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Patient Safety Essays

Assessing the Problem: Quality, Safety, and Cost Considerations

Impact of Tuberculosis on Care Quality Tuberculosis poses significant effects on the quality of care services offered to patients and the populations. To begin with, its diagnosis may be challenging since it requires unique confirmatory laboratory work-ups such as sputum microscopy and molecular assays which may delay diagnosis and management thus compromising the quality of ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2455

Concept Analysis: Patient Safety in Outpatient Surgery

The prevalence of outpatient surgery or ambulatory surgery has increased dramatically globally. Outpatient surgery is a type of surgery in which the patient is discharged within 23 hours (Van Caelenber et al., 2019). Also known as day surgery, outpatient surgery is a cost-effective medical procedure for treating surgical patients. The significant increase in the prevalence ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2367
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Organizational Performance Metrics

Introduction Healthcare organizations today are increasingly faced with the demands of achieving performance benchmarks. These benchmarks are made and enforced by various government laws and policies at community, state, and federal levels (Suryadevara, 2020). This report will assess current organizational or interprofessional team performance using an actual dashboard from a professional practice setting within the ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1001

Change Proposal: Implementation of RFID Technology for Enhanced Patient Safety

Introduction As a dynamic landscape, the healthcare environment has maintained patient safety par excellence. Despite all the nursing technology and protocols that have been developed, safety incidents still occur frequently, and human errors, miscommunication, or lack of appropriate monitoring systems mostly cause this. As a result of this lasting issue, the planned alteration will involve ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1399

Streamline the App for Telehealth Doctors’ Visits.

Current Medication Administration Workflow One of the major problems and erred modern mal administration established in the medical-surgical units of my hospital are the constant interruptions and distractions that occur when nurses are in the midst of administering medications to patients. The episodic nature of the current workflow leaves plenty of opportunities for disruptions to ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 802

Root Cause Analysis

Introduction Root cause analysis is a significant approach that helps determine the cause of a sentinel event, which helps establish the right interventions to use to address the problem present. The nursing practice is guided by the need to make use of the health policies and procedures and other regulations that help prevent any adverse ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2269

How Alarm Fatigue Impacts Patient Safety and Care

An intensive care unit (ICU) nurse works in a crowded hospital, where a plethora of monitors buzz nonstop due to various alerts. Angina, blood pressure, and oxygen saturation levels are all linked to a few of these alerts. The exhaustion and overburdening effects of the constant stream of notifications lead the nurse to experience alarm ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 627

Improving Patient Safety and Quality of Care: The Role of Leadership in Implementing Evidence-Based Practices

Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1 Introduction The initial chapter talks about the importance of understanding key leadership roles in any hospital setting and how they affect patient safety. Adopting strategies that have been shown to work in healthcare results requires exceptional leadership. At the start, a research topic should be given to show how important it ... Read More
Pages: 15       Words: 3854

Balancing Innovation and Patient Safety: A Critical Analysis of Clinical Trials in Evaluating Medical Technology Efficacy

The medical technology industry constantly changes, introducing breakthroughs that push the boundaries of healthcare’s potential. However, the importance of providing patient safety is increased as these breakthroughs develop. Clinical trials help to understand the effectiveness of medical technology. This article highlights the benefits and potential shortcomings of an intricate relationship between clinical trials and patient ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1196

Data Collection and Plan for Analysis

The project implementation involved providing an educational program for participants to enhance their knowledge of Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs). The outcome measures include the patients rightfully treated under the Baker Act and Patients wrongfully held under the Baker Act. The data collection and analysis plan relies on the outcome measures to ensure accurate and ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1083

Misdiagnosis and How It Affects Short and Long-Term Patient Care

Introduction Medical diagnosis in patient care is a critical health concern due to the significant harm it causes to healthcare. However, the increasing cases of misdiagnosis in the United States have gained global popularity and concern due to the declining rates of quality patient care. Medical misdiagnosis occurs due to failure, delayed and incorrect identification ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 833

Advancing Healthcare Delivery Through

 Executive Summary stands out as a major player in healthcare technology, offering an appealing way to change and improve healthcare services. The research goes into great detail about, looking closely at its strengths and weaknesses and possible ways to improve it. The study carefully looks at the problems this platform faces and suggests ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1789

Emergency Department Medication Error

Medication errors occur due to technical issues or mistakes made by the chain of healthcare workers, involving physicians prescribing the wrong medications and nurses or other healthcare workers administering the wrong dose, medicine, or treatment, resulting in reversible or irreversible injury, including death. Factors of human error can be distractions, workload, fatigue, or lack of ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 998

Impact of Stereotyping on Obese Adolescents

Introduction This essay focuses on adolescents battling obesity, a complex health condition influenced by genetics, lifestyle, and environmental factors (Masood and Moorthy, 2023, p.284). Obesity has emerged as a global public health concern, with its multidimensional nature posing challenges for affected individuals. This essay delves into the profound psychological impacts of stereotyping on obese adolescents, ... Read More
Pages: 15       Words: 4027

Enhancing Healthcare Delivery and Patient Safety Through Electronic Health Records: A Comprehensive Analysis

Introduction The introduction of electronic health records (EHRs) into healthcare settings represents a revolutionary shift in clinical informatics with the goals of significant advancements in patient safety, effective healthcare management, and high-quality healthcare delivery. This technological revolution makes it possible for healthcare providers to make better decisions by managing patient information in a way that ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1341
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