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Marketing Essays

Building and Marketing a High-Performance Organization

Introduction This study will focus on one of the largest and most famous international foods and drinks companies — Nestle. Nestle is a transnational enterprise that markets every kind of thing, ranging from beverages (such as coffee and chocolate) to pet nourishment (such as cat and dog food) and baby nourishment (Lysenko, 2021). The company ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3757

Marketing Management 716 Case Analysis 1 Netflix

Case Study 1: Netflix Key Marketing Issues In the context of Netflix, the case presents a range of critical marketing strategy issues that demand careful consideration and strategic intervention. One of the foremost challenges is rooted in the company’s position as a dominant player in the streaming industry, juxtaposed with the pervasive issue of market ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 885
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Impact of AI on the Case of Christian Dior

Introduction This assignment looks at the impacts of AI in the case of Christian Dior. It will critically assess how the major challenge of “The impact of AI” has affected Christian Dior, a renowned luxury fashion brand headquartered in Paris, France. Dior is one of the fashion brands that are popular worldwide, especially with its ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1373

Analytic Plan for Customer Churn Reduction at Verizon

Introduction Verizon is a key player in telecommunications, providing millions of users with mobile, internet, and cable TV. Verizon, like many other telecommunications providers, confronts the problem of customer churn when consumers either stop using the service altogether or engage with it less often. Loss of income and higher expenses involved with obtaining new customers ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2785

Blog and Article Writing Business Idea

Executive Summary A growing, well-liked company that offers blog and article writing services is dynamic and at the forefront and is worth investing in as a student. It is simpler to gain a reputation as a trustworthy source for individuals and businesses looking for well-written, captivating content and Website optimization-friendly. The sophisticated composition and shifting ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1094

Project 1: Researching Consumer Buying Behavior

Introduction This report presents a comprehensive analysis of consumer buying behavior and preferences in ACME’s three primary markets, including the U.S., UK, and Germany. Generally, understanding customer preferences is an essential aspect of any business. It entails studying factors that influence the consumer buying behavior process, including personal aspects such as individual preferences and attitudes; ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3267

Exploring the Dynamics of Influencer- Follower Relationships: A Multi-Perspective Analysis

Introductory Part (1000 words) 1.1. Introduction In the modern corporate world, the context of the influencer economy and social media marketing, including the world of influencer-follower interactions, has developed as an intriguing new sector in today’s digital environment. This study investigates in depth the complex dynamics that characterize the effect of influencers on their followers. ... Read More
Pages: 24       Words: 6452

Applications of Machine Learning (ML) in Social Media

Virtual social entertainment has arisen as a pristine field for business tasks. It might take time to be obvious; however, machine learning plays an important part. Client experience is the cornerstone of an item’s performance. Online entertainment platforms convey ML models to recognize and offer the most significant content for every client, give better proposals, ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1619

Strategic Marketing Decision

What is the decision facing the company? Nestlé must decide whether to improve its digital advertising strategy and guarantee that the message is effectively delivered to the target audience. In particular, the business must learn to use disruptive technologies like blockchain to strengthen its advertising initiatives in a quickly expanding digital market. What factors are ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 748

Crafting Effective Social Media Messaging for Product Launch: A Strategic Approach

Introduction: Brand messaging has become progressively critical in today’s trade world to communicate a company’s values, objectives, and items. Social media has become progressively important as a means of communication since its wide reach and potential to lock in many buyers. This essay utilizes the brand messaging framework and research findings to explore the nuances ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 897

Assessing the Possibility of Luxury Brands’ Expansion Into Africa Using Hofstede’s Cultural Model

Hofstede’s Cultural Dimension is a helpful model for understanding cultural variations in countries. It is an analytical criterion that offers six dimensions, as shown in (Figure 1) for assessing business situations. Businesses focus on economic, political, and social or cultural contexts when outlining management and marketing strategies generated by Hofstede’s Model (Kang et al., 2021, ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1143

Marketing and Communication Strategies for Thailand Biodegradable Bags

As the world intensifies its focus on sustainability and seeks options to combat the unfavourable outcomes of single-use plastics, the demand for progressive solutions has emerged as imperative. The essay delves into the crucial realm of introducing biodegradable baggage as a promising opportunity in Thailand, a market with both cultural richness and environmental issues. The ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1834

A Journey Through Pacific Coffee Company’s Legacy

Introduction Estаblished in 1992 аmidst the vibrаnt streets оf Нong Kоng, Pасifiс Cоffее hаs еmеrgеd аs а distinguishеd cоffееhouse chаin rеnownеd for its unwаvering dedicаtion tо crаfting eхtrаordinаry cоffее encоunters. With а stоried trаjectоry, the Company has cultivаted а legаcy defined by its unrelenting рursuit оf excellence in every cup (Cabrera, 2023). From meticulously sоurcing ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1237

Celebrity Endorsement in Social Media

1. Introduction and Background Social media platforms, including Facebook and Twitter, account for a significant share of all social media users. Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have billions of registered users. In these social media, there is the existence of celebrities who have a huge following (McCracken, 1989). These celebrities include singers, movie stars, sports stars, and ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2688

Strengths and Limitations of Linked as a Social Media Tool

LinkedIn, developed in 2003, is a networking social media tool that connects prominent professionals with their respective fields of operation within varied industries, intending to enable professional communication, mentorship, and potential job opportunities (Crant, 2014). Moreover, LinkedIn is a platform businesses use to market their products and services to recruit potential employees and interact with ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 720
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