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Creativity, Innovation, and Adaptation in Gig Economy Among Gen Z

Within the framework of investigating “Creativity, Innovation, and Adaptation in the Gig Economy among Gen Z,” a distinct and verifiable hypothesis is revealed. The theory suggests a positive association exists between higher levels of creativity and innovation and more engagement in gig work among members of Generation Z. We will quantify this correlation with validated psychological measures (Pibulpanuvat, n.d., p). More specifically, it is predicted that as the frequency and intensity of engagement in the gig economy rise, members of Generation Z will demonstrate increased creative problem-solving abilities and a stronger inclination towards innovative thinking in response to the unique challenges of gig work.

Sample: Navigating the Gig Landscape with Gen Z

Participants in the study will come from Generation Z, people between the ages of 18 and 24 who are actively engaged in different gig economy jobs. A rigorous procedure involving targeted online recruitment and outreach across gig worker groups on social media and gig-specific forums was used to select the 300 participants that comprise the expected sample size. Relevant demographic data, such as age, educational background, and kinds of gig labour performed, will be gathered to guarantee a thorough understanding. This strategy aims to represent the variety of experiences that members of Generation (Pataki-Bittó & Kapusy, 2021) bring to the gig economy.

Measures: Instruments Grounded in Psychological Literature

The study will thoroughly examine the claim using known and tested metrics based on psychological research. The Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking and the Innovation Behaviour Questionnaire will be used as tools for measuring creativity and innovation. Participants’ adjustment to the gig economy will also be evaluated using the Work Adaptability Scale, a standardized assessment tool (Tham et al., 2022). These well-chosen measures effectively capture the psychological dimensions that are essential to the study because they have proven valid and reliable.

Procedure: Navigating the Gig Landscape with Gen Z

The research will utilize a mixed-methods approach, combining semi-structured interviews and Internet questionnaires. Participants will complete electronic surveys that smoothly integrate the chosen psychological measures to begin their involvement. A portion of the participants will be invited to participate in semi-structured interviews after this preliminary stage. This qualitative segment explores participant experiences, obstacles encountered, and creative solutions in the gig economy in greater detail (Lestari, 2019). While the online surveys will be distributed through secure channels to maintain anonymity and confidentiality, video conferencing will be used for the interviews to enable a more in-depth examination of the participants’ narratives

Ethics: Safeguarding the Well-being of Gig Workers

With strict safeguards in place to safeguard the rights and well-being of gig workers, ethical issues serve as a cornerstone of the study. Encouraging all participants to provide informed consent entails fully disclosing the purpose, methodology, and voluntary nature of their participation in the study under core ethical principles. We will anonymize and securely store data to protect confidentiality. There will be minimal hazards to the participant’s health and resources for assistance will be offered (Buhalis & Karatay, 2022). Generation Z participants in the study will all be treated with the utmost respect, privacy, and dignity as they explore creativity, innovation, and adaptation in the gig economy. This is because the study will strictly comply with the ethical criteria of the APA Code of Ethics.


In conclusion, the study “Creativity, Innovation, and Adaptation in the Gig Economy among Gen Z” lays the groundwork for a detailed investigation into the gig economy participation of Generation Z. A rigorous methodology incorporating a broad sample of 300 actively involved participants is guided by the hypothesis, which predicts a positive association between increasing gig involvement and heightened creativity and invention. The study intends to explore the complex experiences, problems, and creative techniques inside the gig economy using well-established psychological instruments and a mixed-methods approach, including online surveys and semi-structured interviews. Participants’ rights and well-being are prioritized by ethical concerns, which include informed consent and confidentiality protocols. The study aims to deliver insightful information that advances academic knowledge and practical guidance for Generation Z workers navigating the changing gig economy.


Buhalis, D., & Karatay, N. (2022). Mixed reality (MR) for Generation Z in cultural heritage tourism towards Metaverse. Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2022, 16-27.

Lestari, D. (2019). Measuring e-commerce adoption behaviour among gen-Z in Jakarta, Indonesia. Economic Analysis and Policypp. 64, 103–115.

Pataki-Bittó, F., & Kapusy, K. (2021). Work environment transformation in the post-COVID-19 based on work values of the future workforce. Journal of Corporate Real Estate23(3), 151-169.

Pibulpanuvat, R. (n.d.). Generation Z’s attitude towards music consumption on Joox online music streaming application.

Tham, W. K., Lim, W. M., & Vieceli, J. (2022). Foundations of consumption and production in the sharing economy. Electronic Commerce Research23(4), 2979-3002.


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