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Culture Essays

The Hmong Peoples

The concept of identity is constructed both socially and historically. What do we consider the most important aspect of identity? How do we personally identify? Some consider their sex, ethnicity, race, or their sexual orientation, nationality, religion, age, etc. however, the question is, does identity change as you change who you are with, your involvement ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2629

Religion, Culture, and Terrorism

Introduction Terrorism is a long-standing occurrence in humanity’s civilization. It has been a part of social behavior for over 2000 years; however, no worldwide agreement was made on what constitutes terrorist acts. However, the most widely accepted definition is the use of or potential danger of using] attacks on civilians to achieve political goals. Thus, ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 801
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Culture, Globalization and Intercultural Adaptation

Individuals use culture, globalization and intercultural adaptation to interpret their experiences and to generate behavior based on the knowledge they have gained over time. Its significance and importance are also attributed to the pattern of human activities. Some cultural characteristics are learned behaviors, such as the way people dress. Cultural practices are a way of ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1426
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