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Artificial Intelligence Essays

Analysis of “The Terminator”

Science-fiction action movie The Terminator, which debuted in 1984, examines the subject of artificial intelligence (AI) and its possible effects on society. The movie is set in a dystopian future in which machines have taken over the globe, and the few surviving people must battle an army of cyborgs under the control of an AI ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1327

Advantages of Artificial Intelligence

In the last 50 years, machines have become significantly brighter. Artificial intelligence (AI), initially considered a radical idea among computer engineers in the 1950s, now has a greater significance throughout our daily lives than many think. AI-powered solutions are becoming essential in marketing, finance, data analysis, health care, and many other fields. What you type ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1060
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IVF Genetic Selection & AI Technology

Introduction Improved success rates, higher efficiency, and reduced costs are advantages of using AI technology for genetic selection in vitro fertilization. Pregnancy outcomes may be improved by employing machine learning algorithms to sift through massive genetic data sets in search of patterns and connections. Because of this, doctors may take a more individualized approach to ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2820

Ethical Concerns in Tech – AI Bias

Introduction Artificial Intelligence (AI) has transformed organizational methods of conducting their businesses leading to opportunities for operational efficiencies and revolutionary impact on various sectors. However, promising AI might be in factoring efficiencies into an organization’s modus operandi and leading a replacement wave across many domains; there is still significant room for pause as regards what ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2322

Adoption of Artificial Intelligence in HR

Introduction Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the use of computer software and systems to perform tasks that require human intelligence by interpreting external data, learning from it and using that data to perform a task successfully (Ahmed, 2018). AI can perform tasks such as learning, reasoning and problem-solving. AI systems are unique since they are ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1351

Literature Review on the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Different Industries and Job Markets

Artificial intelligence has revolutionized all sectors of the economy by making work easier. Briganti and Moine (2020) highlighted how artificial intelligence has revolutionized medicine, especially clinical practices such as epilepsy seizures. The authors compare the current and future uses of artificial intelligence since its continuously evolving. According to Briganti and Moine (2020), artificial intelligence in ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1256

The Singularity and Personal Identity

The advancement of technology has seen the unlimited exploration of what human beings can achieve in the wake of sophisticated innovation. The invention of the computer gave rise to Artificial Intelligence (AIs) which is equal to a human brain. It receives, stores, and processes information. The debate on the ability to transfer human consciousness to ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1036

Explore the Impact of AI/Technology on Work, Working Practices, and Work Culture in a Post COVID-19 World.

Introduction The emergence of Artificial Intelligence, commonly referred to as Ai programs, has served as a godsend for the worldwide IT industry. That has connected humanity in addition to the essence of existence in manners that no one could have anticipated. Machines are now strong enough to take the place of humans. Artificial intelligence (AI) ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3201

Social and Ethical Issues of ChatGPT

Abstract ChatGPT is built on a large language model that impacts copywriter business and reports summarization software through human-like conversations that creates new outputs and patterns. However, various observations show that LLM may exhibit ethical and social issues due to irresponsibility. For this reason, there should be a consequent development of LLM’s accountabilities using extensive ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2172

How Artificial Intelligence Has Transformed Transportation in Supply Chain

Introduction Artificial intelligence (AI) has been widely adopted over the past several years, and this has resulted in a sea change in the supply chain industry. The transportation sector is one area where AI has had a significant impact. Supply chain managers have been able to optimize transportation networks, lower costs, and increase delivery times ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2302

Artificial Intelligence in Human Resource Management

Part 1: Introduction/Summary “artificial intelligence” refers to a machine’s capacity to carry out operations that require human intellect, such as learning, solving problems, making decisions, and processing natural languages. AI applications may be taught to learn from data, find out sequences, anticipate outcomes, and get better with practice (Nawaz, 2020). AI has several uses in ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 1937

Artificial Neural Networks

The growth of digital transformation driven by artificial intelligence (AI) techniques has emerged as a significant agent for change in various sectors. Artificial neural networks (ANNs) are one of the major AI techniques many organizations incorporate to act as a strategic technology. ANNs are computational models capable of learning, representing, and computing functions between multivariate ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1067

AI-Based Analysis of Course Characteristics for Timetable Evaluation

Literature review Artificial intelligence and machine learning have gained massive popularity in education, especially due to their ability to result in better academic performance and student outcomes. Academic scheduling is a key area that AI-based systems can significantly impact, as these systems have the ability to analyze schedules of students on the basis of their ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1430

Ethical Concerns in the Era of Artificial Intelligence

Introduction People often think of robots when they hear anything to do with artificial intelligence. But is AI the same as robots? The Oxford Dictionary defines artificial intelligence (AI) as “the theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks normally requiring human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3131
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