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Artificial Intelligence Essays

Artificial Intelligence Regulation

Throughout time, progress and advancement have been the hallmark of humanity. Invention has been driven by the necessity to make human life easier and more efficient. Since the creation of the wheel, humanity has actively engaged in transformative endeavors that have seen life become easier and human activity increase in productivity and output. Fear of ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3243

Essay on Artificial Intelligence

Introduction Artificial Intelligence represents a watershed moment in contemporary science and technology (Dick, 2019). It is the process of automating machines in order for them to acquire intelligence. The concept is astounding in and of itself! Humanity has done a big and admirable achievement. It does, however, raise the question, “Did we go too far ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1653
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US Sports Industry

How can data-driven platforms and artificial intelligence help organizations? Data-driven platforms operate on a specified given set of data. This facilitates quick decision-making by business organizations. On the other hand, artificial intelligence enables an organization to draw insights. This assists them in improving their decision-making skills. Data-driven platforms and artificial intelligence assist organizations understand their ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1006

Understanding the Role of Artificial Intelligence in Marketing of Organisations

Introduction Firm strategy and business paradigms vary because of technological breakthroughs, such as PCs, the Internet, and cell phones. As a result of these improvements, firms are better able to manage consumer needs and deliver services. Aside from these findings, it has been found that knowledge-based organisations develop, share, and utilise knowledge as a fundamental ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2447

The Impact of Nursing Informatics on Patient Outcomes and Patient Care Efficiencies

Nursing informatics denotes the practice and the science applied in integrating nursing knowledge and information along with technology to manage and integrate health information. Nursing informatics helps in reducing the chances of encountering medical errors within the healthcare organization and all the associated costs. The combination of training staff, indulging in best practices, and process ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2145

The Economics of AI

Thomas Sowell stated that the primary lesson of economics is scantiness: it is hardly sufficient to contain the individuals who want it, and the primary lesson of politics is to assume the primary lesson of economics. However, the advanced wave of AI brings intelligence to us and prediction, a crucial element of intelligence. Artificial Intelligence ... Read More
Pages: 17       Words: 4478

The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Consumer Behaviors

Abstract These findings are intended to help retailers better understand how AI is changing consumer behavior in the US retail sector. The study employed a quantitative research method. The core data will be gathered via an online survey. The convenience sampling approach will be used. This research has a 400-person sample size. The data will ... Read More
Pages: 18       Words: 4950

The Future of Artificial Intelligence Systems in Acquisition and Fulfillment Process

Most organizations and departments heavily depend on information and data for normal operations. Similarly, the majority of government institutions depend on information too. As a result, these institutions spend enormous financial resources feeding their system with information. Furthermore, the process entails a repetitive process that consumes a majority of employees and institutional time. Office automation ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 640

Supervised Learning Approach in Cloud Computing

Abstract Supervised Machine Learning is a machine learning technique that helps in capturing the knowledge regarding input/output relationships that are present in the training set, also known as a specified set of pairs of the training sample. Due to the fact that the output data is utilized to monitor labels throughout the training sample operation, these ... Read More
Pages: 24       Words: 6412

Marketing Health Insurance

Introduction One of the best aspects that keep health insurance companies in the business is advancement in marketing. Currently, the eruption of the covid-19 pandemic has increased the influx of people who need health insurance covers. Insurers are struggling due to increased demand for online and offline support services. To keep up with the pace ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1501

How Artificial Intelligence Can Be Used To Tackle Climate Change

Introduction Climate change is a menace affecting almost every part of the planet, and its impacts are devastating. Several factors lead to climate change, but human beings’ activities are the main contributors. With the current rate of climate change, the survival of future generations is at higher risk unless an effective approach is used to ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1209

Artificial Intelligence and Gamification in Education

Introduction There has been a significant transformation related to modern technology in education in the modern era. Artificial intelligence (AI) uses machines and applications as opposed to the use of natural intelligence demonstrated by humans. Artificial intelligence in education has been a significant development meant to aid learning to be more efficient and steadfast when ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1214

What Will Happen to Our Democracy if More and More Decisions Are Being Made by Algorithms?

First and foremost, people must recognize that technology, including digital communications and social media, is a critical component of democracy. Also, democracy aided the development and application of technology (Fukuyama et al, 2021). This has incited some distresses on the way algorithms and the organizations that create them maybe influence public’s opinions in substantial manners. ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1619

Contemporary Application of Artificial Intelligence in Facial Recognition

Executive summary Several technologies associated with biometrics get many reactions; some are negative and others positive, just like facial recognition. Face recognition is considered very accurate when combined with artificial intelligence, and at the same time, it can be trespassing. This report focuses on applying artificial intelligence in facial recognition by looking at and examining ... Read More
Pages: 18       Words: 4774

Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Global Diplomacy

Introduction It is the age of technology. With the increase in automatization more and more countries across the globe have developed and are developing systems that no longer require human beings to operate. Indeed, these new creations are not only automated but also autonomous. Significant developments in artificial intelligence (AI) over the past two decades ... Read More
Pages: 18       Words: 4711
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