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USA Essays

Need for Legalizing Recreational Cannabis in All 50 States

Many people throughout the years have taught their children the belief that marijuana may bring death. Many young people — if not all — heard this message repeatedly. Marijuana was linked with crack, Methamphetamine, and coke in a standard middle school health class (Shi 1784). This was a fright-mongering ploy. Warning messages should be conveyed ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1096

Michigan Road Funding

Introduction Natural and state resources require enough money to remain at their utmost standard. These resources include roads, dams, and forests. The governing bodies around these sources are responsible for foreseeing their maintenance. They have to incur some costs to do so. Each state in the United States has different means to find the relevant ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1503
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Macroeconomics – Demand-Side Policies and the Great Recession of 2008

Introduction An economic recession refers to a massive decline in economic activities concerning industrial production, employment opportunities, the country’s GDP, and real income. A significant reduction in aggregate demand brings about a recession for at least two quarters within a particular financial year. In many incidences, an economic recession occurs when the federal government imposes ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 972

Legalizing Marijuana in the State of the United States

Before the herb was illegal in the U.S., its people used it for various purposes, such as medicinal and stomachic. It is sold as a remedy for stomach upset or other related problems but has another purpose. It would be wrong to deny how humans have changed pots to improve consciousness for thousands of years. ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1368

Introduction to Health Care Organization

Bellevue Hospital is one of the most distinguished and oldest operating hospitals in the United States of America, located in New York City. The medical center has been at the lead of significant developments in the US medicine, such as tuberculosis treatment and cardiac catheterization. Besides, America’s first ambulance service and the first nursing school ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 965

HRM Policies and Practices in US and Japan

Introduction Human resource management plays a significant role in managing large and small organizations. For the large organizations that operate in different countries, there is a transfer of policies and practices of Human Resource Management. Every country has different cultures, standards, and policies for running its organizations. It is, therefore, necessary to be keen on ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1806

Historical Education Experience

In most cases, many nations globally turn to the United States for inspiration on many aspects of social and economic development, including education. However, the US has had different experiences and stages in education where some groups have had to go through different challenges to acquire education. For example, African Americans and Native Americans have ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1022

Do Socioeconomic Status, Educational Status, and Incomes Brackets Have an Impact on Obesity Trends in the United States?

Introduction In my final project, the research question that I am trying to answer with real data and studies previously done in the United States is to try and estimate or gauge the impact that differences in socioeconomic status, educational status, and income brackets have contributed to the current obesity trends in the United States. ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1721

Cuban Missiles Crisis

Abstract On 16th October 1962, U.S. President Kennedy and his advisers were informed about the Soviet Union’s installation of nuclear and intermediate-range airborne projectiles in Cuba. By installing these weapons, which signified a new and existential threat to the U.S., the Soviet Union considerably raised the gamble in the nuclear contention between the world powers. The U.S. ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 843

Annotated Bibliography: Electoral College

Belenky, Alexander S. “The Electoral College Today.” Who Will Be the next President?, 2016, pp. 19–46, The article “The Electoral College Today: Who Will Be the Next President?” was written by Alexander S. Belenky, who is a professor at the National Research University Higher School of Economics, based in Moscow, Russia. The article articulates the ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1690

3 Branches of Government

The constitution of the United States divides the power of the government into three branches: the executive, the legislative, and the judicial. These three branches collaborate to develop authority that has equal power over the entire country and establish powerful authority. Furthermore, each branch is responsible for carrying out specific responsibilities and duties to function ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 897

Intelligence Paper Report – Threats Facing National Elections

Introduction Typically, governments always seek to shape political and economic conditions worldwide for their benefit. In the US and Europe, foreign governments have employed cyberattacks and social media agitation to influence information environment. These efforts aim at influencing foreign policies to benefit the involved countries’ political, economic, and military influence. However, when such activities impact ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2650

Importance of Corporate Governance in Financial Institutions: Report

Introduction A board of directors in a corporation is a collection of persons voted as — or elected to perform as — stockholder representation to formulate corporate management policies and carry out significant company decisions. The board of directors is in charge of top management, hiring and firing the CEO, setting executive salary levels, and ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1885

Impacts of Economic Segregation of African-Americans

Despite the advancements made by the Civil Rights Movement in race relations through the illegalization of racial segregation, a new form of segregation-economic segregation continue to influence and impact the lives of Americans in society today (Jargowsky & Wheeler, 2017). It is driven by the practice and policies that significantly impact the livelihoods and the ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2470
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