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Artificial Intelligence and the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Hendrickx, A. (2017). Solving Artificial Intelligence’s Privacy Problem. Field Actions Science Reports. The Journal of Field ActionsSpecial Issue 17, 80–83.

In this report, Hendrikx offers a solution to the current privacy issue concerning the application of Artificial intelligence. The publication first discusses individual privacy issues in general concerning AI. The author acknowledges that machine learning resembles statistical models that learn from data acquired through their algorithms. However, tracking these data while preserving people’s privacy is one of the significant challenges facing the implementation of AI today. Hendrikx argues that in the coming decades, the development of AI will depend on how they access a large pool of data. The author then proposes the development and deployment of modern privacy-enhancing technologies (PET) as a measure to solve the privacy issue. He is confident that PET will allow access to data transparently and safely, which will unlock the AI’s more tremendous potential.

Ndungu, N. & Signé, N. (2020, January 8). The Fourth Industrial Revolution and digitization will transform Africa into a global powerhouse. Brookings.

In this publication, Ndungu and Signé attempt to prove that the fourth industrial revolution and digitization will change Africa into a global powerhouse. They explore six overarching themes that present opportunities for Africa to overcome its hindrances and promote more inclusive growth. These themes include encouraging economic growth and structural shift by promoting information flow to solve the asymmetry information problems in the labor and financial markets, hence spurring efficiency. According to the publication, African countries should also use the fourth industrial revolution and digitization to fight poverty and inequality, reinvent labor, skills, and production, increase financial services and investment, modernize agriculture and agro-industries, and improve health care and human capital. The authors advise that Africa fix the labor-skills mismatch, enhance agile governance, and develop its physical and digital infrastructure to overcome challenges during the revolution.

Schwab, K. (2016, January 14). The Fourth Industrial Revolution: what it means, how to respond. World Economic Forum.

This forum is aimed to increase awareness of the fourth industrial revolution and its links to artificial intelligence. Schwab opens the discussion with a detailed explanation of how the process pertains. He then shifted the forum to challenges and opportunities presented by the fourth industrial revolution. The conference takes a comprehensive focus on the opportunities presented by technology to businesses, people, and governments. The author ends the discussion with how the relevant stakeholders can better shape the future during the revolution.

Sharma, G. D., Yadav, A., & Chopra, R. (2020). Artificial Intelligence and Effective Governance: A Review, Critique and Research Agenda. Sustainable Futures, 100004.

In this journal article, Sharma et al. offer an overview of how AI is applied to different government sectors. It aims to assess the link between the application of AI and effective governance as described in the existing literature. The authors used qualitative research methodologies and secondary data from 74 papers from science databases. They then present an organizing framework giving different areas relating to governance and highlighting areas where more needs to be done about digital management. They found a direct link between AI application in healthcare, fashion, ICT, education, cultural and social factors, and effective governance. Therefore, the article concludes that AI benefits the government and its administration positively.

Uzialko, A. (2019, April 22). How Artificial Intelligence Is Transforming Business. Business News Daily.

In this internet source, Uzialko discusses how AI will transform businesses in the coming decades. He starts by discussing the meaning of AI, including its examples, and later links it with companies today. The article includes a brief overview of the future of AI in business, followed by the effects of AI on labor, which the existing literature offers as a critique of the AI application. It narrows down to how AI is expected to affect skills and workers as automation of tasks take charge. In conclusion, Uzialko shows that if the business employs AI positively and in the required manner, it can harvest great fruits regarding returns and profits. In addition, it is possible to create more jobs using AI only if it is implemented at the right angle.


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