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Causes of Greater Anxiety in College Students

Anxiety is a feeling of stress, unease, and worry. Nowadays, there are many reasons leading to anxiety in students, and many do not tend to know what they are going through. It has become a problematic problem since it has impacted physical stress and mental health conditions in the lives of our college students. According to (Ladejo, 2023), anxiety is leading to increased cases of students dropping out from their respective colleges. It dramatically affects society as it depends on their children to be future leaders and bring change to their homes by completing education and becoming prominent people. In retrospect, this essay describes that peer pressure, new environment, fear of the future, internet usage, and separation from family support system are causing more significant anxiety among students. If not addressed, these problems will continue progressing.

Negative peer pressure has caused more significant anxiety among students. Based on background, students of low income tend to compare themselves with those of high income. It makes them ashamed of their background, and they often try to separate who they are in public from who they are at home. Other students undergo anxiety by being impacted by pressure to do things they do not wish, such as substance abuse, which is harmful to their well-being, and lowering their self-esteem, which causes them to isolate themselves from other students.

Fear of the future has led to more significant anxiety among students. According to (Mooney et al., 2023), students become distressed due to employment after School, as many job opportunities are affected by job competition and economic stagnation. It makes them think they need to be better or put more effort into their studies since many employers seek candidates with work experience, which is becoming more challenging for students, especially fresh graduates. Others also fear that bad things might happen, like losing their loved ones and whether they will become successful in the future, since many people, especially family, look upon them.

In these modern times of digitization, the internet has become an integral part of student’s everyday lives, leading to internet addiction (Karadas& Sagbas, 2023) and attributed to the development of detrimental behaviors such as reduced engagement in learning and ineffective time management, leading to academic underperformance. Internet usage has led to students not having their meals on time, limited physical activities, affecting their well-being, decreased face–to–face communication skills, and students finding it difficult to express themselves in front of people, leading to more significant anxiety.

Separation from the family support system is not suitable for students since they develop obstacles that interfere with their psychology, causing more significant anxiety ( Pelaez & Novak,2020). Students now become responsible for their educational materials, forcing them to juggle one or more duties while still in School. Most of them might be working to pay their tuition fee and provide for their personal needs. It causes more significant anxiety since they worry about missing classes or having to work, and this dramatically affects their education since it leads to poor performance. Other students who lack a support system from parents involve themselves in crime to get their daily upkeep and end up ruining their lives.

In conclusion, this essay discussed the causes of more significant anxiety in college students, which have made them turn into detrimental behaviors that have affected their academic life, such as poor performances and students lacking the courage to express themselves in front of people. Many might not even realize they go through anxiety. Therefore, it is essential to have psychological support and instrumental support in order to improve their health conditions.


Karadas, T., Dilci, T., & Sagbas, N. Ö. (2023). Life in the Digital World. In Handbook of Research on Perspectives on Society and Technology Addiction (pp. 192-216). IGI Global.

Ladejo, J. (2023). A thematic analysis of the reported effect anxiety has on university students. Education and Urban Society55(3), 289–313.

Mooney, A. C., Jackson, K. E., Hamad, R., Fernald, L. C., Hoskote, M., & Gosliner, W. (2023). Experiences of distress and gaps in government safety net supports among parents of young children during the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative study. BMC Public Health23(1), 1–12.

Pelaez, M., & Novak, G. (2020). Returning to School: Separation problems and anxiety in the age of pandemics. Behavior Analysis in Practice13, 521-526.


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