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Legalizing Marijuana in the State of the United States

Before the herb was illegal in the U.S., its people used it for various purposes, such as medicinal and stomachic. It is sold as a remedy for stomach upset or other related problems but has another purpose. It would be wrong to deny how humans have changed pots to improve consciousness for thousands of years. Still, changing your mind is not considered a bad thing. Overall, humans have used alcohol to improve our consciousness for thousands of years. The characterization of Marijuana as a hazardous drug is a story that begins as the new century arrives when we begin to see ways to talk about the relationship between marijuana use by Mexican and African-American migrants. As Lyman (393) of the Drugs Federal Bureau noted in 1933, “Most marijuana smokers are Negroes, Hispanics, jazz players, and artists. Their dark music is pot-powered, and white women who smoke weed make them seek sexual relations with Negroes, artists, and others.” (Lyman 399). The transformation of ordinary teens into juvenile criminals shows that explanations and justifications are usually not in the context of decisions to produce illegal Marijuana, classed by the researcher as level 1 opiates, like heroin, our country’s leaders.

Despite an essential way of pointing out that no drug is wholly chosen, Sweat is one of the safest mental altering drugs available to people. Recent research showing the benefits of Marijuana has changed the rating of drug-induced openness (Kesler 204). Today, research shows that most Americans would instead legalize Marijuana, at least for leisure for adults in their 30s. The cost of maintaining illegal drugs seems excessive for the most part. Also, while it’s important to consider the risks of medicines when considering sanctions, this is the perfect opportunity for change (Kesler 210). With a more visible understanding of Marijuana and her possessions, America’s view of the legitimacy of Marijuana appears to be changing, and that’s not surprising. With caution, Marijuana should be a legal drug in the United States.

The most potent claim about Marijuana sanctioning is how alcohol, another drug that regulates the mind, is legal. A 2014 United States poll showed that 59% of respondents believed Marian should be legal for adults in their 20s and assaulted “like alcohol” (Hall and Lynskey 1764). Even just a few years earlier, the research team could fill these changes with better data on cannabis risks. In comparison, there are specific fantasies that claim that Marijuana wasn’t habit-creating at all. It’s important to note that it was a habit-forming, indeed mental habit, which some medical experts say is terrible, and perhaps no worse than actual enlargement. However, you should think carefully about how you envision an addictive drug (Hall and Lynskey 1766). According to experts, only about 11% of heavy customers get addicted to Marijuana. While 25% to 35% of smokers are addicted to tobacco, and 17% of customers are addicted to alcohol (Hall and Lynskey 1767). Also, Marijuana here is a safer drug than alcohol. According to the Centers for Disease Control, there are over 90 000 alcohol uses every year, several of which get linked to liver and coronary artery disease and the spread of alcohol-related malignancies (Hall and Lynskey 1771). Despite how marijuana use cannot pose risks, including the lung damage associated with smoking, even lung infections are exciting and unrelated to lung cell damage.

Another claim for authorization for Marijuana is money. Since drugs are ubiquitous, a lot of revenue needs to get generated through transactions and tax collection. For example, Washington and Colorado, states that have recently endorsed Marijuana, have demonstrated the economic importance of legitimizing the illegal drug. In 2015, Washington state received more than $3 million in weed supply costs (Hall and Lynskey 1773). This amount is for one month. There are tremendous costs associated with the Marijuana Police Department and marijuana processing fees. A 2004 public report estimated that each year the United States spends approximately $7.6 billion on weed control, $3.8 billion on management, $853 million on courts, and US$3.1 billion on compensation (Hall and Lynskey 1775). For example, several cities and state police departments have shown that focusing on marijuana use requires significant time and resources to address more severe offenses. While these are strong claims about the legitimacy of weeds, few may wonder what a weed control treaty looks like. The United States looks no further than its close neighbor Colorado for the answer (Hall and Lynskey 1777). Weed regulations that mimic the framework established by Colorado appear legit, as rules apply to policies and tax collection. The 64th Amendment, Legitimizing and Controlling Marijuana, was passed in Colorado in 2012. Since then, the entire nation has witnessed what is possible in the state. The results so far are generally safe (Hall and Lynskey 1777). As stated in the adjustment, adults over the age of 20 may possess, use, and grow a limited amount of Marijuana. Marijuana gets calculated at alternate rates depending on the type of transaction.

There is a 16% withdrawal fee for all market transactions and an 11% fee for merchandising transactions (Cheng, et al. 1586). Given the relatively high percentage of costs, Colorado disapproves of deals in the underground market because the public is also acceptable to cultivate based on the new regulations. However, the arrangements are still high sufficient to generate substantial valuation revenue. Because Marijuana gets controlled like alcohol, anyone under 20 cannot buy it, and driving with THC (tetrahydrocannabinol, the primary synthetic product in weed) levels is illegal (Cheng, et al. 1593). Toilet magazines are kept behind the counter to prevent teens from appearing, much like erotic entertainment magazines. No drug is protected (Caulkins, et al. 79). Weeds are not entirely harmless, and neither is alcohol. With this in mind, some people argue that spices are more dangerous drugs and throat remedies than other drugs that are riskier. However, thoughtful research does not confirm a situation in which calendula is more complicated than alcohol (Caulkins, et al. 88). Research shows it is safer.

As demonstrated above, Marijuana is less addictive than alcohol and cigarettes. Because it is a psychological addiction (a severe type of impulse), it’s hard to argue that Marijuana should be illegal while alcohol is legal. In terms of wealth, while drinking Marijuana increases the likelihood of bent fenders, Marijuana poses a “lesser harm than alcohol” (Caulkins, et al. 93). Even though Marijuana needs to get identified, how it causes less inhibition than other well-known drugs is critical. Likewise, there is no evidence that herbs are more satisfying than alcohol as “change drugs.” (Caulkins, et al. 99). In the same vein, while it’s important to note that weed has real promise in creating brains, so does alcohol. As a result, efforts to keep Marijuana out of the hands of teenagers are significant. Since drinking among young people remains an easy choice in our lifestyle, steps can be taken as a weed approach to preventing the model-defined benefits of alcohol (Caulkins, et al. 104). Efforts should be made to avoid the spread of information about youth and prevent mind-altering drugs from coming under the control of young people, no matter how great their strategy is.

This opportunity is perfect for the United States to continue to make sensible decisions from states like Washington, Oregon, and Colorado to decriminalize Marijuana for grownups over 20 years old. Although there is no patented drug, research shows that Marijuana is harmless and less addictive compared to alcohol and cigarettes. As the states take a firm opinion in contrast to meaningless government regulation of the drug, conceivably, the U.S. will contemplate returning to its law. We can endure spending untold sums of money to combat the habit of adequately protected drugs, or we can make improvements, sanction Marijuana and see benefits for our obligations and revenues.

Works Cited

Caulkins, Jonathan P., et al. “How Stringent Is Marijuana Enforcement in the United States?” Marijuana Legalization, 2016.

Cheng, Cheng, et al. “THE EFFECT OF LEGALIZING RETAIL MARIJUANA ON HOUSING VALUES: EVIDENCE FROM COLORADO.” Economic Inquiry, vol. 56, no. 3, 2018, pp. 1585-1601.

Hall, Wayne, and Michael Lynskey. “Evaluating the public health impacts of legalizing recreational cannabis use in the United States.” Addiction, vol. 111, no. 10, 2016, pp. 1764-1773.

Kesler, Kody. “Marijuana Issues for Voters: Studying Issues US States Have Had with Legalizing Marijuana.” WRIT: Journal of First-Year Writing, vol. 2, no. 2, 2019.

Lyman, Michael D. “Legalizing Marijuana.” Drugs in Society, 2016, pp. 390-419.


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