In the book “Finding Mecca in America,” Mucahit Bilici describes Islam as becoming an American religion from the perspective of immigrants and converts to Islam. The novel touches on cultural settlement, explaining how American Muslims embrace and find harmony between the host culture and Islamic values. This is seen through reflection of five key themes: the compass of Mecca, English as a language, the redirection of America into Islam, the development of American Muslim culture, and the function of Islamic institutions in America(Bilici, 2012). Through examining different case studies and personal stories, Bilici concludes that the high directionality towards Mecca is one of the key points that make up the Muslim experience in America. For Muslims, whether they physically travel to Mecca or spiritually through their devotion and yearning, Mecca is the ultimate destination. Muslims pray in the direction of the Kabbah, located in Mecca, and it is also where millions of Muslims around the world visit to perform hajj or pilgrimage(Bilici, 2012). Thus, it becomes a unifying and identity-forming symbol. The sharpness of the English language is a mighty issue in the making of an American Muslim, as is witnessing the struggle to translate one’s religion into a new language and new environment.
Muslims are viewed as immigrants and are the focus of the study on naturalization. They should be well integrated into their new country to become full citizens; they strive to accomplish this. It demands renting the balance between their Islamic belief as well as traditions and the American culture that primarily results in a distinct American Muslim identity different from the traditional Islamic identity. It has been under the influence of Islamic institutions in the USA that is a sort of platform where members of the Muslim community can communicate, educate, and practice their religion in a foreign land. He does this by building his approach on the theoretical framework of cultural sociology and hermeneutics, where the interpretation of cultural phenomena is emphasized as the primary focus (Bilici, 2012). This study is conducted with a reflection that focuses on the incidents and views of Muslim immigrants and converts to understand how they assimilate into the culture of America while holding onto their Islamic identity.
Chapter 2: “The English Language and Islam: Genealogy of an Encounter”
Based on chapter 2 of the book, Bilici discusses the social aspects of how English and Islamic cultures have interacted in America over time. He talks about the difficulties of Muslim immigrants who are used to speaking a foreign language and trying to adapt to the new culture and about the efforts of Muslims who are considering transforming English into a “Muslim language.” This chapter examines a contradiction between the roots and the state of being an American, all of which formed the new identity of Islam in America. Bilici further addresses the function of translation that has been instrumental in segmenting the gap between English and Islam. It is also apparent that the perception of Muslim immigrants in American society has been influenced through translation.
His exploration of “linguistic Islam” revolves around using Arabic and other languages with deep roots in Islam to strengthen cultural and social identity(Bilici, 2012). The author reflects on the difficulties of Muslim Americans in keeping their Islamic speech and spirituality intact while using English in a society where they need to adjust and integrate. It has led to the birth of a hybrid identity. Bilici applies multiple approaches using various theories, such as the one proposed by Benedict Anderson concerning “imagined communities,” to elaborate on how language is used to consolidate the group identity. Drawing on the thesis of sociology Pierre Bourdieu, it also explores the use of power and vulnerability of the language and social positions of immigration groups.
Bilici illustrates the Muslim community’s view on the Qur’an translation into English and the discussion of the English language in Friday sermons. He, in addition, explains how the English language has become a tool in the somehow perceiving of Islam in America and that it is sometimes used to label every Muslim as an outsider or a foreigner(Bilici, 2012). The writing emphasized an alternative view of the bond between language and Islam in America. According to Bilici’s arguments, a more comprehensive and deep understanding of linguistic and cultural factors can contribute to bridging the cultural gap between Native Americans and Muslims and the renewed existence of living together in society.
The conclusion of this chapter examines how Muslim perceptions and approaches to the English language have evolved, shifting from initial defensive suspicion to an embrace and adaptation of English to fit an Islamic worldview and lifestyle (Bilici, 2012). It traces the tension Muslims, especially immigrants, felt between the authentic Islamic conception of the world and the linguistic structures of English. Thinkers like Al-Faruqi articulated a vision of “Islamic English” – bending and reshaping English to properly accommodate Islamic concepts and remove its perceived Christian/colonial baggage.
As Muslims became more settled in English-speaking societies, there was a need to standardize and establish agreed-upon rules around “Islamic English” practices. Once achieved, the earlier anxieties around Muslims using English would recede into the background as a new accepted linguistic order emerges. The process of culturally settling Islam within the linguistic habitat of English-speaking America is ongoing, producing tensions that require Muslim leaders to transform the current diversity of practices into standardized norms. The “triumph” of this new Islamic linguistic system will provide an orientation currently lacking in the relationship between English and American Muslims.
An ethnography is the study of a people/culture, and in this book, Bilici is studying American Muslims, some of whom are immigrants and some who are already U.S. citizens. So far, this book is very interesting. As a Muslim American myself, most of the topics in the book were familiar to me, which is part of why I chose it in the first place. Based on my feeling, this book is very accurate for many Muslims, especially when Bilici mentioned how the attack on September 11 changed everything for Muslims in America, which is still relevant to this day. In class, we discussed the importance of language, and for many Muslims, Arabic is very sacred(Bilici, 2012). Sure, there are many translations of the Quran, but most of the time, the true meaning gets lost in translation since Arabic is such an articulate language. So, it is very hard to understand the true meaning of the Quran unless you know or study Arabic. This is why it is so important for Muslim Americans to preserve the Arabic language and to teach their children the language as well.
Bilici, M. (2012). Finding Mecca in America: How Islam Is Becoming an AmericanReligion. University of Chicago Press.