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Culture Essays

Relating Humor and Social Perceptions

Introduction Humor helps us understand the value of social interactions since it plays a crucial role in enhancing communication, eliminating stress, and promoting human interaction. This insight can help identify the part of the humor in societal interaction and determine how people from multiple cultures respond to a given type of humor. Cultural dynamics determine ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2245

Differences Between American and Chinese Cultures

Introduction Contrasting cultures constitute the foundation of many facets of life, and whether variety leads to conflict or success frequently depends on the goals of the leaders of each country. As time goes on, ethnic clusters become more pronounced. In addition, the globalization of technology in our daily lives unifies and dissolves cultural borders. The ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1900
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Decolonising the Museum: Challenges and Opportunities

In recent years, decolonising museums has become a hot topic, particularly in art and culture. Roque (2020, p.66) defines decolonising museums as an activity that seeks to transform the evolutionary as well as a positivist aspect of a given exhibition into a co-curatorship under which the local communities opt to take precedence by participating in ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2172

How Culture and Social Institutions Change Over Time in Healthcare

Human interactions and relationships transform cultural and social institutions over time, profoundly affecting society. Social and cultural factors that affect health include education level, exposure to violence, religion, the way the community is designed and access to healthcare. Culture affects the perception of health, illness, and death. The beliefs about the cause of the disease ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1071

Memes Are Innovative Platform That Creates Social and Economic Value

Abstract This essay will delve into an innovative platform for memes where one can share memes on a platform built from the blockchain. The most outstanding feature of the platform is built on the tenet of upholding copyright for the meme makers. This platform will have an algorithm that will prevent users from copying other ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2313

Cultural Beliefs and Religion in Japan

As humans, we are defined and described by our culture, religion and beliefs. Cultural beliefs and religion are umbrella terms that encompass the norms, institutions, and social behavior that are found in our societies. Besides, they are the laws, customs, beliefs, capabilities, habits and knowledge that governs our society. Religion is an essential phenomenon in ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2458

Effects of Algorithms on Human Culture

Artificial intelligence, which stems from the algorithm, plays a significant role in augmenting human judgment. Our daily interaction with the algorithm is witnessed in many aspects of our lives, especially when selecting what information is most relevant to us on the internet. Search engines use algorithms to help internet users navigate the enormous volumes of ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1472

Impact of Ethics, Bias, and Culture on the Therapeutic Alliance

Introduction In therapeutic relationships, the counselors experience ethical issues which are complex to solve, and this affects how they deal with the clients and the relationship after the sessions. Counselors serve many clients who come from different cultural backgrounds and who have different beliefs and values. These professionals must determine how they will handle these ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1601

Global Management and Culture

Introduction Culture is a significant part of people’s existence. It can be shared, symbolic, learned, integrated, dynamic, and learned. Culture has a considerable influence in shaping the everyday experiences of human beings that eventually determine an individual’s traditions, personality, social dynamics, customs, norms, and values. The essentiality of culture is evident in all spheres of ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3834

Humanities Influence on Culture

Humanities provide a comprehensive understanding of art, linguistics, philosophy, and history, among other things. Nonetheless, depending on the circumstances in which the term “humanities” is employed or applied, the interpretation may vary. However, the report will concentrate on humanity as a study discipline and how it impacts culture in this section. On the other hand, ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 975

Diversity and Culture

Introduction A workplace is a complex place where diverse factors influence one’s output. These factors include implicit bias, microaggression, multigenerational historical trauma, emotional triggers, and bullying. These are factors that the employees and employers should understand since they directly influence inclusion, diversity, and equality in the workplace. Therese sensitive factors that influence workplace relations are ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2106

Culture as a Social Determinant of Health

Culture is one of the most significant factors in the populations’ health. It refers to how different individuals have been shaped to live their lives. Culture has a strong influence over the acts carried out by different people. Individual thinking is affected by the culture they come from. Some people turn stereotypical and accept change ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1188

How History Reflects the Culture of a Society

Among the most significant academic interests in every person’s schooling involves history. Humans may study how historical civilizations, institutions, philosophies, regimes, cultures, and technology were constructed, why they functioned, and why they evolved throughout history (Datta, 2017). The globe’s extensive past allows us to represent where we are accurate. Improving one’s understanding of history entails ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 968

The Culture and Ethics Paper

Introduction The recent rapid expansion of the economic environment has encouraged a similarly rapid growth of the global business environment. To manage the ever-increasing global business competition, effective leadership is recognized as the most essential part. Leaders control and take charge of the operations of the organization and good leaders set optimistic goals through strategic ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 769

History and Analysis of Pacific Islands

Origins of the People The timeline of the pacific islands’ prehistory relates to the period 33,000 years ago before writing records. Migration in the islands began more than 40,000 years ago, from the history of archaeology in the archipelago of Bismarck. All islands had been inhabited by the 2nd millennium. Europeans arrived in the 16th century. They ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3119
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