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USA Essays

A Call for Greater Freedom for the Oppressed

The United States of America has grown from the sweat of enslaved African Americans who worked their backs to build it. Its stench of racism is still new centuries later, even after they attained freedom in 1865. African Americans had always fought to be seen and heard in the United States, which began when they ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 664

11 September 2001 Attack

The 9/11 attacks refer to a sequence of hijacking airlines in line with the suicide attack in 2001 by 19 militants of Islamic radical groups, specifically al-Qaeda, against the US. On 11 September 2001, the terrorist boarded a domestic aircraft in groups of four, immediately restricted the crews, and started managing the entire plane (Conover ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1118
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Celebrity Culture and the American Dream

The American Dream is an idea that predates the independence and sovereignty, since it was conveyed by Pilgrims departing Europe in search of better living conditions in the “new world.” Even though the interpretation of the American Dream has evolved over time, it is now commonly acknowledged to refer to financial stability and residential contentment; ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1302

U.S. Healthcare System

The healthcare system is one of the most critical components of any nation that demands the full commitment of all stakeholders in order to provide high-quality services to all individuals regardless of their socioeconomic condition. The delivery of healthcare services in the United States includes a diverse range of stakeholders, including insurers, governments, healthcare workers, ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1412

Transnational Organized Crime

Abstract In the United States, transnational organized crime has long been a major problem. Because the United States is made up of immigrants and has a diverse population, it’s only natural that organized crime organizations would strive to profit from the country’s diversity by expanding their criminal networks. The Mexican cartels and their related drug ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3244

The Creation of the United States Air Force

Before WWI, only a few Americans understood military duties. The nation had a small army, and the yearly appropriations could not finance equipment or weapons experiments. The Regular Army comprised about 75,000 soldiers from 1902-to 1912, and more soldiers were only enlisted when the yearly budgets averaged $93.6 million. Even though the United States economy ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1839

Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Du Bois: The Status of Black People in America

W.E.B. Du Bois and Booker T. Washington were two of the most well-known leaders of the African-American community in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. They, on the other hand, were vehemently opposed to each other’s beliefs on how to improve African-Americans’ lives(Meier, 1988). Disagreements between them on how to solve racial and socioeconomic ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2587

The Struggle for Women Suffrage in United States

More than a century after the formation of the nation, women in the United States were regarded as home-keepers and were not allowed to participate in public life. Although the country had been declared a Republic, women had no right to vote for representatives. The exercise was exclusively men’s business. Society viewed women as homemakers ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1814

The Fight Against Drugs

Whatever perspective one takes on drugs in the US, it is clear that the situation is worse. It is undeniable that drug usage is increasing throughout the nation. The United States of America has a drug issue that must get handled. Anyone who consumes narcotics is currently considered a felony; anybody who sells small or ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1327

The Chicano Movement in USA

Introduction The Chicano Movement, which was also called El Movimiento was a political and social movement in United States. It was revitalized by earlier protest march of obstruction among people of Mexican plummet, mainly of Pachucos, during 1940s and 1950s. Black Power progress attempted to embrace a Chicano/a character and viewpoint that battled primary prejudice, ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1342

Nursing Leadership Health Policies

State of Florida nurse-to-patient ratio in the long-term care delivery For many decades, the nursing unions have been associated with multiple successes in the legislation and implementation of regulations and laws focused on improving the standards for nurse-to-patient ratios. These unions are of the proposition and belief that the higher the nurse-to-patient percentage, the higher ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1480

Racism and Mass Shootings in the United States

Introduction Mass shootings do not occur frequently and account for less than 15% of all mass killings and 0.5% of homicides in the United States (Smart and Schell 3). The United States government has never categorized mass shooting as a distinct crime category. However, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) once defined a mass murderer ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2285

Racial Injustices in America

The history of racism may be traced in every sector of the United States, including education, business, the media, and everyday life (Cherry). The United States has a long history of racial and economic inequality. Generally speaking, these expressions refer to long-standing and pervasive racism that has been ingrained in the roots of American culture ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1886

Public Brief – Emergency Management

Executive Summary In 1986, Congress signed the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA) into law. President Ronald Regan signed the EMTALA into law after the Senate approved it on both the Republican and Democratic sides. As mandated by EMTALA, every patient who seeks medical attention in a Medicare-participating hospital emergency department must receive a ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1351

New Mexico Crisis Standards of Care

Introduction There may be scarce healthcare resources in disastrous catastrophes like the COVID-19 disease, hence the need for re-allocation decisions. Healthcare professionals may be required to work beyond their usual range of practice, and the attention to patient care may call for shifting to foster benefits to the whole population rather than individual benefits. There ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2498
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