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Marketing Strategy Essays

Business Planning and Sustainable Entrepreneurship

Introduction EcoConvenience aims to redefine the delivery and transportation industry by offering sustainable, on-demand solutions for pharmaceutical and grocery deliveries. The company aims to make life more convenient for consumers while leaving a positive environmental impact. It targets the U.K.’s ageing population, including care homes and private healthcare facilities. EcoConvenience partners with Elmbridge’s care homes ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2022

Mission Alignment in Tech Marketing Strategies

Mission statement for any company is not just about declaring an intention, rather it signifies an important aspect in guiding the direction that will help lead such a firm to achieve its purpose with core values and aspirations. This analysis reveals the mission statements of two Goliaths in the field, Microsoft and Apple, which peels ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1169
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Irn Bru International Market Expansion Strategy in France

Introduction As an iconic Scottish brand, Irn-Bru seeks to thoughtfully expand its geographical footprint beyond its home market into new international territories, leveraging its unique product proposition and brand equity to resonate with aligned consumer values and tastes. The research aims to develop a successful go-to-market strategy for Irn Bru in France, a country prioritising ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 3018

Dyson Company’s Marketing Strategy

1 Introduction and Service Description Since its founding in 1993, the Dyson Company has expanded from a small company focused on manufacturing and marketing vacuums to a multinational corporation with a developing presence in other product categories (Dyson, n.d.). With minimal assistance from other sources, the company’s goods have primarily been produced using internal research ... Read More
Pages: 17       Words: 4605

Social Media and Brand Promotion

The significance of social media in developing the Farfalla Jewellery brand is impressive as it provides an easy platform to reach an enormous group of people who are interested in the products of the company. Utilizing social media platforms such as Meta (Facebook), Instagram, Twitter, etc., can quickly and easily help the company share information about ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1783

“Hype Energy Drink” Marketing Strategy

Introduction Brand positioning will drive “Hype Energy Drink”‘s Canadian success. In a saturated energy drink market, our brand positioning will determine “Hype”‘s appeal to our target group. Brand positioning is crucial. Our marketing strategy, customer perception, and loyalty are guided by it. In a market where consumers want more than just refreshment, they want a ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1761

Marketing Strategy for Tourism Southern Australia

Tourism Southern Australia is an online service provider for tourist experience in Australia’s tourism industry. It operates in Southern Australia, serving in the state’s capital city, Adelaide, where it is based, to provide excellent hospitality to tourists. Tourism S.A. covers 12 tourism regions in the south, determined to share the beauty of Australia with the ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1077

Social Media Marketing Strategies for Luxury Business Travel: A Case of the Ritz-Carlton’s Hotel

Introduction With the increase in social media platforms and the internet, businesses and firms should adopt precautionary measures to safeguard their reputation with regard to their brands and corporations. As such, organisations should improve their image through websites and social media platforms to strengthen their image. An excellent example is the Ritz-Carlton Hotel, a luxurious ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1789

Marketing Strategy—Distribution

Channels of Distribution for Tesla EnergyHub The distribution strategy for Tesla EnergyHub, an innovative smart energy management system, is pivotal for reaching its intended market of environmentally-conscious homeowners. The adopted channel structure represents a hybrid model that integrates direct sales and collaborations with solar installers and home builders. This approach capitalizes on the strengths of ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1236

Globalisation Is Dead

Introduction Globalisation has existed since the ancient period, with notable changes in the system taking place as countries grow and develop. Michie (2019) denoted that globalisation is the interdependence of the global economies, which works through cross-border trade in products, technology, movement of investment, and information. Various nations have developed partnerships and economic groups to ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3667

Phases in New Product Development

The New Product Development process encompasses interconnected phases that guide all businesses from idea generation to commercialization. The new product development process assists businesses in seeking innovation as well as remaining competitive in their market. The method typically comprises seven phases: idea generation, product concept development and screenings, marketing strategy development, business analysis, technical development, ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 929

Marketing Strategy for Ajax Team’s Expansion Into Iran

Introduction The most important European sports organization The Ajax Team intends to grow outside the European Union by entering the Iranian market. They want to utilize their shared love of sports to inspire and enchant people all across the world. Ajax Team implements a strategic marketing strategy that aligns with its objective in order to ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2380

Apple’s Marketing Information System

Introduction Marketing information systems (MIS) generate, analyze, and disseminate timely and relevant data to help marketers make decisions. Customer preferences, behavior, competitive activity, and market developments are all considered (Nunan et al., 2020). This research looks at Apple Inc.’s marketing information system. Apple creates software, hardware, and consumer electronics. Its ground-breaking iPhone, iPad, and MacBook ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 693

Developing a Marketing Strategy for Travelodge’s Expansion Into Eritrea

Executive summary Travelodge is a European motel chain looking to extend its operations outdoors in the European Union, mainly in Eritrea. To acquire this purpose, a complete advertising method that considers the neighbourhood marketplace and client conduct desire to be advanced. Travelodge’s strong brand and competitive gain within the hospitality industry make it well-positioned to ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2616

Marketing Strategy for Burberry

Executive Summary The marketing plan report covers Burberry’s fragrance line, which is a part of the London-based luxury fashion brand. The report examines the fragrance market’s strategic position and provides a mission statement for Burberry. Brexit and digitalisation challenges are identified through PESTLE analysis, whilst Porter’s Five Forces analysis shows that new entrants are fragmenting ... Read More
Pages: 18       Words: 4747
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