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Culture Essays

The Amish Community and its Culture

Introduction Amish, also referred to as the Amish Mennonite or the Plain people, refers to the members of a Christian group mainly situated in North America. The history of the community can be traced back to the 16th century during the reformation in Europe. The Anabaptist movement led to the creation of three communities which ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3082

What is a Monster?

In the modern world, the monster is perceived to a term that subjects forth feelings of fear and repulsion via a body constructed with the ugliness that implies evil and an immediate signifier of something wrong. However, the monster is thought to have originated from a Latin word, “monstrum,” which is known to be an ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1763
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Indigenous Traditional Practices

The Healing Circle Healing circles are sacred events involving individuals committed to helping one another in prayer. It is crucial to note that these activities are conducted ceremony-like, where people have small talks, pray, sing, and dance. At Niijkiwendidaa Anishnaabekwewag Services Circle (NASC), the healing circle provides a platform where indigenous people share their sorrows, ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1454

Culture and Communication

Culture and communication are inextricably linked, as they are essential elements that shape and influence our understanding of the world. The relationship between these two is complex and multi-dimensional because as culture shapes the way we communicate, communication, on the other hand, plays a crucial role in shaping and maintaining cultural norms and practices. In ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 886

The Rise of the Korean Cultural Economy and Pop-Culture

The growth of Korean Pop-Culture and cultural economics According to Rolling Stone, “The Korean Wave” (Hallyu) is the cultural export of South Korea’s cultural business, encompassing its pop culture, entertainment, music, and films (2020). Beginning in China and Japan, Hallyu swiftly spread to Southeast Asia and other parts of the world, where it has had ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 844

Research on Tokyo City

Introduction The capital of Japan is also the biggest city in the nation, Tokyo. It is a city that is rich in Culture, full of life, and stunning, and it is home to some of the country’s most innovative technologies and creative minds. One of the most visited cities in the world, Tokyo is known ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1468

Chicana (Chicano) Community

The Chicana/o community is a collective term used to refer to people of Mexican heritage who identify as Chicana/o in the United States. This community comprises individuals with diverse backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives, but a shared history, language, culture, and identity unify them. Chicana/o is a gender-inclusive term used to refer to Mexican-American women and ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1110

Extended Definition of Abaya

Clothing is an essential part of every culture, and it is a part of a culture’s identity and its people. In my country Saudi Arabia Abaya is a cultural identity clothing; it defines the Saudi Arabia woman. Women wear Abaya because of the Islamic religious traditions and as per the Saudi Arabian culture and customs ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 867

Personal Culture and Worldview

Unique cultures and worldviews significantly shape the way we view the world. Our values, beliefs, and experiences form unique cultures. Our values and experiences also shape our attitudes, behaviors, and decision-making. Therefore, culture is integral to our identity, and understanding helps us understand our environment and various contemporary issues. Unique culture and worldview are essential ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1289

Chinese Archaeology and Tourism

In revitalizing its tourism sector, China emphasizes protecting and conserving its historical and archaeological sites. Again, while also indulging in sustainable development measures to ascertain the security of its historic site, the nation enhances its management system to encourage heritage tourism. Much research has been done on China’s archaeology and its role in tourism. The ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1796

Why Are Romance Narratives in Popular Culture Problematic

Mass media has come to play a crucial role in shaping the social norms of modern society. Some unrealistic expectations about romantic love result from the constant barrage of fairy-tale depictions of romantic love in popular culture movies, TV, books, magazines, records, radio, advertisements, and the news beginning at a young age. It is important ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1358

Public Presentations and Private Concerns: Archaeology in the Pages of National Geographic

Introduction Joan Gero and Dolores Root examine how archaeology is represented in National Geographic and how it has been tied to the formation of the dominant political ideology in the United States. The authors argue that the magazine’s coverage of archaeology helps to further the ideological goals and perspectives of American expansionism and capitalism. The ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 866

Personal Culture Essay

The Seven Dimensions of Culture provide a framework for understanding the various observable characteristics of different societies. While it’s not always easy to describe how culture operates, the various elements have helped me do just that. Members of my family were both Peruvian and Christian. The universalist-pragmatist divide addresses the rigidity or malleability of governing ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 887

Music in China

Introduction Music has always had a powerful impact on society and culture, and it has often been used to convey political and ideological messages. Throughout history, music has been used as a tool for propaganda, to inspire and mobilize people, and to express dissent and resistance. The history of music in China dates back thousands ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1029
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