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Enhancing Educational Experience Through Digital Resources Integration

A digital resource is an educational tool that uses e-books, online courses, and interactive educational apps to help students learn and be creative. Software for making cartoons and video editing platforms are common examples. Most importantly, these resources are helpful in K-12 schooling. Digital resources equip students with the tools and resources they need to succeed in a world where digital literacy and technical skills are more critical. Significantly, this paper discusses the need for digital technologies in education. It discusses numerous significant applications of these technologies and why educational institutions must integrate them.

To begin with the increasing reliance on technology in society, educational settings have also transformed to incorporate technological advancements. For example, wikis, podcasts, blogs, and other Web 2.0 technologies help students create content, collaborate, evaluate each other, and co-learn (Ferri, Grifoni & Guzzo 2020). Similarly, digital technology enables gamification and flipped classrooms to be easier to use to improve learning (Gavronskaya et al. 2021). As a result, technology integration in educational settings has witnessed a significant rise, particularly in secondary schools where a one-to-one device model is being used. Under this approach, each student is provided with a laptop or tablet upon enrollment (Li, Li & Han 2021). The phenomenon has had a significant influence on how pupils acquire new knowledge.

Consequently, in instances where the acquisition of physical models proves challenging or unfeasible, a viable alternative lies in utilizing several interactive models accessible through internet platforms. For instance, the utilization of interactive online models of the human body can allow students to acquire identical information in an engaging and participatory manner (Moody 2019). Educators can incorporate these interactive models into their instructional delivery when introducing novel subject matter.

Moreover, quality education is considered to be a vital element of the sustainable development agenda for 2030 established by the United Nations. The objective is to provide a comprehensive and fair education standard accessible to everyone (Muca et al., 2020). Digital technology has become crucial in attaining this objective (Nanjundaswamy, Baskaran & Leela 2021). It can effectively identify sources of emissions, mitigate further harm by enhancing energy efficiency and promoting lower-carbon alternatives to fossil fuels, and even eliminate excess greenhouse gases from the environment (Nur, Lakoro & Lengkoan, 2023). Further, digital technologies aim to reduce or eliminate pollution and waste while enhancing production and efficiency (Zhao et al. 2021). As a result, the technologies have significantly influenced the education system, whose implementation has resulted in a significant transformation within the school sector.

Overall, the educational institution serves as a facilitator of knowledge acquisition, collaborator in the generation of information, guides the learning process, and evaluators of academic progress. The integration of technological advancements in the field of education has significantly facilitated the academic experience for pupils. In contemporary educational settings, students have transitioned from traditional pen-and-paper methods to various software applications and tools to generate presentations and projects. An iPad exhibits a relatively low weight compared to a stack of notebooks. Compared to a voluminous printed book, navigating an electronic book is a more convenient task.

Reference List

Ferri, F., Grifoni, P. and Guzzo, T., 2020. Online learning and emergency remote teaching: Opportunities and challenges in emergencies. Societies, 10(4), p.86.

Gavronskaya, Y., Larchenkova, L., Kurilova, A. and Gorozhanina, E., 2021. Virtual lab model for making online courses more inclusive for students with special educational needs. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 16(2), pp.79-94.

Li, Q., Li, Z., and Han, J., 2021. A hybrid learning pedagogy for surmounting the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic in performing arts education. Education and Information Technologies, 26(6), pp.7635-7655.

Moody, B.D., 2019. Educator Preparation Provider Training and Technology Integration (Doctoral dissertation, The University of Findlay).

Muca, E., Cavallini, D., Odore, R., Baratta, M., Bergero, D. and Valle, E., 2022. Are veterinary students using technologies and online learning resources for didactic training? A mini-meta analysis. Education Sciences, 12(8), p.573.

Nanjundaswamy, C., Baskaran, S. and Leela, M.H., 2021. Digital Pedagogy for Sustainable Learning. Shanlax International Journal of Education, 9(3), pp.179-185.

Nur, S., Lakoro, Q. and Lengkoan, F., 2023. The Effectiveness of Digital Learning Curriculum 2013 in Pandemic. Journal of English Culture, Language, Literature and Education, 11(2), pp.264-276.

Zhao, J., Hwang, G.J., Chang, S.C., Yang, Q.F. and Nokkaew, A., 2021. Effects of gamified interactive e-books on students’ flipped learning performance, motivation, and meta-cognition tendency in a mathematics course. Educational Technology Research and Development, 69, pp.3255-3280.


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