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USA Essays

The Constitutional Convention

Significant people who shaped the Constitution A committee wrote the U.S. Constitution in the Constitutional Convention over months. The Convention convened on May 14, 1787, without a quorum. The meetings reconvened on May 25 with a quorum present. Twelve states named 74 Delegates, though only 55 ever attended the Convention, and ultimately, only 39 signed ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1403

Comparing U.S. Constitution to Taiwan (R.O.C) Constitution

Introduction The constitution, which is one of the essential texts in Western history, governs federalism in the United States. The constitution establishes the core institutions of government, their powers, and citizens’ fundamental rights[1]. Since its inception, it has acted as the country’s formal constitution. The US Constitution is the supreme law of the country. It ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2887
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Comparative Politics and Policy

Introduction The comparative politics issue or topic is not very new. Comparative politics analyzes and compares politics in foreign countries(McCormick et al.,2016,7-16). It analyzes the similarities and differences of various political systems and how they affect developmental changes and other nations’ dynamics. This article aims to compare the efficacy of Great Britain’s parliamentary system and ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2894

College Completion Rate in America

ABSTRACT The rate at which college students in America drop out is alarming. Consequently, there is a need to find the reason for this and thus come up with solutions to ensure that this is not the case in the future. Therefore, an experiment to determine how many students have dropped out and why. Furthermore, ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1317

Changing Trends in the Drug Problem in America

The Opioid Crisis continues to be a long-standing problem in America. It has particularly thrived because of two main factors: the continued production of more lethal and addictive synthetic opioids and increased misinformation on opioids. A common myth is the demographics of people affected that has led to various state governments channeling their interventions toward ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2026

American Revolution: Boston Massacre

The Boston Massacre is termed to be the Revolutionary War’s first combat. On March 5, 1770, a deadly occurrence occurred. Five colonists died as a direct result of the massacre. British soldiers allocated at the Boston town in Massachusetts were poorly compensated and this forced them to compete for jobs with the locals in their ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1557

Black Women During the Civil Rights Era

Introduction The history of social justice movements in the US has left out women while glorifying men black men for their role in the strife for civil rights. When black women’s role in the struggle for social justice and freedom is mentioned, it is usually the few women like Rosa Parks, who refused to give ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1114

Essay on American Literature

Phinney (1996) claims culture and society have three distinct identifiers, behaviours and attitudes, feeling of membership, and experience. The latter specifically a direct outcome of the minority group. American literature is usually centred on the ideals of the nation. It should entail the story of the character and his place in American and its people. ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1641

Essay on American Revolution

Before 9th September 1776, America was known as the “United Colonies.” The name the united states were adopted by the Second Continental Congress then and had therefore remained over the years as a reminder of American freedom and independence. Before their independence, the United Colonies started rebelling against British rule back in 1775 but managed to ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1417

Essay on American History

History’s task is to retrieve the recent history and bring it into the current. Memory is subjected to the same test. Because the survey of recollection can connect topics that we will have come to view as specialty and different, it opens up exciting opportunities for asking interesting questions of our traditional sources and topics, ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1805

Agricultural Policy Research

Introduction The United States agriculture policy refers to periodically renewed federal farm bills or farm acts that govern programs related to farmers. These policies focus on income assistance, managing their lands, and avoiding soil erosion and other harmful environmental impacts. Some years back, the formulation of the united agriculture department was not allowed any direct ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1742

Aging Healthcare in the USA & Canada

Introduction America and Canada have different health systems when compared n health coverage, infrastructure, and their impacts on the aging population. Healthcare reform is a widely contested topic in the United States and much of the globe. In contrast to the health care systems of the United States and other nations, particularly the Canadian healthcare ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2795
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