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Religion Essays

Structured Exploration of J. Alec Motyer’s Commentary on the Book of Isaiah

Introduction Alec Motyer’s “The Prophecy of Isaiah: “Introduction & Commentary” remains one of those very works that demonstrated the layers of depth the Book of Isaiah has. As an eminent Old Testament Scholar whose experience boosts the scholarly background of his commentary, Motyer’s substantial background diversifies the scholarly canvas upon which he ventures. His message, ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1486

Ethnographic Project: Summary

Introduction In the book “Finding Mecca in America,” Mucahit Bilici describes Islam as becoming an American religion from the perspective of immigrants and converts to Islam. The novel touches on cultural settlement, explaining how American Muslims embrace and find harmony between the host culture and Islamic values. This is seen through reflection of five key ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1171
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The Influence of Christianity and Religion on the American Government

Politics and faith are linked, so Christianity and the American government are also linked. Many layers of Christian influence on the American government go back to history and national ideals. This essay looks at this relationship without any political or ideological bias. Christian views have affected the American government through laws and court decisions. Many ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1721

Discuss the Reading of Justin Martyr First Apology and How It Is Relevant to the 21st Century.

Justin Martyr’s First Apology is a fundamental theological text written in the second century, addressing Antoninus Pius, the Roman Emperor, and his sons. In this reading, Justin disapproves of the claims that Christianity was promoting immorality, atheism, and disloyalty to the Roman government. Justin presents Christianity as the most convincing and true religion and philosophy ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 715

The Intersection of Religion and Nature in Highway’s Life

Tomson Highway’s book, Permanent Astonishment, tells the story of a Cree child growing up in the sub-arctic region of Canada. The book extensively discusses the traditional ways of living on land coupled with the experiences of learning and living in a faraway Residential School. Informed by gratitude, Highway’s story helps one comprehend the uncompromising weight of historical ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 889

The Case for Christ: The Medical Evidence

Whether Jesus’ resurrection took place after his crucifixion lies at the core of the belief in Christianity. Lee Strobel, the ex-atheist of The Case for Christ, tackles the medical evidence of the death and resurrection of Jesus through his interview with a medical examiner, Dr. Alexander Metherell. In the book, Metherell gives a detailed medical ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2551

Summary of One of Moreland’s Arguments for the Beginning of the Universe

Moreland’s argument for the world’s origin extends Kalām’s cosmological argument that since everything that begins to exist has a cause and the universe began to live, it must have a reason. It is possible that a philosophy of the difficulties associated with positing such a chain of passage to arrive at the present moment would ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 843

Taoist and Buddhist Elements- Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai

In the film “Ghost Dog: “Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai,” a movie directed by Jim Jarmusch, the protagonist of the movie is symbolized by Ghost Dog, who mirrors the characteristics of a samurai warrior from the ancient Bushido code within a contemporary setting. The story ventures into the principle of fidelity together with ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 954

The Cost of Discipleship

Introduction In Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s renowned book “The Cost of Discipleship,” the author expounds on the deep adventurousness of being a Christian. Bonhoeffer deserves credit for analyzing the Sermon on the Mount and the teachings of Christ about the essence of discipleship, in which He highlighted the sacrificial nature of the Christian life. Therefore, this critical ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1461

A Primal Insight to Death in Hinduism

Hinduism, a religion of thousands of years, penetrates a deep and manifold outlook on death, shaped by scholarly insights, artistic representation, or even intimate personal narratives. With a deep rooting in old scriptures, diverse cultural practices, and rich mythology, Hindu perceptions of death are not just mere physical cessation but often reveal a deep and ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1027

Catholic Religious Communities in the USA

Catholic religious communities in the USA Name Institution Course Instructor Date Catholic religious communities in the USA With the Papacy located in Rome, the Roman Catholic Church is the biggest Christian denomination worldwide. It is centered on the liturgy, sacraments, and Apostolic tradition. Bishoprics, parishes, and religious organizations with millions of followers worldwide are the ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 724

The 44 Diaries by Holifield

Holifield, in his “The Religion of the Protestant Child in America,” consisting of the chapter “Let the Children Come,” reveals the spaces of 44 diaries written by American children in the initial period from 1770 to 1861. By taking the first-hand accounts of these tales, readers get varied perspectives on the religious lives of the ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 796

Eastern Religion: Origins, Principles, and Practices

Christianity is a monotheistic religion based on the teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the saviour of humankind. Christians adhere to the belief in a triune God: Father-Son-Spirit. Central pillars of Christianity encompass salvation through believing in Jesus as the only Son of God, the reinstatement ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1591

Can We All Get Along? Exploring Communication and Multicultural

Interviewer: Thank you, and see you, Azbah, for giving me this chance to talk in this interview. Firstly, we will discuss your religious background to figure out your religious beliefs and the experiences you have encountered regarding the same. Are you willing to disclose your ethnicity, spiritual integration, age, and sex, and if you are ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1558

Positionality and Research

Introduction Religion and social justice are interlinked because they promote human’s overall wellness. A Biblical standpoint teaches Christians to seek God’s standard of right and wrong, adopting a lifestyle that encourages service to others. This concept reinforces the idea that social justice is God’s extension of love and work in defending and safeguarding vulnerable individuals ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 738
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Essays On Religion

Religion has shaped our culture, society, history and current political landscape. With more than 4000 religions worldwide it is a widespread and significant topic that most people can relate to in one way or another. Even for those who don’t prescribe to traditional religion, there are plenty of ways to connect to the topic of religion or even how it doesn’t relate to you.

How to write an essay on religion

The importance of fact-checking, reliable sources, and impartiality cannot be overstressed when talking about writing an essay on religion. Fact-checking and using reliable sources will help you make sure you’re not making incorrect or biased claims. Religion is one of the more divisive topics you can choose for an essay, and repeating biased and untrue information can get you into a heap of trouble or, at the very least, alienate your audience.

When finding sources, you can do a CRAAP test to reassure yourself that the source can be trusted. Before using a source, ask yourself if it is:

Current- Is the information outdated?

Relevant- Is this related to your topic, or completely out of left field?

Authoritative- Who published this, and what are their credentials?

Accurate- Is there evidence or other support for these claims?

Purposeful- What is the purpose of this publication? What is it aiming to do?

The structure of an essay on religion will most often fall under the classic structure of a piece, with an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion. You may choose a different format depending on the subset of the paper you chose (narrative, argumentative, expository, etc..…).

What can you talk about in an essay on religion?

Religion is a worldwide subject that’s as old as our society, so there’s plenty to talk about. Lean into the topic, research it well, and go as broad or narrow as you want.

Topics you can cover in a religion essay include:

• Religion’s impact on world history
• Church and state in the modern world
• Polytheism VS monotheism
• Psychology of religion: How it affects a person’s life and views
• Interreligious dialogue
• Will religions ever disappear?
• Little-known religions

If you still don’t know how to start, essay examples on this page may help you set your thoughts and start writing.

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