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Netflix’s 2020 Strategy for Battling Rivals in the Global Streaming Video Market


The streaming video giant Netflix, as the industry’s first movers, changed the way people enjoy entertainment. By 2020, the company started facing stiff competition from new streaming services such as Disney+ and HBO Max. With a three-pronged strategy, Netflix aimed at safeguarding its dominant position. It first pursued aggressive international expansion to access foreign markets such as India and Latin America. Furthermore, Netflix employed advanced data analytics in order to determine content and personalized recommendations for every subscriber.

Netflix has more than 150 million subscribers around the globe, making its database of viewing habits unprecedented. Netflix plowed money into great originals such as The Crown and Stranger Things. As content budgets exceeded $17 billion in 2020, Netflix sought top talent and created must-see originals that had no counterpart on other streaming platforms. These marches carried in international expansion, data analysis, and originals bolstered Netflix’s distinctive strengths in a congested streaming market. Thus, Netflix was focused on consolidating its early advantage position.

Netflix’s Competitive Position in 2020

The first-mover advantage and head start in subscribers and data enjoyed by Netflix as the pioneer streaming video-on-demand service was due to its status. Nevertheless, by 2020, Netflix was confronted with a flood of expensive competitors, such as Disney, Apple, and Warner Media, rolling out their streaming services. These services presented significant competition to Netflix, markets by famous brands, established franchises, and large budgets committed for original content production. Netflix continued to lead the competitors in critical metrics like global subscribers, engagement time, and content volume, even in 2020. However, competitors were rapidly catching up and were reinforcing them with their IP, resources, and technology infrastructure for a quicker scale-up. Netflix saw an intensely congested streaming arena and more challenges to its market supremacy. To achieve this move, the company needed to be flawless in the implementation of its strategy, which focuses on international expansion, data analytics, and original content.

Disney+ came in late 2019 with the Marvel, Star Wars, Pixar, and other cherished franchises. Fueled by the power of its brand and content library, Disney rose to become the biggest threat to Netflix. The leverage that Amazon Prime Video got from Amazon’s strength in the subscribers and tech infrastructure allows them to expand fast. Apple TV+ arrived with a smaller catalog, but the budgets for original premium productions were high. Traditional media corporations such as NBCUniversal and Warner Media got ready with new services owned by Peacock and HBO Max.

The competition in 2020, however, had come from its rivals. It has remained the streaming industry’s most extensive paid subscriber base, with over 60 million subscribers in the US and over 150 million worldwide. These large scales provide data inputs and revenue to reinvest in more content generation. Netflix’s first-mover advantage also was that it had an experienced technology platform, which was good through the years. However, Netflix should have owned big franchises that breed fan loyalty. Netflix spent $17 billion on content in 2020 while betting on originals rather than IP that proved itself. Rivals such as Disney possessed the rights to massive franchises like Star Wars and Marvel. Netflix, too, faced challenges in international markets where rivals signed up important distribution deals.

The metrics showed Netflix still leading in 2020. Its subscriber base was almost twice that of its competitors. Its library exceeded 190,000 titles, towering over most of its rivals. Notably, Netflix stood out with the most significant number of engagement time, thus showing that it offered exciting programs. In 2020, Netflix led the market despite new streaming services gaining ground. Its strategy was oriented on emphasizing these advantages in content, analytics, and its global reach to stay ahead. However, the rivals hoarded resources, and Netflix met with ever-increasing threats to dominance in the streaming realm. The perfect implementation of its strategy shall govern leadership maintenance.

Netflix’s Strategy for 2020

A central element of Netflix’s 2020 strategy was intensive international expansion, which was particularly intensified in fast-growing emerging markets such as India and Latin America. Netflix saw the vast potential in regions where streaming video was yet to mature. Netflix in India priced its monthly plans from $3 down to as low as $1.50 to make the service affordable in a value/price-sensitive market. It gave the go-ahead to over 40 original Indian movies and shows, such as Delhi Crime and Mighty Little Bheem, which are aimed at local life and culture. Dealing with established Indian creators such as Anurag Kashyap enhanced the credibility of Netflix’s content investment in India. With more than 20 million users gained by the end of 2020, Netflix’s localization strategy has been what drove large-scale localization in India.

Netflix also tapped into the strong demand for streaming content in Latin America, which still needed to be satisfied by traditional television. It created more than 50 original productions from Mexico, Brazil, and other Latin American countries in 2020. Playing local music publicly broadcast was also beneficial, as well as Spanish and Portuguese user interfaces. Cheap Netflix in that region, and you can download it for inconsistent connectivity. By taking a targeted path, Netflix had 6 million new Latin American subscribers in 2020, as a whole. This takes the total number of subscribers to 29 million.

Increasing the growth in these emerging markets enlarged Netflix’s global addressable market. Local adjustment is a key to grabbing share from domestic streaming competitions. Netflix thrived as the pioneer via its early entrance into new areas backed by advanced technology and large content budgets. Nevertheless, constantly being innovative in programs and features for the different numbers of users and regulations will decide the future success of Netflix in the international market. The initial outcomes were hopeful, but further localization is vital.

As a second, Netflix utilized its data analytics ability to guide in decision-making for content and make personalized recommendations. Netflix had unbeatable data on viewing behaviors and trends due to over 150 million global subscribers. The analysis of given data aided Netflix in figuring out what sorts of content did well in various regions. The data also ensured Netflix could provide “net” personalized recommendations to each user based on his/her choice. This led to an addictive and personalized experience, which made subscribers stick around for a long.

Netflix has made huge investments in original content. It spent almost $17 billion on content last year, trying to have such a broad offering and top-quality content that rivals could not beat. A focus on developing local original films/series meant for international markets was pursued. Netflix, in addition, made highly publicized deals with some well-known Hollywood content creators such as Ryan Murphy (the American Horror Story) and Game of Thrones producers David Benioff and D.B. Wess. With this approach, the company got a pool of top talent and brilliant originals like The Queen’s Gamble that brought sign-ups and generated hype. Collectively, these moves have enabled Netflix to use its scale and data advantage worldwide. Netflix has tailored efforts to local markets and attracted top Hollywood talent as a way to bridge the content lead gap in the dynamically emerging streaming market.

Analysis of Netflix’s Strategy

Netflix’s introductions abroad were promising in 2020, but it still needs to envision the way. Netflix gained millions of subscribers in India, a fast-growing market, through low pricing and locally-curated original content. However, in some regions, Netflix’s content library is limited, and domestic streaming competitors are emerging. Sustaining growth in foreign markets will require Netflix to be situationally aware of dealing with different cultures and understanding complex regulations.

Netflix’s data analytics capabilities do provide a competitive edge. Its unrivaled dataset on subscriber viewing habits informs smart content investments and keeps the recommendation engine humming. This results in a highly personalized, engaging viewing experience that builds loyalty. However, as rivals like Disney and Amazon scale up, they will amass more data themselves. Netflix must stay on the cutting edge of analytics technology to maintain its advantage. Allowing subscribers more ways to provide data and feedback could make the algorithms even smarter.

Investments in original content are paying dividends in terms of buzz and acclaim, but profitability is dubious. Hits like The Queen’s Gambit have broken through culturally while earning Netflix awards. This builds the brand and attracts talent. However, the billions spent annually on originals have led to skyrocketing debt. Many titles need to recoup costs or drive more sign-ups to justify their budgets. Moving forward, Netflix may need to be more selective in greenlighting costly productions. Finding the right cost-benefit balance on originals will be pivotal. Netflix made savvy moves in 2020 to extend its leadership. However, converting subscriber growth into profit amid intense competition will be Netflix’s most significant strategic challenge going forward. The early success of initiatives like localization shows promise, but Netflix needs more margin for error, with rivals aiming to dethrone the streaming leader. Flawless execution and constant innovation will be required to stay ahead.


To defend its streaming leadership in 2020, Netflix employed a three-pronged strategy focused on international expansion, leveraging data, and original content. Early execution showed promise in adding subscribers abroad and producing breakthrough hits. However, intense competition looms large, with rivals utilizing strong brands and franchises to gain ground. Netflix will definitely maintain its lead in the following years but should take care of innovation and look for profitable growth. Its content budgets seem unsustainably high, and international markets involve complicated challenges. However, Netflix’s platform benefits and subscriber size create opportunities, provided they are used effectively. In 2020, Netflix did intelligent things, but it has to be consistently good at data analytics, localization, and selectiveness in originals to be on the right side of the valuations. Providing it will bring about more international subscriber growth and curbing costs, Netflix can be declared the ruler of the streaming industry. However, the competitive threats are now severe.


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