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Literature Review: Leadership Development

Leadership development is a multidisciplinary process that aims at propelling individuals from higher to the highest level by enhancing their competencies of effective leadership. This overview aims to examine different leadership developments, identifying topics that provoke widespread agreement and those that attract some division among researchers. Essential concepts that will be depicted in the discussion include leadership definition, skills and competencies of leaders, leaders in various forms and forms of leadership development will be put on the table in an attempt to reach a comprehensive understanding of this crucial factor of organizational success.

Definition of Leadership

The Philosophy of a Leader is not a simple process, and it has been observed in multiple ways by experts. Zenger and Folkman (2014) posit that each functioning leadership position requires very specific skill sets to be mastered. Thus, possessing the skills of communication, decision-making as well as relationship-building is of paramount importance (Zenger & Folkman (2014). In addition to the work by Day et al. (2014) which examined the dynamics of leadership over 25 years and its impact on the outcomes of organizations, several researchers such as Kouzes and Posner (2009), Bass (1990), Northouse (2010), as well as some of my work on leadership styles and their effectiveness within organizations, have demonstrated various leadership styles and The varieties of perspectives present leadership as a complex project largely shaped by individual traits, actions and contextual factors.

Leadership Skills and Competencies

The base of leadership skills and competence development lies with leadership development programmes. According to Schweiger, Müller, and Güttel (2020), there are some obstacles that organizational leaders face. Still, the leaders persevere in the traditional style of leadership, which hinders the growth and innovation of the company. Contrary to that, Megheirkouni and Mejheirkouni (2020) argue that there is a great need actually to reconsider what leaders should prioritize so that organizational requirements can develop and evolve with time (Schweiger,2020). This brought to light the fact that scholars continue to differ in any matters relating to the relevant skills and attributes for good leadership and also in the present day contexts.

Although myriad leadership styles exist, they share some common features and have far-reaching effects on individuals’ leadership maturation. McCauley and Palus (2021) argue for a relational concept of leadership development by highlighting the cases when the development is best achieved via the creation and maintenance of interpersonal links and social networks. Boak and Crabbe (2019) investigate encounters that foster administration capacities, featuring the job of experiential learning and intelligent practices in improving authority viability (McCauley & Palus,2021). These points of view highlight the assorted ways to deal with initiative turn of events, going from formal preparation projects to hands-on encounters.

Forms of Leadership Development

Leadership development may manifest itself in different ways, but it can involve formal training of various patterns, or it can be achieved through a process of informal learning behaviours. Sparr, Knipfer and Willems (2017) make a point that leaders need to be open to feedback upon the completion of the formal training and also to incorporate personal reflection in order to ensure that they maximize the positive outcomes derived from formal learning. Through analysis Hesl, in and Keating (2017) investigate the role of mindsets in experiential leadership development and how one’s beliefs and assumptions impact the learning process in the context of challenging situations. These types of studies help us see that leadership development is a very complex phenomenon, which means that we need to have different approaches to fit different leaders’ needs.

What is Leadership?

Leadership is most often recognized as the process of pressing people into the direction of success landmarks or objectives. Zenger and Folkman (2014) pointed out the need for different types of leadership skills throughout an organization’s hierarchy, implying the dynamic nature of leadership positions’ jobs. For instance, Fotso Ngayo (2021) was able to put together leadership competencies for the 21st century, which has demonstrated that leadership in these respects has to keep adjusting to diverse complexities that emerge in the changing organizational architecture.

Leadership Skills and Competencies

Leadership competencies and skills involve not just one area but most of these: communication, decision-making, problem-solving, and emotional intelligence. McCauley and Palus (2021) state that a relational standpoint in leadership development should be adopted, which requires that one puts more emphasis on relationship building, both within individuals and with networks. Conversely, Schweiger, Muller, and Güttel (2020) raise limitations to leadership development, pressing a critical question of whether the mainstream leadership hero-centric approach neglects the importance of collaborative and inclusive leadership styles.

While the leadership styles can vary by the context and circumstances, each type of leadership has its own merits and own means of achieving the goals. To consider the problem of leadership development in our century successfully, Megheirkouni and Mejheirkouni (2020) suggest redefining the priorities among leaders so that they might be in line with leading current leadership paradigms. However, Sparr and Willems (2107) outlined that formal training can be even more effective through informal learning, perspectives which are gaining more acknowledgement among leaders in terms of seeking feedback and reflection.

Leadership Development Forms

Leadership development may assume a range of guises; formal courses, experiential learning, coaching and mentoring are basic among them. Baok and Crabbe (2019) look at key experiences that foster leadership abilities, arguing that such experiences include a practice stage for the real-world environment. On the other hand, Heslin and Keating (2017) indicate the relationship between mindset and learner’s development in the experiential learning process as the mental shift towards a “growth mindset” is essential for an individual’s empowerment and lifelong knowledge.

Leadership Development: What kind of things are challenges and trends in the digital forest?

While desirable leadership development programs continue to be designed, there remain drawbacks, i.e. need for adequate matching by management concerns to changes in organizational needs and leadership models. Day et al. (2014) they summarized 25 years of academics around leadership and leader development, emphasizing the necessity of continual adjustment to sustain the effectiveness of the leadership. They highlight the primacy of data defined top management development strategies, which aim at making them responsive procedures which work.

Constraints or benefits that leadership development may face.

Güttel, Müller, and Schweiger (2020) researched leadership development issues, noticing that a traditional hero-centred style of leading becomes a problem in developing the new collaborative styles of management. In contrast, Yemiscigil et al. (2022) scrutinize authentic leader(ship) development, its outward influences on a leader’s mental well-being, and the ability to engender authenticity and self-awareness. This can be capitalized on in the future as leaders are developed.


To sum up, Leadership Development is an oscillating and multidimensional process that necessitates progressive adjustments and creativity. While leadership scholars all agree that leadership qualities and skills are highly significant, there is much difference between pundits on the right leadership development approach. Through incorporating differing perspectives where evidence-based practices are explored and harnessed as tools to design leaders for the 21st century challenges, organizations can take their leadership development programmes to a higher level.

Overall Summary

This literature review on leadership development remains an encompassing synthesis of many scholarly articles in which the developed insights are comprehended. While there is agreement on the significance of authority abilities and capabilities, scholars offer varying viewpoints on compelling ways to deal with administration improvement. By tending to hindrances, utilizing amazing open doors, and embracing proof-based rehearses, associations can upgrade their initiative advancement endeavours to develop powerful and versatile pioneers fit for exploring the intricacies of the present authoritative environments.


Zenger, J., & Folkman, J. (2014). The skills leaders need at every level. Harvard Business Review, 7.

Schweiger, S., Müller, B., & Güttel, W. H. (2020). Barriers to leadership development: Why is it so difficult to abandon the hero? Leadership, 16(4), 411-433.

Megheirkouni, M., & Mejheirkouni, A. (2020). Leadership development trends and challenges in the twenty-first century: rethinking the priorities. Journal of Management Development, 39(1), 97-124.

McCauley, C. D., & Palus, C. J. (2021). Developing the theory and practice of leadership development: A relational view. The Leadership Quarterly, 32(5), 101456.

Boak, G., & Crabbe, S. (2019). Experiences that develop leadership capabilities. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 40(1), 97–106.

Sparr, J. L., Knipfer, K., & Willems, F. (2017). How leaders can get the most out of formal training: The significance of feedback‐seeking and reflection as informal learning behaviours. Human resource development quarterly, 28(1), 29-54.

Heslin, P. A., & Keating, L. A. (2017). In learning mode? The role of mindsets in derailing and enabling experiential leadership development. The Leadership Quarterly, 28(3), 367–384.

Day, D. V., Fleenor, J. W., Atwater, L. E., Sturm, R. E., & McKee, R. A. (2014). Advances in leader and leadership development: A review of 25 years of research and theory. The Leadership Quarterly, 25(1), 63-82.

Ngayo Fotso, G. M. (2021). Leadership competencies for the 21st century: a review from the Western world literature. European Journal of Training and Development, 45(6/7), 566-587.

Yemiscigil, A., Born, D., Snook, S., & Pate, E. (2022). Authentic leader (ship) development and leaders’ psychological well-being: an outcome-wide analysis. Leadership & Organization Development Journalorganization, 43(8), 1287–1307.


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