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USA Essays

Carjacking in the U.S.: Victims of Crime

Introduction Carjacking is the unlawful taking of a motor vehicle from its driver and occupants by violence, force or intimidation. In some cases, perpetrators often steal cells, phones, wallets and other possessions from the occupants (Felson et al., 2021). Over the last few years, Americans have witnessed an unprecedented increase in carjackings and vehicle thefts. ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1674

Applying Critical Race Theory in Today’s Society

Race is a social construct, and therefore it is intertwined into the social interactions that surround a person’s life. The difference in terms of skin colour within the society contributes to generating diversity within the organisation. The history of the US has gad an encounter with racism, where a community group was regarded inferior mainly ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1225
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An Argumentative Essay on Death Penalty

Introduction In the United States of America today, it has been realized that the death penalty or capital punishment concept has been a much –questioned part of the present criminal justice system. Based on the online Webster dictionary research, the death penalty is defined as a form of judicially ordered execution of prisoners that acts ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1690

A Framework for Making Ethical Decisions-Everlane’s Case

The ethical mission for Everlane was more radical until the current Covid 19 pandemic that has caused a different image of the Company’s ethical status leading to a hot debate on whether the organization still holds to the ethics it had promised. In 2020, Everlane Company faced a public relations crisis, encountering backlash after laying ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1826

Wrongful Convictions in the U.S. Criminal Justice System

Introduction The great disasters in the American criminal justice system are the conviction of an individual for a crime they did not commit. Wrong convictions can impact exonerees, crime victims, and families. They have lasting pessimistic consequences on the observers, lawyers, witnesses and other criminal justice personnel associated in wrongful convictions. Therefore, it is vital ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1029

Women in US History

1870- the 15th amendment was written After the new constitutional changes were passed, NWSA presented an original and radical interpretation. Women remained “persons” where their rights as state citizens remained established through the first language for the Fourteenth Amendment; another, the right towards voting remained inherent in national citizenship, which was also crucial to the ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1285

Was the Civil War the Most Significant War? Why or Why Not?

Civil wars are conflicts that ensue between two or more factions in the same country or state. Despite their adverse effects, they have been quite common in the past and current century. These wars have led to the loss of lives, destruction of property, and have prevented governance by stable governments (Hall et al., 2019). ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 927

US Sports Industry

How can data-driven platforms and artificial intelligence help organizations? Data-driven platforms operate on a specified given set of data. This facilitates quick decision-making by business organizations. On the other hand, artificial intelligence enables an organization to draw insights. This assists them in improving their decision-making skills. Data-driven platforms and artificial intelligence assist organizations understand their ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1006

United States Role in the United Nations Operations

Identify an article on a recent development regarding the relationship between the U.S. & U.N. (e.g., tensions over global warming/climate change, peacekeeping missions, monies to sexual and reproductive health services…). Share the link with us, providing a summary of the situation. According to the article by Zachary and Shendruk (2020), the United States is the largest and ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1424

United States Policy on External Affairs

Towards the end of the 19th century and 1920, the United States of America continued its firm policies of not meddling in other people’s business. European countries were more conflict-prone to America, and their disputes could draw the United States into another war that merely had little American interest. Hence during the 1920s U.S, foreign ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 683

The Impact of Labor Unions on the U.S Economy in the Late 20th Century

The 20th century a considerable growth in labour unions, especially after the second world war. The world war had left most of the globe with little resources which necessitated hard work and sacrifice. The wages offered to people working in industries such as the steel and automobile industry were minimal. Furthermore, the working conditions were also ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1104

The Historical Significance of the Fourteenth Amendment

The idea of defining freedom and citizenship has been a subject of conflict in the history of the United States. Through the American history, there have been major issues that debates about freedom and citizenship that have revolved in the past. Historical events like the ratification of the Fourteenth Amendment in 1868 pointed the meaning ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1145

The Cuban Missile Crisis

Kennedy took the president at one of the most turbulent moments in American history. The Cold War between democracy and communism was becoming more hostile, and both the US and the Soviet Union had enough nuclear weapons to wipe out the earth multiple times. In American cities, racial tensions were increasing. Black Americans had begun ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1087

The American Civil War Era: Historical Figures

Summary At the time of the civil war, a bloody war was ever seen by the United States. Thus, the civil war is a significant event in the history of America.[1] As the Revolution between 1776 to 1983 formed the United States, the Civilian fight of 1861 to 1865 determined the kind of nation the US ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3507

State Versus National Powers in the United States

Nullification is the impression that a state can decide to go against and disobey bylaws approved by the national regime devoid of contemplation of state regulations. If the state discovers the national laws are illegitimate, it can go against them. At the time the Constitution of the United States was being written, contained within it ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1053
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