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USA Essays

Essay on Space Race

The space race was a competition to acquire dominance in space travel between the US and the Soviet Union (cold war rivals). Its roots may be traced back to the post-World War II nuclear weapon rivalry in the twentieth century. The technological edge shown by spaceflight achievement was seen as necessary for nationwide safety, and ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 744

Racial Equality Is Vital for Policing

Over the past several years, police misconduct on racial minorities has been an exclusive topic across the United States. However, the police force has made tremendous changes that are meant to change its image in the public’s eyes. Progress has been made with more members of ethnic minorities being recruited in the police force. The ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2876
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Private Health Insurance and American Health Setup

Numerous diverse organizations are always providing health treatment. Private enterprise enterprises own and run the majority of health care facilities ( Kruk et al., 2018). While government programs pay directly for specific medical professionals and institutions, the majority of health care expenditures are protected by private health insurance, paid out of pocket, or a combination ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 770

Pregnancy in Prison

Pregnancy is common in prisons in the United States, where most of the women are detained when already pregnant. Some parties have been concerned about the data of the pregnant, especially special interest groups who are interested in the health of the pregnant inmates and the welfare of the children they give birth to (Sufrin, ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1400

Poverty as a Social Problem in the United States of America

Poverty is when individuals lack the socially acceptable and usual amount of money or possessions; hence, it exists when people lack ways to satisfy and meet their basic needs due to the lack of income and resources that can ensure a sustainable livelihood. Manifestations of poverty include; malnutrition, hunger, social discrimination, limited access to education, ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 846

Post War and Fight for Civil Rights

In the post-war era 1945-1968, African Americans in the U.S were determined to claim their position in society by fighting discrimination and racism practices in America. Therefore, the black community initiated the civil rights movement that saw the rise of vocal black leaders such as Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr. These two were ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 780

Legalization of Prostitution

In the rent past, prostitution has remained a sensitive topic not just in the United States but across the globe. At many times, arguments against prostitution center on concern for the safety and health of women, and those worries are unfounded. Prostitution is an extraordinarily dangerous job for the (mostly) women involved; death, physical abuse, ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2306

Essay on Family Violence

In the United States, family violence covers a range of behaviors committed by an individual against a family member. All the behaviors aim at controlling a family member through fear and include economic abuse, intentionally damaging property of a family member, sexual abuse, physical abuse, and any other behavior that makes a family member feel ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2042

Domestic Policy in the United States

Domestic policy can be referred to as the tactics and arrangements taken by the national policy to deal with needs present in the nation itself. In general, the federal government has established domestic policy, regularly in talks with local and state governments. The procedure of addressing the United States’ issues and relations with other countries ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 840

Civil Rights Movements in the US

Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s in the US achieved much progress in the fight for equality and rights of the minority. Martin Luther King Jr’s delivery of the speech, “I have a Dream,” marked a historical moment of victory for the Movement. Notably, different factions of the Movement convened in Washington, DC, to share ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 921

American Legal History

In what ways did the use of martial law in early America provoke enduring questions for the restriction of civil liberty in wartime? Martial law incorporates an impermanent substitution of military authority for civilian rule and is generally invoked in a natural disaster, rebellion, or war. Both the president and the Congress have the power ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1187

Essay on U.S. History

Zimmerman Telegram The popular Zimmermann Telegram was a confidential diplomatic communication discharged from the German Foreign Office in 1917. The telegram proposed a military alliance between Germany and Mexico if the United States entered WWI against Germany. In return, Germany would help Mexico reclaim the lost territory, including “Texas, New Mexico, California, and Arizona.” The ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1658

Transnational Corporate Restructuring Law

Part 1 (A) – Introduction When a judge disregards creditor arguments and approves a borrower’s restructuring plan, provided it is fair and transparent, this is referred to as a “cram down.” If a court approves the reorganization plan but not the conditions, the court may compel creditors to accept the terms. For many years, firms in ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2372

The Central Park Five Documentary

The Central Park Five documentary is an exciting piece of artwork as it revisited two New York nightmares in 1989. Violent crime coverage is a staple of American news, but only a handful of stories have caught the country’s attention. There is even less information about U.S. proceedings. DNA evidence, fingerprints, blood, or semen did not link ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1323
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