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Business Essays

Enhancing Employee Loyalty: A Comprehensive Assessment of Google Inc. According to the Eleven Tao Factors

Abstract: This project analyzes Google Inc.’s employee devotion based on the Eleven Tao Factors as an all-encompassing evaluation. With the mission of organizing the world through information, Google focuses on workplace convenience, role understanding, vision assimilation, job resources, and goals achieved. The organization is very well prepared for these, and it is a model for ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2369

Drinking Under the Influence (DUI)

In the contemporary world, drinking under the influence (DUI) in the workstation is an emerging issue. DUI in work surroundings brings about a variety of risks to the entire organization. The risks are felt by all those around the workplace, with most facing direct impact. The main challenge of DUI is reduced productivity and an ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 950
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Designing an Effective Sales Compensation Plan for United Facilities Inc.

While still on the edge of its growth, United Facilities Inc. is establishing its first-ever outside sales position. John, the decision-maker, is responsible for formulating a reward structure package that ensures a new sales representative is driven to achieve the company’s goals and instills the subordinates’ motivation. In this essay, prepare to match the sales ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 779

Topic: Strategic Marketing in a Global Context

Introduction In a global environment, strategic marketing is a rapidly evolving and complicated discipline that centers on developing and putting into practice marketing plans to break into foreign markets (Clarkson, 2023). Businesses are increasingly going outside of their own country to take advantage of new growth prospects and achieve a competitive advantage in today’s globally ... Read More
Pages: 19       Words: 4967

Navigating Change: The Impact of Digitization, Innovation, and Globalization on ExxonMobil’s Workforce and Value Creation

Company Context Currently, ExxonMobil is among the top manufacturers and suppliers of gas and oil worldwide. “Exxon Mobil Corporation is committed to continuing to be the top petroleum and petrochemical organization in the world. ExxonMobil aspires to consistently achieve and sustain improved economic and operational performance that consistently adhere to the highest principles for corporate ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1365

Leadership Theories of Diversity: A Case Study of PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC)

INTRODUCTION Definition of terms I&D- Inclusion and diversity PwC- PricewaterhouseCoopers Background of study Leadership is an essential part of project management. Depending on the effectiveness of the leadership approach, the organization can significantly utilize its resources to maximize efficiency and achieve its goals (Shaturaev & Bekimbetova, 2021). This study will critically analyze leadership and management ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3538

International Operations Strategy and Innovation (MAIN)

Introduction In the present progressively interconnected and different worldwide commercial centres, the outcome of global ventures relies on their capacity to explore unpredictable global tasks. One such illustration of a win in this domain is McDonald’s, the eminent cheap food monster. The organization’s victory on the worldwide stage can be credited to its shrewd administration ... Read More
Pages: 17       Words: 4620

HR Strategic Initiatives

Diversity and Inclusion As we grow our call center’s operations in South Carolina, Tennessee, and India from being homogenous to a diversified workforce. The current employee population is primarily local and includes many people who are related to the existing employees. This has led to minimal variation in cultural and regional heritages. But with the ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1007

Understanding Elasticities in the Context of Post-COVID Inflation Dynamics

Introduction This review reveals the complex relationship between economic elasticity concepts, described in Chapter 3 of the course material Quantitative Demand Analysis, and their application to scientific work “Understanding Post-COVID Inflation Dynamics” by Martín Harding, Jesper Lindé, and Mathias Trabandt. In economics, three main quantitative tools are elasticities – own price elasticity of demand, cross-price ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 613

The Role of Politics and Power in Organizational Behavior

Organizations are political environments where people can utilize formal or informal forms of power to advance their agendas. The manifestation of politics and power dynamics in organizational behaviors such as decision-making, communication, and conflict resolution significantly impact how organizations function (Bicer, 2020). The interplay between formal and informal power in organizational departments influences an organization’s ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1612

Setting Credibility and Effective Research Ways in Nursing Documentation

In the dynamic career of nursing, technical communication through the application of reading and writing skills plays an unrestrained role in enhancing patient care and unambiguous communication within hospital facilities. This paper delves into my Reading and Writing Technical Documents essay, with a particular focus on purposeful measures undertaken in ascertaining credibility, utilizing authoritative sources, ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 829

Rewards and Benefits Management

Introduction Wage rates, cost of living and labor regulations are additional factors that determine the compensation structure. Employees’ work habits and expectations of rewards are based on cultural norms and values in each country, which need to be addressed when designing an appropriate compensation package. Most importantly, formulating a good compensation plan calls for a ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1350

Managing Organizational Power and Politics

Managing organizational power and political issues is the process of exploring the elements of impact, navigation, and authority in an organization. Power and politics are the two primary fundamental pillars where the organization’s decision and movement rests (Adebayo and Samour, 2023). Although they differ from different organizations in terms of implementation and manifestation, they play ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 724

Honesty, Layoffs, and Hiring

Top leaders of different organizations, especially the CEOs and Human Resources Managers, are often faced with different challenges in their quests to institute personal changes in their organizations. The leaders should be honest with all the employees during the periods of retrenchment and hiring of new staff to enable them to understand the organizational needs. ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1747

ERM Strategy for Enhanced Risk Management and Organizational Growth

For risk management, the firms formulate their plans to define what could go wrong with their processes to prevent risks and enhance efficiency. However, using siloed approaches may only benefit particular business units. ERM provides the optimal structure to support collective growth by measuring risks to make a profit. ERM has shared information that enables ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1549
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