs.

 On-Demand and Personalized Learning: Microlearning’s ability to give specific, limited information is helpful. To make learning more personalized and efficient, workers can pick sessions based on what interests them or where they need to improve (Learning and training programs: Telus Health).

Practice-Based Training Experiences: Strength and Skill Microlearning helps workers get better at their jobs by giving them real-world examples. To help people remember and use what they have learned, the program stresses skill development and real-world applications more than academic ideas.

Group Sessions and Collaboration: The course stresses both working together as a group and learning on your own. These workshops help people connect through peer support, sharing information, and working together to solve problems.

Emphasis on Mental Health and Well-Being: Strengths and Skills to improve the health and happiness of Telus workers, microlearning is used. Modules show how to deal with stress, be mindful, be emotionally intense, and handle problems at work and at home.

Customized Learning Solutions

People who work for Telus get training that is tailored to their needs. Telus encourages a range of learning styles and formats to make it easier for everyone to access and stay interested since they know that a single method might only work for some employees(Learning and training programs: Telus health).

Online Modules: For personalized learning to work, online courses are a must. The modules give users quick training material and let them connect at their own pace. With videos, quizzes, and simulations, you can remember more from an online lesson. Workers can easily balance work and study when they can access online courses at their own pace.

 In-Person Workshops: At Telus workshops and online classes, you can learn in a way that is both interactive and useful. Experts in the field and people who work in the business lead these seminars so that people can get feedback right away, work together, and use their skills. At seminars, workers can share their thoughts, the best ways to do things, and lessons learned in a real-life setting that fosters community (Human Resources Director). Meeting new people and making connections in person helps people learn.

Virtual Training Sessions: Telus provides customized video training for employees who work from home. Videoconferencing and virtual classes are used in virtual training to make it feel like you are learning in a real classroom. Live chat, breakout rooms, and interactive polls in virtual training classes make it easier for people to work together from anywhere. Employees who cannot make it to live classes can watch recordings of virtual sessions whenever they want.

Adaptive Learning Paths: Adaptive learning technologies let Telus tailor training to each user’s tastes, skill level, and preferred way of learning. Adaptive learning systems use learner data and performance measures to change the material’s difficulty level, suggest resources, and give personalized feedback (Learning and training programs: Telus Health). A flexible approach makes training interventions worthwhile, engaging, and essential for everyone, which leads to better learning results.

Collaborative Approach

Telus’s training program is made by employees, learning and development experts, and the company’s leaders working together. This method is based on the idea that successful training programs are made by working together and using feedback, ideas, and expertise to make programs that fit the organization’s values, beliefs, and way of life. Telus’s teaching is group-based.

Inclusive Decision-Making: Telus encourages its employees to get training. Our training programs consider the workforce’s needs and views by including feedback, ideas, and suggestions from all departments and teams.

Cross-Functional Collaboration: Collaboration between company groups makes it easier for them to work together. Interdisciplinary collaboration brings together different points of view and encourages employees to share and learn from each other’s knowledge, which improves training material (Learning and training programs: Telus Health).

Partnerships with External Experts: Telus seeks outside help to improve training. Telus has strategic partnerships with experts in the field, universities, and training sources that give them access to the latest information, best practices, and new ways to learn(Human Resources Director).

Continuous Feedback Loops: It is essential for training feedback loops to work collaboratively. Telus asks participants, trainers, and other essential people for comments so that training programs can be changed to fit changing needs, preferences, and performance.

Empowerment and Ownership: Active co-creation gives workers control over how they learn. Telus encourages responsibility, engagement, and ongoing development by letting employees participate in learning goals, courses, and evaluations.

 Alignment with Organizational Goals: Telus’s strategic goals and objectives align with training, thanks to the collaborative method. Telus includes essential people in planning and making training programs to ensure that business goals are met and that the company continues to be successful.

Integrative Learning

The proposed training program from Telus uses integrative learning, which aligns with the company’s values and mission to make learning more valuable and practical (Human Resources Director). Students can make meaningful connections and use what they know in different situations when they combine new information, skills, and experiences with what they already know. Integrated learning is used in Telus’s training.

Alignment with Strategic Objectives: Integrative learning fits Telus’s strategic goals and priorities regarding training. Training ensures that learning goals align with business goals so that employee growth is good for the business. This alignment helps workers see how the things they are learning help the company reach its goals, which keeps them motivated and interested.

Collaborative Planning and Implementation: Through integrative learning, HR teams, business leaders, employees, and people who work in learning and development all work together (Human resources director). Telus can tailor training for employees and the organization by planning and carrying it out as a group. Working together helps find ways to learn, create tools to help people learn and ensure that training fits with the organization’s values (Learning and training programs: Telus Health).

Seamless Integration into Workflows: The learning process is built into employees’ daily work and workflows. Telus builds training into how they do business so that employees can use their new skills immediately. This integration helps people learn and improve their skills, boosting job performance and business results.

Feedback and Reflection: Integrative learning encourages employees to get feedback and think about what they are learning all the time. This helps them evaluate their learning, find where to improve, and make changes (Human Resources Director). Through Telus’s training program, learners can evaluate their progress, get feedback from peers and mentors, and think about how their learning path fits their personal and professional goals through feedback and reflection tools. Reflective practice helps organizations learn, become more self-aware, and improve (Telus et al., 2023).

Adaptation and Flexibility: Integrative learning changes training based on what the business needs, how the market changes, and what the employees say. Telus evaluates its training program by tracking how engaged students are, how much they learn, and how they use what they have learned (Learning and training programs: Telus health). Based on feedback, the company makes changes to its learning interventions so that they are still helpful, up-to-date, and able to adapt to shifting business needs.

Key Benefits and Outcomes

Empowered Personal Growth

The training program knows everyone has different hobbies, goals, and chances to improve. It makes learning more personalized. Employees can take online modules at their own pace, interactive workshops, and one-on-one coaching to help them reach their career and personal goals. You need to think about your skills, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to grow. Self-reflection is a part of Telus’s training program that helps employees figure out their skills, values, and job goals (Human Resources Director). Telus gives its workers tools for self-evaluation and self-awareness that help them drive their growth. Telus gives more than just formal training. Senior executives and subject matter experts can act as mentors and coaches.

Mentoring helps people get past problems, set goals, and advance in their jobs. Telus encourages training to help its employees learn better (Telus et al., 2023). To grow as a person, you have to keep learning. Telus’s lessons urge people to try new things, learn, and grow. Employees can improve their skills, views, and potential through the Internet, industry gatherings, and projects that involve people from different departments. The training program lets workers know what they have done well, encouraging recognition. Telus recognizes people who work on themselves by giving them awards, recognizing them among their peers, and writing about them internally. Telus promotes company successes and great people to help others grow and improve (Learning and training programs: Telus health).

Enhanced Work/Life Balance

Telus knows that giving employees an excellent work-life mix makes them happier and healthier. There are many ways that training can help workers find a good work-life balance. For work-life balance, Telus cares about mental health and well-being. It has classes for dealing with stress, being mindful, and building resilience (Human Resources Director). The programs teach employees to deal with worry, avoid burnout, and boost their mental health. Telus uses flexible learning methods to work around workers’ obligations that conflict with work hours. Employees can choose how and when to train using online lessons, virtual workshops, and in-person events. Telus tells its workers to keep work time separate from personal and plan time for family, relaxation, and fun (Learning and training programs: Telus health). Training in setting limits, managing time, and making priorities can help people balance their work and personal lives. Work-life balance and taking care of yourself are things that Telus encourages. Leaders should show that they care about their employees and follow good work practices. Telus workers can balance work and personal life by telecommuting and setting their hours (Telus et al., 2023)—Telus measures and reviews efforts to balance work and life by reviewing feedback from training programs. Through surveys, focus groups, and performance reviews, the company can find out how happy its employees are, what needs to be fixed, and how to make future projects fit the needs of its employees.

Facilitating Skill Development

Trainees at Telus should get better at their jobs. Telus knows that technology and business change quickly, so it gives its workers the tools they need to do well. Before the training program starts, a thorough needs assessment finds the organization’s skill gaps and growth possibilities. Do research on business trends, interviews, surveys, and performance reviews. Telus can set training priorities based on job role and function. The training program’s modules are based on a needs assessment that tells them what skills are needed for job duties and career goals (Learning and training programs: Telus Health). This course has technical, soft, leadership, customer service, and new tech courses. Hands-on learning is a big part of the training program so that workers can use their new skills in the real world. Some examples are part plays, simulations, case studies, and practical projects. Telus encourages active participation and hands-on learning to help people remember what they have learned. Improving skills is an ongoing process. Workshops, webinars, online classes, mentoring, and self-paced modules are all types of training (Telus et al., 2023). Employees should be in charge of their growth and learning. In the training program, workers are taught by their peers, subject matter experts, and thought leaders in the industry. This encourages collaboration and knowledge sharing across departments. Maybe worked on projects with people from other departments, joined the community of practice groups, and learned with others (Learning and training programs: Telus health). Telus uses its knowledge to help people learn and develop new ideas. The training program needs ways for staff to get positive feedback on their work and areas where they can improve. Do tests, evaluations, performance reviews, and peer reviews regularly. Telus helps workers reach their skill-building goals by giving them feedback and coaching at the right time. Telus helps its workers improve their skills by giving them rewards, recognition programs, and chances to advance in their careers. Telus encourages people to improve their skills by showing how they can help the company and their job.

Enhancing Engagement and Satisfaction

Engaged and happy employees directly affect performance, productivity, and retention, which in turn affects the company’s success. Telus knows how important it is to make the workplace upbeat, inspiring, and engaging. Interactive learning activities involve employees and help them work together on the training program. Case studies, role plays, simulations, and group discussions help students learn by doing and connectingconnecting. Gamification is used in the program to make learning fun. Leaderboards, awards, and other rewards get workers more involved, which makes them more likely to learn. Regular feedback and praise are part of Telus’s plan to get employees to work harder (Learning and training programs: Telus health). Employees give feedback on their learning and success through the training program.

Celebrations of training successes help build a culture of thanks. Opportunities for growth and progress are essential for keeping employees engaged and happy. The training program focuses on improving skills, careers, and people’s lives. Employees who set goals, follow learning paths, and take responsibility for their work growth feel purposeful and happy. The training program improves employees’ physical, social, and emotional health because it links their health to their motivation. Mindfulness, stress control, and wellness training are being done to help staff put their health and happiness first. Communication and openness in the workplace build trust and interest in the company. Open communication is emphasized in training by giving staff information, thoughts, and chances to talk. Telus encourages openness and diversity by letting employees help make decisions. A company like Telus has a training program that fits its values and goals. This gives workers a feeling of purpose (Learning and training programs: Telus Health). When training programs align with the company’s goals and ideals, workers are more dedicated and proud of their jobs, making them happier and more engaged.


Telus’s idea for an off-the-job training program is proactive and new, which aligns with its beliefs and goals. Telus uses technology and a collaborative, unified approach to help employees grow as people, find a good balance between work and life, and be engaged and happy at work. Telus offers specialized learning options, such as Skills and Resiliency Microlearning, to help employees stay healthy and happy. Telus promotes ongoing learning and improvement by providing easy-to-reach and group learning chances, raising individual and company performance. Telus becomes more competitive and has a better image as an employer when it invests in the growth and well-being of its employees. Telus can create long-term growth and value for all of its partners if it has an empowered, motivated, and well-equipped workforce ready for future challenges.


Human resources director (no date a) Find Jobs – Careers portal. Available at: (Accessed: 02 March 2024).

Learning and training programs: Telus health (no date) TELUS. Available at: (Accessed: 02 March 2024).

Telus Health Learning (2023). TELUS Health Learning. Available at: (Accessed: 02 March 2024).


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