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Artificial Intelligence, Plagiarism and Paraphrasing

Artificial Intelligence is synthesizing human intelligence in machines, typically computers. Using methods like machine learning and deep learning, artificial intelligence systems can analyze massive volumes of data, spot patterns, forecast outcomes, and automate laborious tasks (Ventayen, 2023). Healthcare, banking, transportation, and other areas might all be significantly affected by AI. Ethical concerns, such as ensuring transparency, justice, and accountability in AI systems’ conduct, arise with AI’s enormous potential to increase productivity, improve decision-making, and open up new possibilities. Artificial intelligence (AI) continues to transform our society, presenting both exciting potential and crucial responsibilities as academics and governments work to solve these problems.

Paraphrasing is rewording or expressing a written or spoken passage in one’s terms while preserving the underlying significance. It encompasses conveying identical notions, concepts, or information through alternative word choices and sentence constructions. Paraphrasing is frequently employed to prevent plagiarism, enhance clarity, or simplify intricate content (Awasthi, 2019). It necessitates a comprehensive comprehension of the source material and the capacity to convey its essence exclusively and succinctly. Proficient paraphrasing entails adept language usage, appropriate source citations when warranted, and the ability to encapsulate the main ideas while refraining from directly copying or duplicating the original text.

Plagiarism is taking another person’s words or ideas and presenting them as one’s own (Ventayen, 2023). It is like claiming someone else’s hard work as your masterpiece. It is not just about copying content but also about mimicking how they expressed themselves or the structure they used. Plagiarism is a serious academic and ethical offence since it undermines the principles of original thought and hard work. It is essential to acknowledge and respect the intellectual property of others by properly citing and referencing your sources. This essay aims to explain the types of plagiarism, their origins and consequences, how they can be avoided, the tools used for AI, the triple tragedy, and the application of their knowledge.

Types of plagiarism

Understanding various types of plagiarism is critical for academic and professional honesty. In order to prevent plagiarism and uphold ethical standards in research, writing, and creative work, it is imperative to cite and attribute sources properly.

Verbatim Plagiarism

Copying someone else’s work phrase for phrase without giving a credit score or making any modifications is called verbatim plagiarism (Naik et al., 2015). Verbatim plagiarism is the most apparent form because it reveals a creator’s incapacity to assume severely and create new ideas. In the educational and professional worlds, this shape of plagiarism is universally frowned upon because of how simple it is to identify. It is dangerous to originality, evaluation, and scientific honesty.

Patchwork plagiarism

Patchwork plagiarism is plagiarism by piecing passages from one-of-a-kind resources collectively without giving credit to any of them; it is a more complex shape of plagiarism. It is a technique for placing collectively numerous portions of the copied fabric. Plagiarism happens when someone creates a new record, collectively piecing bits of cloth from several assets (Ventayen, 2023). However, plagiarism still exists if resources are not nicely stated or attributed. This form of plagiarism can be exposed with packages like Turnitin.


Self-plagiarism happens when a creative plagiarize their work without credit or permission from the original publication. Paradoxically, self-plagiarism is frowned upon in each academic and expert world. When authors put the same manuscript (or significant quantities) to numerous venues without mentioning their prior publication history, they commit self-plagiarism (Naik et al., 2015). This type of plagiarism is in direct competition with the requirements of honesty and objectivity that must guide any academic or expert endeavour. Promoting educational and expert integrity requires information on the numerous forms of plagiarism. The dreams of originality, ethical studies, and proper credit may be upheld if humans know and avoid those behaviours.

Direct plagiarism

Passing off another writer’s work as one’s own is plagiarizing in the most egregious form. The degree of similarity between the two publications varies. The final product has plagiarized content throughout. When an author pulls whole paragraphs or words from another source without giving due attribution, this is the most fundamental type of plagiarism (Perkins, 2023). Plagiarism in its most blatant form happens when a whole paragraph or collection of sentences is lifted wholesale from another source and utilized as one’s own without proper attribution. Using even a small portion of another person’s work without giving due attribution is direct plagiarism.

Paraphrasing plagiarism

Plagiarism also can take the shape of unacknowledged paraphrasing. Plagiarism happens when someone utilizes another person’s work without acknowledging the original author. Without well crediting the authentic source, paraphrasing can supply the influence that the author has given you the ideas or records offered (Perkins, 2023). This kind of plagiarism commonly happens by chance and is the result of not figuring out how critical it is far too nicely characteristic of the paintings of others.

Causes of plagiarism

Causes of plagiarism must be identified and addressed. Educational programs that stress the value of honesty in the classroom, train students in correct citation practices, and aid in the growth of research and writing abilities should be encouraged.

Plagiarism may be avoided by encouraging a culture of transparency and creativity (Ventayen, 2023). Individuals are given the freedom to think for themselves and express their unique thoughts and words when the value of uniqueness is emphasized, when critical thinking is encouraged, and when enough guidance and support are provided. Encouraging cooperation, open communication, and positive criticism may foster an atmosphere that emphasizes originality and prevents the urge to plagiarize. Students are more likely to write unique work and adhere to the norms of academic integrity when they are taught to be upfront about their sources and to think creatively.

The failure of the author to do original research or keep accurate notes might result in plagiarism. It might be easier to integrate expertise efficaciously if more studies have been completed or if inadequate note-taking strategies were used (Awasthi, 2019). People may need help to paraphrase or properly mention assets if they need an organizational grasp of the content material. Plagiarism can arise inadvertently when there needs to be more familiar with how to incorporate and cite assets nicely.

Lack of time and pressure leads to plagiarism. People frequently experience tight deadlines and overwhelming workloads in academic and professional settings. When put in such circumstances, people give in to the urge to rush through their work and instead use less optimal methods. It is obvious to skimp on research and commit plagiarism when working under pressure or trying to get a high grade (Abbasi et al., 2021). When time constraints prevent people from engaging in critical thinking, information synthesis, and efficient paraphrasing, they may be more likely to plagiarize.

Effects of plagiarism (scholars, students, and freelancers)

Plagiarism is a severe problem that may ruin a person’s professional and academic career and legal status. It is essential to uphold academic integrity and preserve originality to prevent these consequences and ensure a fruitful academic and professional career.


Scholars suffer severe educational, expert, and private repercussions if caught plagiarizing. When plagiarism’s consequences are considered, the value of keeping integrity and inspiring uniqueness becomes extra apparent. Academic credibility is irreparably damaged by way of instances of plagiarism (Kurambayev, 2020). Their instructional standing and recognition will go through if their plagiarized papers, articles, or publications are retracted. Plagiarism is frowned upon within the educational community and can cause exclusion from destiny studies possibilities and a tarnished reputation and expert development potentialities. It may be incredibly disheartening for young researchers beginning in their fields, whose careers depend on popularity.


The instructional repercussions of student plagiarism are severe. Plagiarism is often handled as a critical infraction in academic establishments, ensuing disciplinary measures. Plagiarism is taken significantly and can result in acute effects for students, with failing assignments and exams, academic probation, suspension, and even expulsion (Awasthi, 2019). Plagiarism hinders the goals of schooling by stopping students from getting to know to suppose critically, doing independent research, and creating their paintings from scratch. In addition, it lowers the great of training for everybody involved.


Freelancers’ careers and reputations could go through if they are stuck plagiarizing the work of others—writing, journalism, and content production businesses region a top rate on originality and honesty (Kurambayev, 2020). Freelancers must offer unique paintings that correctly display their abilities to clients and employers. Freelancers threaten to drop customers, have contracts terminated, and have their expert reputations harmed if they are discovered to have plagiarized. As a result, it could be challenging for freelancers to reestablish beliefs and restart their careers, which can result in monetary loss and a drop in destiny employment possibilities.

Prevention of plagiarism

Education, resources, and fostering a culture of academic integrity are all necessary to prevent plagiarism. Institutions, teachers, and advisors may foster an atmosphere that encourages innovation, promotes ethical citation practices, and guarantees a dedication to academic integrity by taking preventative actions.

Educate on academic integrity.

It is crucial to educate students on the importance of academic honesty and to define plagiarism and its repercussions in detail (Dagienė, 2014). Individuals develop a better awareness of plagiarism and the need to prevent it when the value of honesty, attribution, and ethical norms are emphasized. Workshops, seminars, online materials, and classroom instruction are all viable options for delivering this type of instruction.

Guide citation and referencing.

Instructions on how to cite and properly reference sources prevent plagiarism (Perkins, 2023). Institutions and teachers should provide instruction on properly citing numerous sources, including books, journal articles, websites, and interviews, using a variety of citation styles, such as APA, MLA, and Chicago. Instructing people in proper citation practices gives them the tools to give credit where it is due.

Use plagiarism detection tools.

Use a plagiarism checker Software such as Turnitin or Grammarly can be used to detect plagiarism in submitted work. In order to detect instances of plagiarism, these programs compare the content to a massive library of books, articles, and websites. Plagiarism detection software can dissuade students from turning in copied work and help them catch unintended cases of incorrect citation or plagiarism.

Encourage proper time management.

Teaching pupils time management skills is crucial to lowering the likelihood of plagiarism (Dagienė, 2014). Individuals might resist the temptation to plagiarize due to last-minute rushes by using good time management tactics such as breaking down assignments into manageable parts and setting deadlines for each step. Individuals are more likely to participate in the material, form their ideas, and create creative work when given adequate time for research, writing, and revisions.

Tools used for AI, Paraphrasing, and plagiarism and their application

Paraphrasing technologies driven by artificial intelligence are designed to help people rephrase text while retaining its sense.

Plagiarism detectors

Tools like Turnitin and Grammarly are examples of plagiarism detectors. These programs analyze supplied texts for similarities to others’ work. Plagiarism may be detected using software that compares submitted work to a massive library of articles, websites, and other resources. They aid instructors, institutions, and students in the fight against plagiarism.

Natural Language Processing (NLP) tool

This tool develops new phrases by swapping out words and rearranging phrases. To protect themselves from being accused of plagiarism, many people are turning to paraphrase tools powered by artificial intelligence (Fitria, 2021). Always verify the results manually to ensure accuracy and consistency before relying on them. By comparing the supplied material to a massive database of published works, academic papers, and other sources, plagiarism detection software can identify instances of plagiarism. These programs use complex algorithms to compare two texts and produce comprehensive reports highlighting possible overlap areas.

OpenAI’s GPT

The GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) language model developed by OpenAI is state-of-the-art since it uses deep learning to simulate human language (Ventayen, 2023). Because of its extensive training on large datasets, GPT can provide coherent and context-appropriate replies because it understands the language’s patterns, structures, and semantics. GPT can grasp long-range relationships and provide high-quality output for several NLP tasks because of its several levels of self-attention mechanisms and neural networks. While GPT’s language production skills are excellent, they still need to be carefully evaluated and verified to verify the correctness and trustworthiness of its output, whether it is being used for content creation, chatbots, or creative writing.

Quillibot AI

It is a tool for accumulating fresh, well-structured information. Amazingly, this expression was first used by AI Quillbot (Fitria, 2021). It is more good judgment on their part. Particularly helpful for academics and publishing houses. Quill Bot is the way to go if you are looking for an AI writing assistant to paraphrase and summarize your work accurately. The online paraphrasing tool Quillbot is available at no cost to users. To have the text automatically paraphrased, input the text and then click the “Paraphrase” option. You may try out both the standard and conversational modes and the Synonyms menu during the demo. The premium packages may present information in one of seven modes—Standard, Fluency, Formal, Simple, Creative, expanded, or Shortened.

The triple tragedy: Linking AI Paraphrasing and Plagiarism

Making alterations or adaptations to another person’s work is a component of plagiarism and paraphrasing (Florida, 2023). Taking credit for someone else’s work when it was not yours is wrong. A fast and easy way to make anything easier to read or understand by more people is to paraphrase it. To put it another way, paraphrasing is rewriting something else while maintaining the main ideas, while plagiarism is using someone else’s words without their permission. Never use someone else’s words as your own by rephrasing them. One might prevent plagiarism by utilizing one’s own terminology, writing style, structure, and reasoning.

However, it is considered plagiarism to rearrange certain words in a previously published document and claim they are one’s own (Perkins, 2023). It will sound like a different person, even if you replace much of the terminology. While paraphrasing and plagiarism require using another person’s words, they are quite different practices. You do not change another person’s words’ meaning when paraphrasing their ideas or views. The uncredited use of another person’s words or ideas is plagiarism. Outright text duplication or inadvertent paraphrasing without adequate citation are examples of plagiarism.

The employment of paraphrasing, AI, and plagiarism provides user-centred design tools that may help writers at every level of the writing process (Florida, 2023). It helps one become a better writer by providing thoughtful responses to essays or writing prompts that help the writer better understand the significance of the prompt. The author may generate possible names, words, and phrases while focusing on the content rather than the format. Finds appropriate research materials that may be utilized to support arguments and enhance narratives in an essay or other piece of writing.

Application of Knowledge for Quality Work

As an individual aware of the distinctions between paraphrasing using AI and plagiarism, I am better equipped to produce content that accurately reflects my viewpoints (Frye, 2022). I can amplify my voice and generate fresh perspectives for my projects by avoiding plagiarism and relying too heavily on AI-generated paraphrases.

Understanding the nature of plagiarism empowers me to appropriately credit the work of others, demonstrating respect for their intellectual property and maintaining integrity in my academic endeavours (Perkins, 2023). Employing accurate and consistent citation practices lends credibility to my work, making it easier for readers to conduct their research and engage in academic discourse by locating and verifying the cited sources.

To prevent unintentional plagiarism, which can occur when paraphrasing someone else’s ideas or material without proper attribution, I evaluate sources critically, practice careful paraphrasing, and diligently document my references (Frye, 2022). This meticulousness safeguards against unintended consequences and enhances the credibility and honesty of my final product.


AI, plagiarism, and paraphrasing achieve excellent results in learning and producing scholarly work. Plagiarism should be avoided like a contagious disease since it is a significant type of dishonesty. The ability to rephrase anything into one’s own words while maintaining the original meaning is why paraphrasing is so essential. Artificial intelligence (AI) tools aid and information based on extensive study. User-centred design tools for addressing plagiarism, AI, and paraphrasing provide authors with support at every level of the writing process. Integrating AI, paraphrasing, and plagiarism knowledge ultimately equips individuals to produce high-quality, unique content.


Abbasi, P., Yoosefi-Lebni, J., Jalali, A., Ziapour, A., & Nouri, P. (2021). Causes of the plagiarism: A grounded theory study. Nursing ethics, 28(2), 282–296.

Awasthi, S. (2019). Plagiarism and academic misconduct: A systematic review. DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology, 39(2).

Dagienė, E. (2014). Findings of the survey on prevention of plagiarism in Lithuanian research journals. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, p. 110, 1283–1294.

Fitria, T. N. (2021). QuillBot as an online tool: Students’ alternative in paraphrasing and rewriting English writing. English: Journal of Language, Education, and Humanities, 9(1), 183-196.

Florida, L. (2023). AI as Agency without Intelligence: On ChatGPT, large language models, and other generative models. Philosophy & Technology, 36(1), 15.

Frye, B. L. (2022). Should using an AI text generator to produce academic writing be plagiarism? Fordham Intellectual Property, Media & Entertainment Law Journal, Forthcoming.

Kurambayev, B. (2020). The causes and consequences of plagiarism by journalists in Central Asia. Asian Studies Review, 44(4), 691-708.

Naik, R. R., Landge, M. B., & Mahender, C. N. (2015). A review on plagiarism detection tools. International Journal of Computer Applications, 125(11).

Perkins, M. (2023). Academic Integrity Considerations of AI Large Language Models in the Post-Pandemic Era: ChatGPT and Beyond. Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice, 20(2), 07.

Ventayen, R. J. M. (2023). OpenAI ChatGPT generated results: similarity index of artificial intelligence-based contents. Available at SSRN 4332664.


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