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Introduction to Japan Culture

Japan is widely celebrated for its culture, traditions, and economic stability. With a longstanding history of success, there are many reasons why businesses should consider venturing into the Japanese market. When considering the country to invest in, japan has a lot of potential for business growth and performance. The people of japan enjoy divergent cultures, and over time they have leant to associate and appreciate foreigners with a different cultures. Business always thrives when the local community or the external environment is conducive to doing business. An environment where you set up a new business plays a crucial role in determining its success. If intensive research and in-depth analysis of the culture where the business is located needs to be done or adequately undertaken, the business will always meet obstacles and resistance. Therefore, understanding and appreciating Japan’s culture is essential in determining the business’s success. Japan’s culture is known for its emphasis on communication, focusing on politeness, formality, and respect. Understanding the implicit and explicit cultural norms and expectations can enhance the success and growth of a business venturing into Japan.

Greeting Customers

In Japan, the cultural aspect of greeting customers is of paramount importance. The Japanese culture prioritizes civility and respect, especially when it comes to customer service. The first impression a business makes on a customer is crucial. Therefore it’s important to greet them with friendliness and respect (Ito, 2019). Customers are typically greeted with a bow in Japan. The hands are clasped in front of the body, and the head is bowed low in a profound bow. As a sign of courtesy and welcome, this bow is used to express reverence and politeness.

The ramification of this can be in customer service sector. They may feel disrespected and decide to take their business elsewhere if they are not treated with dignity. Businesses in Japan would do well to train their staff to recognize the value of a warm and friendly greeting for both the company and its customers (Suzuki, 2019). Understanding how to respectfully greet customers can impact customer loyalty. This will help ensure the development of a great customer experience and the maintenance of a business’s reputation for providing outstanding customer service.

Special Safety and Health Concerns

Japan is renowned for its safety and health culture. This culture is profoundly founded in the country’s historic values and is an essential component of the business world. In Japan, there is a considerable emphasis on minimizing risk and proactive safety and health precautions for employees. A variety of regulations have been enacted by the Japanese government to ensure that workplace safety and health are treated seriously.

Employers are expected to implement safety and health strategies in the workplace. These plans must be evaluated and updated on a regular basis and contain preventative actions for illnesses and injuries (Duryan et al., 2020). Employers must offer a safe and healthy workplace, and employees must get safety training. Also, a variety of safety and health concerns must be addressed. Employers must, for instance, guarantee that all equipment is properly maintained and that employees have access to the appropriate protective equipment. In addition to emergency response plans, there should be procedures in place to address potential hazards such as toxic compounds and hazardous waste. Employers must also guarantee that any possible safety and health concerns are addressed promptly. Issues should be examined and resolved expeditiously, and corrective action should be done as necessary


One of the most pervasive and prominent stereotypes of Japanese culture is the “Japanese” person. This stereotype is built on the notion of an industrious, disciplined, and respectable person who is friendly, modest, and willing to please. The issue of stereotypes in Japanese culture is very real and has consequences for its inhabitants (Suzuki, 2019). This can result in discrimination and bias, since individuals may be viewed and treated differently based on their perceptions of the “average” Japanese individual. In a culture where everyone is expected to conform to a particular stereotype, individuals may be less likely to express their individual identity and values.

Regarding business, the Japanese culture places a premium on respect and dignity. Employees are required to display respect for their bosses and devotion to the firm. As a result, originality and innovation may not be encouraged, as staff are expected to follow set courses and processes. This can lead to business growth stagnation, as the company may be unable to capitalize on fresh ideas or external factors.

Gender-related customs

Japanese culture is still predominantly patriarchal, but gender equality and mutual respect are highly valued. In contemporary Japan, however, gender roles are less rigidly defined. Women are becoming increasingly accepted in the workforce, and many households now have additional income. Gender roles still persist. This can result in unequal chances and compensation for women in the workplace (Macleod, 2018). This can negatively impact both the economics and the morale of female employees. In order to build a thriving and productive workplace, it is crucial for Japanese enterprises to ensure that men and women have equal access to opportunities and compensation.


Most Japanese people speak Japanese, which is the country’s official language. In Japan, English is also frequently used, particularly in the business and tourism sectors. Depending on where they reside, a large portion of Japanese people also speak a regional dialect (Inkster, 2020). This is crucial for the company since owners and managers can employ locals who are fluent in both languages to increase productivity and improve customer service. The issue is that some business operators may fail to understand Japanese and this can lead to misinformation.

Appropriate business and Causal Dress

Dressing appropriately in Japan is a culture that has been cultivated over a long time. This culture can impact the business as dressing code of the employees defines the culture of the organization and the reputation of the brand. However there is traditional dress code or dressing according to cultural events. Therefore business must be aware of this issue and be ready to navigate the existing traditional norms (Macleod, 2018). This culture has a huge ramification to efficiency and reputation of an organization operating in japan. It is still important to dress modestly, however the cultural issue in Japan is that although gender roles have become more fluid, traditional attitudes about dressing.

In conclusion, the culture of Japan is renowned for placing a strong emphasis on communication, along with formality, politeness, and respect. Understanding the implicit and explicit cultural norms and expectations can enhance success and growth of a business venturing in Japan. From the discussion above it is clear that understanding the culture of japan is critical for any business wishing to operate and transact in business. Understanding and appreciating the divergent culture will create a way that all the people interact and transact business without any challenges.


Ito, S. (2019). Enhancing shitsuke: a planned change intervention model for convenience stores in Japan. The TQM Journal, 31(1), 70-93.

Macleod, D.S. (2018) “Cross-cultural cross-dressing: Class, gender and modernist sexual identity,” Orientalism Transposed, pp. 63–85. Available at:

Suzuki, D. T. (2019). Zen and Japanese culture (Vol. 334). Princeton University Press.

Duryan, M., Smyth, H., Roberts, A., Rowlinson, S., & Sherratt, F. (2020). Knowledge transfer for occupational health and safety: Cultivating health and safety learning culture in construction firms. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 139, 105496.

Inkster, I. (2020) “Introduction: Culture and technology in Japan,” Culture And Technology In Modern Japan [Preprint]. Available at:


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