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Artificial Intelligence Essays

The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Different Industries and Job Markets

Discipline awareness Computer Science In the modern world, the computer is the most significant device for solving modern-day problems. As such, computing is part of everything in the contemporary world. Through computing, there is the drive for science, education, research, and innovation that enable the functionality of all other sectors of current civilization. Computer science ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3474

The Wonders of Voice Recognition Technology

Introduction Voice recognition technology refers to systems that convert human voice into text. Voice recognition systems take human voice as input and translate it to computerized text. Its use has recently widened due to the invention of artificial intelligence and natural language processing. Natural language processing is the outcome of the interaction between human language ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2411
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Assignment: Booming AI and Its Effect on Students.

Introduction. Artificial Intelligence refers to the simulation of machines, such as computers, with the ability to do tasks that require human Intelligence similarly. Humans could have done the tasks. Such machines can think like people and imitate people’s actions (McCarthy, 2007). They may also exhibit human traits,r example, learning, reasoning, and solving immediate problems. Innovation ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3087

Digital Literacy Theme in Ex- Machina

Introduction The film Ex-Machina was released in January 2015 and showcased a story of an advanced AI and two main characters, Caleb and Nathan, who are the central characters in the film. The film was written and directed by Alex Gerald and was later produced by Andrew Macdonald and Allon Reach. The essay will review ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1514

Managing Digital Transformation at Starbucks

Introduction Digital transformation is the process by which technologies drive a fundamental change in companies (Berger, 2015). This transformation involves the use of digital technologies to create and modify business practices and customer experience to accomplish market requirements (Matarazzo et al. 2021). In this case, this study evaluates how the retail industry has managed digital ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2947

The Impact on the Future of Work: Challenges, Opportunities, and Policy Considerations

Background Information Technological advancements in modern society have both positive and negative implications in various aspects. Most of the problems experienced daily can be solved by technology. Innovations are becoming a tool for measuring progress and good life. Data plays a crucial role in establishing power relations via the collection capability of machines that generate ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1535

Artificial Intelligence, Plagiarism and Paraphrasing

Artificial Intelligence is synthesizing human intelligence in machines, typically computers. Using methods like machine learning and deep learning, artificial intelligence systems can analyze massive volumes of data, spot patterns, forecast outcomes, and automate laborious tasks (Ventayen, 2023). Healthcare, banking, transportation, and other areas might all be significantly affected by AI. Ethical concerns, such as ensuring ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 3008

Academic Paper on Project Proposal

The proposed project entails developing an unprecedented pair of eyeglasses to enhance individuals’ successful selection process for their desired mate. The motivation behind the project is the distinct fusion between technological advancement and psychological understanding due to its potential contribution towards life improvement for people worldwide. Through Artificial Intelligence-enabled computational algorithms, these glasses can effortlessly ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2149

The Integration of Artificial Intelligence in Mental Health

A vital but vulnerable part of our lives is one that is concerned with mental health. Over time, improvements in counseling, psychotherapy, and pharmacological treatment have greatly improved mental health services. Recently, artificial intelligence (AI), a computer program that can learn and adapt over time, has come into the limelight in the mental health sector. ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1274

How Much Influence Will Religion Have in the 22nd Century To Build Healthy and Just Communities?

Introduction As we consider the potential impacts of religion in the 22nd century, it is necessary to recognize its complexities. Religion does not represent one entity but instead encompasses diverse beliefs, practices, and institutions that vary between cultures, regions, historical periods, and periods. Furthermore, it remains deeply entrenched within social, cultural, and political frameworks, and ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2208

How Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Be Used To Improve Healthcare Outcomes?

The world has been advancing towards technological breakthroughs, and one of the industries that these innovations have had the most impact on is healthcare. Artificial intelligence and machine learning are two examples of cutting-edge technologies that hold great promise for revolutionizing healthcare delivery and enhancing it in a number of ways, including disease early detection, ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2095

Robotics and Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Abstract This research is a comprehensive exploration of developing and implementing an artificial intelligence (AI) application on humanoid robots, focusing on the Pepper robot. Through literature reviews, interviews, and surveys, this project seeks to understand the use of AI in humanoid robots, the development process and challenges, and the potential implications of AI on humanoid ... Read More
Pages: 39       Words: 10516

AI-Powered Virtual Assistant: Strategic Marketing Launch Plan

Executive Summary: This thorough and detailed strategic marketing launch strategy provides a framework for presenting the ground-breaking AI-powered virtual assistant developed by the University of Hertfordshire Business School to transform customer assistance. Essential elements covered in the process include product design, business model, stakeholder analysis, launch plan, brand positioning, marketing objectives, budget allotment, performance indicators, ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1486

Colouring on Photos Using AI

Literature Review Introduction: The utilization of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in photo coloring has gained critical consideration in recent years because of its likely applications in the advanced rebuilding and conservation of verifiable images. The colorization of high-contrast photos using AI innovation is a complex cycle that involves the detection, segmentation, and expectation of proper colors ... Read More
Pages: 15       Words: 3990

The Chinese Room Argument

Introduction With the current advancement in technology, people have made computers that are programmed to execute the same tasks they are programmed to do (Searle, 2006). This means that computers can only execute tasks when programmed by people but cannot execute programs independently. This perspective can be understood better using the Chinese room argument that ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1574
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